Whoa Podcast About Horses Horsemanship

Mastering the Art of Colt Starting with Shawn Dunn



Mastering the Art of Colt Starting with Shawn Dunn As a seasoned colt-starter with over three decades of experience working with horses across the country, Shawn Dunn has a unique insight into the art of colt starting. From the basics of training to the finer details of horse behavior, Shawn has seen it all and is eager to share his knowledge with others. In this episode, we delve into the world of colt starting and learn about Shawn's approach to horse training. We also explore the importance of starting a horse off on the right foot and the long-term impact it can have on the horse's life. The Art of Colt Starting Colt starting is often considered an art form, requiring a special set of skills and a deep understanding of horse behavior. It is the process of taking a young horse and teaching it the basics of life under saddle. According to Shawn, the key to successful colt starting is understanding that each horse is unique and requires a tailored approach. He believes that the earlier you start training a