Stephen J. Kosmyna

The Powerful Space Between Stimulus and Response



In the previous episodes I put out some valuable information to assist you in making this year your best year ever. My intention is always to help you get out of the rut of living the same year over and over again and never satisfying your inner longing and discontent for something more.In fact, all my episodes since the beginning almost five years ago, focus on your success and prosperity along with your personal and professional development through the integration of spiritual principles in your life while developing a comprehensive understanding of universal laws.It's very easy to not notice some of the things that take place within your consciousness that have the potential to become phenomenal points of power when you do begin to notice them and become more aware of them. The space I speak about in this episode is one of those points of potential power capable of moving you from bondage to freedom. As you intentionally work to become more aware of this space, day in and day out, you'll soon begin to expe