Coaching With Jamee

21: Husband Series: Inspired Invitations



The low desire isn’t resisting sex. They aren’t too tired for sex. They aren’t too stressed for sex. What they are resisting is PHASE 1 sex and the dynamics that are happening between them and their high desire partner. They are ready for phase 2 sexual dynamics in their marriage. Everyone who is SO DONE with the confusing and frustrating dynamics around their sex lives with a low and high desire partner will appreciate the understanding that there is hope and another way! For $365 a year you get over 100 lessons and replay calls in Jamee’s online program. Plus you’ll enjoy 2 live calls a week with Jamee and as a bonus, a private community with like minded women working through the same struggles and celebrations as you are and private call options. Sexual Success for Husbands online course (lifetime access, do at your own pace, I update and add curriculum as needed):