Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Leverage Your Strengths as a Minority Woman Executive with Martha Aviles (159)



In today’s episode high-tech marketer Martha Aviles shares her story to give other women, especially minorities, the encouragement to continue pushing forward in their careers - even when it seems impossibly hard.  Our discussion dives deeper into: How to acknowledge your own self-worth as an employee and negotiate pay raises. She explains how she once asked her supervisor for a 30% pay raise – and got it. How to “operate scared” and to speak up and present your worth through facts and accomplishments. How she broke the glass ceiling as a Latina in technology to become a top executive in the hot Austin tech scene. How to be bold and not look back. Martha had to leave her dream job after being forced to lay off 70% of her staff due to the oil and gas industry tanking. What opportunities are available for women – especially minority women – in technology, and why she thinks more women don’t take advantage of them.  To learn more about the value of empathy and self-worth, and how to be fierce yet profess