Coaching With Jamee



This podcast is for people looking for tools to create a life that they love. I am your host Jamee Andelin. I am a Certified Life Coach with an Advanced Masters Training, and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you feel like you may be at a crossroads and looking for help with your happiness and well being- then this is the place for you. I believe in you and Im here to help you see that you are a hero in your world.


  • 22: Husband Series: Provide a Space for Healing

    14/03/2023 Duration: 34min

    The more you’re open to understanding your woman’s natural feminine nature, the better your sex life will be. The more you understand, the more you’ll be able to provide a space for healing. Which is a really important step in evolving from phase one into phase two sex. For $365 a year you get over 100 lessons and replay calls in Jamee’s online program. Plus you’ll enjoy 2 live calls a week with Jamee and as a bonus, a private community with like minded women working through the same struggles and celebrations as you are and private call options. Sexual Success for Husbands online course (lifetime access, do at your own pace, I update and add curriculum as needed): Sometimes our sex hormones need a burst of help. And that is what I use Amares Ignite Her supplement for. I use it for a couple weeks to a month and feel the increase of arousal and desire and then take a break

  • 21: Husband Series: Inspired Invitations

    06/03/2023 Duration: 24min

    The low desire isn’t resisting sex. They aren’t too tired for sex. They aren’t too stressed for sex. What they are resisting is PHASE 1 sex and the dynamics that are happening between them and their high desire partner. They are ready for phase 2 sexual dynamics in their marriage. Everyone who is SO DONE with the confusing and frustrating dynamics around their sex lives with a low and high desire partner will appreciate the understanding that there is hope and another way! For $365 a year you get over 100 lessons and replay calls in Jamee’s online program. Plus you’ll enjoy 2 live calls a week with Jamee and as a bonus, a private community with like minded women working through the same struggles and celebrations as you are and private call options. Sexual Success for Husbands online course (lifetime access, do at your own pace, I update and add curriculum as needed):

  • 20: Husband Series: Sense of Entitlement

    28/02/2023 Duration: 24min

    There are a few things that keep a couple stuck in phase 1 sex. One of those is a developed sense of entitlement. In this episode, we talk about the signs of a developed sense of entitlement, how this is keeping the couple stuck from evolving their sex life and of course what they can do to get unstuck and relax into phase 2 of married sex. It’s the best. For $365 a year you get over 100 lessons and replay calls in Jamee’s online program. Plus you’ll enjoy 2 live calls a week with Jamee and as a bonus, a private community with like minded women working through the same struggles and celebrations as you are and private call options. Sexual Success for Husbands online course (lifetime access, do at your own pace, I update and add curriculum as needed): Sometimes our sex hormones need a burst of help. And that is what I use Amares Ignite Her suppleme

  • 19: Husband Series: Phases of Sex

    24/02/2023 Duration: 34min

    There are few different phases of sex that a married couple can expect to move through. But no married couple moves through the phases without intentionally deciding to evolve through phase 1 first. The transition between phase 1 and phase 2 sex is the hardest transition. Most people are staying stuck in phase 1 because they don’t know how to evolve through it. I explain the process in this episode and what you can do to evolve. For $365 a year you get over 100 lessons and replay calls in Jamee’s online program. Plus you’ll enjoy 2 live calls a week with Jamee and as a bonus, a private community with like minded women working through the same struggles and celebrations as you are and private call options. Sexual success for Husbands online course (lifetime access, do at your own pace, I update and add curriculum as needed): Sometimes our sex hormones need a burst of help

  • 18: When Hubby is Impatient & Triggered

    22/02/2023 Duration: 20min

    When women decide to heal and evolve the sexual parts of themselves, this can really trigger their husbands for various reasons. You know your hubby is triggered because he will be impatient: (“Why don’t you want to jump my bones everyday yet?”) or (“You’re taking too long to change…

  • 17: Are You Strong Enough to Handle the Pressure?

