The Top With Richie Phillips

Top Albany Area Country Artist: Mark Pierre



Time to celebrate LOCAL musicians - the folks who go out and beat the bushes day after day (correction: nite after nite)- playing and singing their hearts out - carrying the torch for the musical genre they love.  In this case, we are talking about country music.   This gentleman is an old friend, and I totally respect his dedication to country music -especially the classic variety.   In an odd way, I'm not sure I would have ever gotten involved with country radio had it not been for him.  Take a listen and we will explain!  We talk music, songwriting, family, his new gig as frontman for the locally iconic BACK 40 BAND, and much, much more.  Although I actually should have interviewed his fantastic wife Lisa to find out how she put up with him all these many moons, I will wait on that as I now bring you my discussion with local singer, songwriter and finacial guru-  MARK PIERRE.  Find out more about where he and his band will be appearing at