The Top With Richie Phillips

Mohonasen High's Dylan Smith and Laura Rickard



This was an honor and a privilege to be able to highlight student talent in Albany's Capital Region, specifically Mohonasen High School in Rotterdam.  Dylan Smith and Laura Rickard are both talented musicians who have taken it upon themselves to write and record an original composition entitled  "Seconds" (Disclaimer here- this is a demo of their final production- I forgot to mention this in the interview- it's a work in progress.  Laura and Dylan are members of a band at the school who's members are going to add tracks to this, and I will post the final work when I get it) Special thanks to their music teacher, Gail Sparlin, for her leadership and source of inspiration to these students.   There are so many schools who have "nixed" their music programs altogether.  It's so great to see at least one school here that seems to put a unique emphasis on music education.   ROCK ON!!!  Please feel free to spread this podcast around to let everyone hear the song!!!