    20/02/2023 Duration: 22min

    A lot of men and women are afraid to say or do anything that might make their spouses uncomfortable. They are also afraid of taking 10 steps backwards when they are trying to move towards a great sex life- so a lot of us are unsure what To Do when we notice we want better for ourselves and our marriages in our sex lives. In this episode we discuss what to do so that we can evolve and mature in our sex lives together.

  • 16: Turning on Your Desire to Sex, Love, Partnership, Your Wants, and Life w/ guest Irene

    14/02/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    This is a repost of an old podcast episode. *Irene Vivanco is our guest today. She is sharing about her experience with being one of my private clients for 6 months and all the benefits that came from our time together. Irene has also become a friend and I hired her to work with me on creating my ecourses for my online school, Your Turned on Desire. What’s in this episode for you: •Turning on your desire for sex is so much more than having more sex. •Learning how to prioritize what you want as a woman, wife and/or mother is beneficial for everyone. •When your sex life is fulfilling, and not a source of contention or frustration anymore, it’s amazing what doors open for you in your personal life. •In a sexually successful marriage, everyone gets what they want in life and this manifests itself in the bedroom. •What both people in the marriage want is a satisfied woman! •When she knows what she wants and isn’t apologetic, guilty or confused about herself- then everyone thrives. Links: Your Turned on D

  • 15: A Conversation About Porn

    12/02/2023 Duration: 27min

    I get many messages from women about their husbands looking at porn or using porn and I thought it was time to to start a conversation about porn and give you some useful things to think about and do. There will be other episodes and conversations to have but I think this is a good start to a topic that is hurtful and confusing to many people. My goal here is to help and to be useful to you whether you look at porn or not.

  • 14: Children As Excuses

    07/02/2023 Duration: 14min

    Are children understandably good reasons to not have a magnificent sex life or are they the inspiration we need to prioritize good pleasurable refueling sex? I have to be very careful how I think about my children. I don’t want to send them messages that they are the reason for why I don’t have the life and marriage I want.

  • 13 The Pressure is On (Quickie Episode)

    28/01/2023 Duration: 13min

    Why do we feel pressure to improve our sex lives? Because we want something. Our desires (what we really really want) come from inside of us. This internal pressure is nagging at us to take action towards what we want. Women who feel the pressure want an amazing sex life. Women who don’t feel the pressure aren’t listening to this podcast and aren’t bothered by the sex struggles in their marriages. Being bothered and annoyed and wanting the sex struggles to go away is a message from your internal desires. Are we going to listen to them or are we going to avoid them and push them away? Ignoring them doesn’t make them stop nagging at us. Enroll in New Year, New Sex Life here: click on “PROGRAM” for the details.

  • 12 One Shift Can Change Everything

    21/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    Are you open to just one shift changing everything for you? Are you open to just one thought or perspective being the one shift that created an amazingly fun and easy sex life for you? In this episode I share some of my shifts that have happened over time and some of my clients shifts that have happened. These shifts were the catalyst that changed everything for us. If you would like to invest a little bit more of your time, money and energy into dealing and healing your relationship with your sexuality and then ditching all the struggles that come with low desire, come join my online program. What you desire your sex life to be like is worth investing in. You’re worth investing in. I love you. Check out program details here:

  • 11 The Talk Doesn’t Work

    17/01/2023 Duration: 19min

    Talking talking talking about why you don’t want more sex and how your husband needs more sex, doesn’t work. Because this isn’t addressing the actual problem of you, as the woman, not being turned on. You’re just not turned on. That’s simply put. The talk doesn’t turn you on either. If it did, you wouldn’t be having the talk. The not enough sex problem can only be solved when you learn the art of increasing your desire and how to be turned on. Waiting for your husband to turn you on isn’t going to work either because then you still don’t know how your sexual desire works. Sexual desire is an inside job and waiting for someone to figure out your own insides is low investment and will always create more low desire. Enroll in my new program here: enrollment ends Feb 1, 2023.

