Let's Talk Marketing With Denise Fay

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 25:37:12
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Let's Talk Marketing is the podcast for service professionals and professional service organisations who want to attract, convert and engage clients for life. If you want to have a sustainable, predictable business attracting clients week in, week out ASWELL as keeping the clients that you have and turning them into advocates and raving fans, then this is the Show for YOU.


  • How To Be Consistent in Marketing | Episode 5

    03/06/2022 Duration: 22min

    Consistency in marketing drives content, communication and results which is why I’m dedicating a full episode to getting consistent in marketing. If you struggle to be consistent in marketing, then this episode is for you. Being an entrepreneur, a business person and a person who wants to reach more people takes hard work. There is no hack. Regardless of how many times you fail, how many times people will tell you that it won’t work, get a real job, you have to stay consistent. And it’s the same with your marketing. If you’re experiencing peaks and troughs, then you have a consistency issue. In this episode, I talk about examples of actors and business people who never gave up because of consistency three strategies that you may have heard before but today is day you take action, a bonus strategy that will keep you consistent – again and again...because of its powerful effect on the brain. Enjoy. Links referenced in this podcast: The Achievers Club Podcast Episode 4 – Get intentional with content marketing

  • Getting Intentional with Content Marketing

    26/04/2022 Duration: 26min

    Getting Intentional with Content Marketing In this week’s podcast, I ask you to do one thing, be one thing from here on out...be intentional with content marketing. Content marketing is everywhere – content is everywhere and yes, content is king on the Internet. It’s the oil that keeps the engine going. But here’s the thing – I want you to stand out, step up and market your business your way. Posting lots of content with no clear objective is not standing out, it’s not stepping up and it’s not marketing your business your way. It’s doing the way that everyone else is doing it. That stops today. Take a listen to this short podcast where I introduce you to the Fay Way to Content Marketing. In this podcast you’ll hear why it’s important you do content your way three ways to start doing content marketing with intention shift your thinking in how you do content marketing Building connection, building relationships and building community can all start with the right content. Discover how in this podcast – Get

  • Ramp up your Marketing | Episode 3

    29/03/2022 Duration: 21min

    Two years ago. That’s when the world stopped and became a movie. Would we ever have believed it if someone told us in 2019 what 2020 was going to be like?! Things are opening up now in 2022. However, Now has it’s own challenges. Rising prices, rising energy prices, rising inflation, war in the Ukraine. Nobody knows what’s around the next corner. In this week's podcast, I talk about my inspired thought that I made into a video, one that encourages you to step up and market more. I explain why in this podcast despite the fear and uncertainty that’s around us. If you make a difference with your business, then I encourage you to market more….so you can reach more people and create a ripple effect. I give three strategies that are implementable today. You can pause...in fact, I tell you to at a certain point and take action. The world has changed and the world needs what you provide. Create a ripple effect, listen to this podcast and take action today. Links mentioned in this podcast: Episode 2 - https://www.ac

  • The Importance of Marketing Assets | Episode 2

    10/03/2022 Duration: 20min

    Lets Talk Marketing Assets. So what is a marketing asset? A marketing asset is something tangible, that is of value to your client, customer or prospect that will lead to a return. It's everything from your email list to your blog posts; your logo to your photos; your emails to your press releases. The chances are that you have many marketing assets, lying discarded on shelves, google drives, dropboxes and a clatter of online platforms. For this podcast, we talk about your content marketing assets and how it’s so important to audit what you have. The purpose of doing a marketing asset audit is to see what you have already, prioritise it, repurpose it or dump it and really see what you need rather than what you want. In this podcast, we talk about the 29 marketing assets (and more) that you have lying around, explain why it’s important you audit what you have, Assess the usability of what you have, Clarify what marketing assets do you really need v want to create. The marketing assets audit doe

  • Introducing the Achievers Club

    09/02/2022 Duration: 11min

    In this inaugural episode of The Achievers Club podcast, your host, Denise Fay talks about why the name has changed from Lets Talk Marketing to The Achievers Club.  It all comes down to marketing messaging and be brave enough to market with values aswell as a message.  In this short podcast, Denise explains two main reasons why the podcast name has changed and introduces you to the concept of Kaizen.  *** When you're ready to achieve more, here are two ways to join the community: 1. The free community group over at The Achievers Club Community. 2. Join the Membership community at The Achievers Club This is where you’ll get weekly support and monthly training from me personally. Come join the conversation with me on Instagram -  it's my favourite platform at the moment.  Visit the Achieve Marketing website for more information.  The Achievers Club exists because if want to grow your business, you shouldn’t have to feel confused, alone or unsupported. To your continued success,  Denise  x  

