All Things Vanéx

76. r/AITA. Daughter dyed her hair badly and refuses to go to school



INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE Music Can't believe this is happening but here we go. Daughter (14) has always been naturally blond, however the last few months brown hair has been coming through her roots. She has asked us if she can dye it earlierbthis month. We said yes, but only if its done professionally - an appointment is booked for 8th February, very popular salon with good reputation, meaning long wait times but if its being done its being done right. Reason for this is both her, her sister and my wife have very sensitive scalps, last time older daughter used an at home kit it went badly wrong... doctors kind of wrong. Youngest daughter was happy with this and agreed to wait, but this weekend went out with her friend and bought an at home kit, dying her hair at her friend's house without any adult assistance. Well, now it's orange. We offered to buy a brown or black kit to cover it until her appointment, but she screamed she is a b