  • 10 The Art of Increasing Desire

    10/01/2023 Duration: 17min

    I didn’t realize that before I could enjoy my sex life with my husband there were some things that needed to be healed. We were trying all kinds of different things like herbs, position books, vacations, lingerie, weekly date nights etc…. And none of these were working because I wasn’t healing and learning about the art of desire. Sexual desire is an art form, an energy, a way of being…and without this awareness & knowledge- nothing else was going to work. Listen to this episode to ignite your curiosity about desire, healing & wanting. Enroll in my newest online program until February 1, 2023 here:

  • 9 Dealing with Your Own Sexuality

    03/01/2023 Duration: 29min

    If we don’t deal with our sexuality, it will deal with us later. What does it look and feel like if we don’t deal with our sexuality? What does this mean? I talk about this in this podcast. I also share with you a snippet from a video in my new program called New Year, New Sex Life. I’m enrolling in this program all of January. Enrollment ends Feb, so if you are ready to make your sex life a source of joy in your marriage then I wouldn’t wait to enroll. The time time it will be available to enroll is next year at this time. Read about the details of this program and enroll here:

  • 8: Self Belonging and Desire

    28/12/2022 Duration: 45min

    There are several things happening in a low sexual desire marriage. And unfortunately the person who gets labeled as the low desire partner is usually dismissing several things that are under the surface for them. One way we create low desire is by self betrayal in many areas of our lives. Check out the details and/or enroll in my newest course/program here: Access program from my website:

  • 7: Good Judgment or Low Desire?

    22/12/2022 Duration: 23min

    Many times, women are labeled with low libido or sexual desire when really there are other underlying things going on with them and their relationship. Low desire is simply a symptom of these underlying things that could use some attention and maturing. Learn more about how good judgment gets labeled as low desire in this episode. Check out the details and/or enroll in my newest course/program here: Access program from my website:

  • 6: Three Ways to Make Peace with Your Sexuality

    13/12/2022 Duration: 22min

    If you’re struggling in your sex life (whether you have a low or high desire) the chances are there are parts of your sexuality that you’ll want to make peace with. And when you make peace, you’ll enjoy a peaceful sex life. New online course will be available soon!!!

  • 5: Enjoy More Married Sex: A Mans Perspective w/ Coach Cory Ivins

    06/12/2022 Duration: 01h16min

    *This is a repost of an old podcast episode.*When a husband is struggling with feelings of lack of sex in his marriage and wishes that him and his wife enjoyed more sex, this is a sign that he has some work to do too. This episode is for husbands and wives who desire a better sexual connection, don’t want to have the “we aren’t having enough sex” talk ever again, are ready to stop the blame game and just simply want to enjoy more good sex!! Cory Ivins, our guest today, is a coach, a father, and a husband of 13 years. He struggled with the frustrations of desiring sex more often then his wife and all the obstacles that come with that. He is now on the other side and can help men who are also struggling and desire to delight in the wonderment that is their lives with their wives, be much happier and more fulfilled sexually, and over all better men. Contact Cory at and connect with him on IG @coryivins

  • 4: The Way She Thinks (Our First Quickie Episode)

    29/11/2022 Duration: 06min

    What has more impact on a woman’s sexual desire than a biological or physical urge? Find out in this episode.

  • 3: Stinky Start to Happily Ever After: A Husbands Tale

    22/11/2022 Duration: 01h12min

    *This is a repost of an old podcast episode* My guest on this episode is my very own husband, Daron Andelin. He is courageous and shares the pain and suffering he experienced when we struggled with sex being an issue in our marriage. We talk about some of the changes he and I both made so that we could be better friends and supports to eachother and we share (appropriate) personal stories of what our sex life is like now. There’s a happy ending! Link to enroll in my online courses: if you enroll before August 22, 2022, you’ll be invited to join a private community for extra support from me.

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