Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan ep 675! Coming of rAge Day SuperStars



Got Faded Japan ep 675 For the first time this year all three amigos ride together again! Johnny and Jeremy break down their New Year vacations, travels, and tribulations, and the group discusses Coming of Age Day, which will surely be a preview of mayhem to come as Japanese 20 year olds throw away childish things as they become adults. Just kidding! They’re sure to have at least one last childish rager before settling into adulthood. In the news 63 year old woman sneaks a pen cam into the women’s bathing area to give her perverted son something for the wank bank and then there’re the Christmas murders. Maniac in Saitama murders family of three on Christmas Day and not to be outdone, but a mother murders her son also on Christmas Day. It’s like the Grinch stole Christmas and didn’t give it back only infinitely worse. All this and more in the special New Year’s Recap Episode of Got Faded Japan! FADE ON!   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supporting GOT