Profitable Farmer

Episode 111 - Aligning Your Team To A Plan



We are excited to be kicking off our first podcast of 2023, we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year break. May 2023 be your best year yet!   One of the great things about this time of year is friends dropping in on their holiday travels.   There truly is nothing like old friendships. Whilst visiting us, I am delighted to once again welcome great mate James Kelly to our podcast. As Managing Director to Alchimie Management Consulting, James and his team dedicate much of their focus to helping high-performing teams overcome communication challenges and aligning executive teams leading major construction and corporate projects.   The other great thing about this time of year, is the opportunity to reflect on the season just gone, and then dedicate real time to setting down the plan for the new year.   In this podcast, and over a coffee, he and I explore the importance of planning, and the keys to aligning a team to a common plan.   At FOA, we recommend getting off-site for ideally two full days, w