Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Direct Mail: A Proven Way to Generate Leads for Your Business



Direct mail has long been a proven way to generate leads for your real estate investing business. Direct mail marketing is a form of legacy marketing which is just another way of saying it’s been around for a long time. It’s a proven strategy for lead generation. And I can tell you this, it still works today. From a marketing perspective, one thing I love about direct mail marketing is that you can get very targeted with your mailings so that you are reaching the right people with the right message. When it comes to generating leads for off-market properties, it is hands down the only way to reach most off-market sellers. Listen in as I go over some pretty impressive statistics to back this up. Key Highlights: [00:01 - 04:29] Opening Segment • How direct mail is a great return over time and can be put on autopilot • 86% of marketers are investing in direct mail marketing today  90% are combining direct mail with digital marketing • How you can increase the amount you spend on direct mail over time [04:30 - 09