Albuquerque Business Podcast

How to Hire High Achievers.



High achievers are the key to any successful business. They are the ones who drive innovation, lead teams, and create value. But how do you find them? And once you find them, how do you keep them? Here are a few things to consider when hiring and retaining high achievers: 1. Look for people who are passionate about their work. They should be the ones who are always looking for new challenges and ways to improve. 2. Look for people who are not afraid to take risks. High achievers are often the ones who are willing to step outside their comfort zones and try new things. 3. Look for people who are always learning. The best way to retain high achievers is to provide them with opportunities to learn and grow. This can be done through training, mentorship, or even just encouraging them to read industry news and blogs. 4. Look for people who are team players. High achievers know that they can't do it all alone. They are the ones who are always looking for ways to collaborate and build relationships. 5. Look for peop