Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

New Year Intentions for 2023 & What to Leave Behind in 2022 (158)



Let’s talk about the five things you should add for a successful year and talk about the five things you need to leave behind in 2022!   Five things to leave behind in 2022 #1. Leave behind at least one person who takes energy and doesn’t give energy to you.   #2. Leave behind at least one activity that moves you away from your goals.   #3. Leave behind at least one belief that has no evidence to support it.   #4. Leave behind at least one habit that keeps you from being your best.   #5. Leave behind at least one tool or expense you don’t use or need.   When you leave these five things behind it will open up space for the people and opportunities that align with your values, needs, and life’s goals. Five things to establish for a successful 2023 Next up, we cover the five things you can establish for a successful new year. Meaning if you decide on these things, it will give you inspiration and practical direction to tackle your new year in a way that supports who you want to become and what you want to ac