  • December Marketing Ideas - Part 1 | Episode 28

    15/12/2021 Duration: 29min

    Ah Christmas, twinkling lights and smiling faces.  December brings with it a number of holidays,  most notably Christmas with it's trees, presents, decorations and sometimes stress! A lot of business owners tend to take the foot of the pedal a little at this time of the year - and when you're going and going for over 350 days of the year, that's to be expected.  However, in this episode, the first in a two-parter, December Marketing Ideas Part 1, Denise Fay and Shane Cowley talk about why it's important that you stay marketing. Our ethos for December - and every month - is to #alwaysbemarketing.  Here’s a little glance into this episode… Why it's important to always be marketing  How you you can make it easier on yourself  Save time by doing this...and you're guaranteed to stay on top of your marketing Think about the long game  How and why its vital that you stand out in December.  Enjoy it - grab yourself a Christmas beverage - cinnamon tea or a spiced latte - and listen to the banter between us.  If you

  • The Importance of Features and Benefits

    15/10/2021 Duration: 27min

    Welcome to Episode 25. Denise Fay and Shane Cowley talk all things copy in this episode, with a focus on the importance of Features and Benefits. There is a huge difference between something that is written and something that converts. As Denise says, she just strengthens people’s strengths when it comes to training workshops on copy. In this engaging episode where Shane interviews Denise, we talk about How to get words jumping off the page The common mistake that people make when writing content or sales copy The hierarchy of benefits and how it benefits your reader The ratio of benefits to features How to sprinkle sparkly copy dust on your copy and much, much more. Resources Mentioned in the Podcast 7 Essentials Missing from Your Marketing (and what to do about it) – www.achievemarketing.ie/7essentials The Achievers Club – www.achievemarketing.ie/the-achievers-club Achieve Marketing's SEO Cheat Sheet - www.achievemarketing.ie/seo Then come over and chat with us...on social. We'd love to hear fro

  • Getting Started on Clubhouse with Johnny Beirne| Episode 23

    25/03/2021 Duration: 54min

    When you get concussion and are out of the game for a few months, the last thing you expect is a new social audio platform!  However, that's exactly what happened! True fact. :-) So our guest today is Mr Johnny Beirne and he's talking to us all about Clubhouse. This new audio only, invite only, Apple only platform.  If you have dipped your toe into or haven't an iota about where to start, then this, my friend, is a podcast made for you all about Clubhouse.  We talk about getting started, security issues, getting on stage, Clubhouse etiquette, rooms, clubs and of course..the elephant in the room...is it a shiny object?  (You'll love when we talk about that, if you are results-based).  Think of Clubhouse as a conference...one where you get to put your earphones in to listen to great content and one where you just have to unmute yourself and talk. Simples!  And if you liked this interview, then I have one Ask.... My ask of you – share it with others who don't have a clue about Clubhouse!  Learn more about Johnn

  • Working ON your business not IN your business with Lynsey Hanratty | Episode 22

    29/10/2020 Duration: 44min

    From a Scientist to a Business Coach One thing my guest this week is focused on is focus (excuse the pun!). Lately, I’ve been thinking about working ON the business rather than IN the business. How so many business owners experience the see-saw approach to entrepreneurship. I was delighted to have Lynsey Hanratty come on the show to talk about staying safe, how we self-sabotage our goals and how to overcome it. I loved her very simple approach to overcoming self sabotage – she gave us one simple but man, it was powerful, technique, which I have started doing. And I think you should do too. I’m not going to say anything else other than listen to the podcast. If you feel you need extra focus, a gentle push to stop you from playing small, then drop everything and listen to this. And my ask of you – if you love this interview, then I would love a review. I’d really appreciate that. And then come join the conversation - head over to the Lets Talk Marketing Community, our free, private group on FB. Or chat with me

  • Monday Motivation - Ask and you will Achieve - with Sinead Brassil and Denise Fay

