Profitable Farmer

Podcast 113 - Invest in YOURSELF



So often in this game, we attend only the training put on by the R&D extension agencies or free events by our advisers. So often, we wait for a grant to become available before we commit to a course, or we focus on improving our skills ONLY when there is a subsidy or sponsorship toward the funding of it.  My point is: So many farmers don’t invest enough in themselves! In this episode, Andrew ‘Robbo’ Roberts (Farm Owners Academy Co-Founder) & I re-connect and focus on the impact of making a significant investment in your own development. We reflect on how a commitment of $25,000 toward a business coaching certificate changed everything for each of us. In farming, we will buy flashy cars, new Utes and all the plant & equipment we might need, yet neglect one of the single best investments we can make! In this episode, Robbo & I explore the following: the importance of investing in ourselves; why people don’t do this and what this can mean; why people can be closed to learning new concepts &a