Liberty V Justice

"poor people make excuses” (from Millionaire Travis Chappell)



“If you want to be in the 1%, connect with the 1%” Minute with a Millionaire is an ongoing series of millionaires I’ve interviewed on the em way to becoming a millionaire myself and helping you become one too! You’re worth it! Travis Chappell is a Multi Millionaire and host of Travis Makes Friends podcast on Apple & all Podcast platforms, & YouTube channel. Travis gave me an interview in 2020 this is. One of the clips! “Learn the secrets of connecting with the top 1%” FREE Facebook group to help grow your podcast! Being an entertainer, working on my goals & making people happy along my journey have kept me happy!!! Get FREE holla ringtone! Let’s empower each other to grow our impact, influence & income TOGETHER! WE ARE WORTH IT! Rhythm for