    30/09/2020 Duration: 19min

    This is an interview for #mondaymotivation with the fantastic Sinead Brassil. I wanted to share with you as we talk a little bit about me as a gogetter and being all #gogettery (yep, I made up a new word on the spot!) We talked about challenges and how asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness.  Enjoy a few short moments of inspiration and motivation.  Here's a link to the TEDx talk - Ask and You Shall Achieve TEDx Talk - https://youtu.be/J93IPj_2ke4 Then come join the conversation - head over to the Lets Talk Marketing Community, our free, private group on FB. Or chat with me on social. Here's where you'll find me: Website - www.denisefay.com  Facebook  - www.facebook.com/denisefayonline Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/denise_fay_achievemarketing/ Twitter - www.twitter.com/denisefay Linkedin - www.linkedin.com/in/denisefay  

  • Follow Up and Sales Success | Episode 20

    16/09/2020 Duration: 21min

    Timid salespeople have skinny kids so said Zig Ziglar. Sales is not just about the Ask, it’s about the Follow up. An area where business owners leave cash on the table! As we are well into September, the last quarter is fast approaching and I want you to start bringing in the cash so you can Finish Strong for 2020. It starts now. #itsnownotwhen I talk about a mindset switch which will make follow up so much easier. When you own your own message, when you share your YOU Factor with the world, follow up just gets easier. In this podcast, I talk about Follow up and it’s importance. I share with you - The 3 Ps to Follow up 3 Ways to Start Adding Soft Follow up in your Process A lesson about Follow up that staring you in the face but you may even be aware of it If you spend so much time working on your marketing, make time for Follow up. It’s right there in front of you. Then come join the conversation - head over to the Lets Talk Marketing Community, our free, private group on FB. Or chat with me on socia

  • How to Communicate your Message to Create a Community of Raving Fans - Episode 19

    19/08/2020 Duration: 28min

    This is the second part of the Keynote talk I gave to the PSA Ireland event. This is part two – How to Communicate your Message to Create a Community of Raving Fans. This is my message to share with the world. Episode 18 – was part one – How to Create a Community of Raving Fans...so check that out. In this podcast, I ask you if you are operating in a sea of sameness...and what to do about it. I talk about the Elevator Pitch – does it really work? I also introduce you to what I call ‘The U Factor’. It’s something that is missing in traditional marketing message – it’s what makes you YOU! Incongruence in a marketing message hinders your success. Your customers and clients need to know, with 110% clarity, what you do and can do for them. They also need to know you...because that’s how they’ll connect. You deserve success and it starts with your marketing message. It starts here...so you can create a community of raving fans, which results in the holy grail of marketing. I hope you enjoy it as much as my

  • Building a Community of Raving Fans

    23/07/2020 Duration: 14min

    I was one of two keynote speakers at the Professional Speakers Association Ireland June event and I gave a talk called ‘How to Communicate your Message and Build a Community of Raving Fans’. This is my message to share with the world. It was a short talk – 20 minutes or so but the feedback I got was phenomenal and I was asked would I record it as a podcast because some people just loved it. So here it is...broken into two parts. This first part, in this episode is all about Creating a Community of Raving Fans.. The next episode will be about your marketing message. I talk about why you should think about creating a community of raving fans and explain the 3 Rs of Community of Raving Fans.  I hope you enjoy it as much as my audience did. And my ask of you – if you do, I would love a review. I’d really appreciate that. And come join the conversation - head over to the Lets Talk Marketing Community, our free, private group on FB.  Or chat with me on social. Here's where you'll find me:  Website - www.d

  • Bonus episode - why we need to keep marketing

    23/07/2020 Duration: 13min

    This is a bonus episode to explain the gap in shows between June and July.  I was totally honest about it, because while I talk about consistency and momentum to my clients, I do understand there is a difference between the theory and the practicality. So I give two main reasons - time and fear. And I offer advice to you if you're faced with the same excuse about why you're not marketing. It's a short one, take a listen and then get marketing!! But please join the conversation - head over to the Lets Talk Marketing Community, our free, private group on FB.  Or chat with me on social. Here's where you'll find me:  Website - www.denisefay.com  Facebook  - www.facebook.com/denisefayonline  Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/denise_fay_achievemarketing/ Twitter - www.twitter.com/denisefay Linkedin - www.linkedin.com/in/denisefay Take care, Denise  

  • 5 Tips to Keep People on your Website - Episode 17 of Let's Talk Marketing

    05/06/2020 Duration: 28min

    Your website is the only piece of real estate on the Internet that you own. I’ve been helping businesses market their websites since 2000 and have seen many social media platforms arise with much fanfare and then disappear.  So if you had content and followers on those platforms, when they went, chances are your followers and content did too. This is why it’s so important to have your own website. You own your website. And the one thing that will keep people on your site is...your content.  In this podcast, I give you five content tips to keep people on your website. After all, images tell but content sells.  Keep your readers on your site with these five tips.

