Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan ep 674! Lost in a Morbidly Electric Space-Time Limbo of Booze!



Got Faded Japan ep 674 In the year 2023, Got Faded Japan partied like it was 1999 but soon returned back to the future without their fearless co-host, Tom. Tom, lost is a morbid space-time limbo made friends and had excellent adventures where he desperately searched to find his naturel time in our world. This, Faders and a whole lot more is on GFJ episode 674. In this week’s news: Man fakes his own murder to get out of working on the weekend, perv pyro has fuming fingers to peep panties, man learns the valuable lesson “never ever party with an ex-wife”. All this and a whole lot more on episode 674!      FADE ON!   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supporting GOT FADED JAPAN ON PATREON directly supports keeping this show going and fueled with booze, seriously could you imagine the show sober?? Neither can we! SUPPORT GFJ at:   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK OUT OUR SP