  • Productivity, Focus and Fun with Theresa Cifali - Episode 16 of Lets Talk Marketing

    19/05/2020 Duration: 57min

    One of the things that I have been working on this year is productivity and planning. I’m a firm believer in 'Discipline is Freedom'. However, nothing like a worldwide pandemic to test one's planning!  So I invited my good friend, colleague and mentor Theresa Cifali onto the show. She is a serial entrepreneur, productivity coach and a person who speaks planning in the language that suits the individual. This is a lady that rejects rigid structure and doesn’t like planning yet is a productivity coach who achieves all her goals and works with her clients to achieve the same. So how can you compute this oxymoron? Well it all comes down to your priorities and your personality type. And when you have those down pat, and are aware of your motivators, then your planning becomes so much easier. This is a podcast not to be missed. We had so much fun. 

  • Let's Embrace Video Marketing

    30/04/2020 Duration: 27min

    Video is everywhere.  If you are a reluctant video marketer, then this is the podcast for you.  Here's some stats -  - 59% of executives say they would rather watch a video than read text. - 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text. So there is no denying that businesses need to do more video. In this podcast, we talk about the FEAR of video, and HOW we can get around it.  I also talk about structuring your video and the importance of Who, What & Why...essentials to avoid defeat.  Then I talk about 4 different types of video - it's not just about the talking head on video!  After this video, you'll be motivated to hit the publish button, click your clickerboard and shout 'Action'!

  • Episode 14 - Lets Talk Marketing Podcast with Demi Stevens

    09/04/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    If you have ever said that this year, I’m going to write a book...well then this is Your Year. Because on today’s show, my guest is Demi Stevens, owner of Year of the Book Press. She is an award-winning coach, author herself, editor, publisher and CEO of Year of the Book Press, Demi helps you become a published author. She helps move your story idea out of your head and into print. Some of us may have more time on our hands during the Covid19 Pandemic, so what better way to use your time...then write your book. This is a great episode for a number of reasons...and not just the book editing and writing tips. We talk about Demi’s journey – and I think it’s quite relevant in today’s climate. After moving to a small town, she had to pivot because there were no jobs in her chosen profession. How she saw opportunity and went for it where she could just thrown in the towel, went home to her new husband and said ‘there’s no jobs here’. Then we got into the meaty piece about the writing and editing process and i

  • Episode 13 - I'm here to help during Covid 19

    03/04/2020 Duration: 16min

    Over the last three weeks, I’ve been talking to businesses who are talking about layoffs, closures and then I’ve been speaking to businesses who are doing really well. It’s a roundabout, roller coaster and navigating will be tough. So I wanted to write a podcast that is about practical support. I understand that you might be restless, fearful one minute and then full of reflection the next. And here’s where the help begins. Take a listen.  Head on over to www.denisefay.com/marketing-advice  or https://www.facebook.com/groups/AchieveResultsWithMarketing/  

  • Lets Talk Marketing Podcast - Episode 12 with David Yeabsley

    20/02/2020 Duration: 01h22s

    David Yeabsley is the author of the new book ‘Future Proof Yourself: How to keep yourself employable for the rest of your working career.’ While we talk marketing on the podcast (obviously!), I firmly believe that mindset is as important as marketing. And as it’s February now – all those new year's resolutions are behind us - and there is something more hopeful and positive and growth oriented about February than January. So it’s a great time to have David on the show. We began by speaking about relevance and it was inspired by none other than Woody and Buzz of Toy Story. (I loved this!). He shares four key concepts with me on how to future proof yourself. They are The importance of Reflection Raising your profile Networking Managing your self development.   Sit back, enjoy and find more ways to future proof yourself.

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