Freudian Sips



Freudian Sips is a podcast about brains, beverages, and other B.S. Anna and Bonnie are a mother-daughter duo who are always looking for another excuse to get together on a regular basis, drink some wine, and talk about how weird brains are. Then they decided to record themselves and put it on the internet. New episodes added weekly.


  • Episode 33: The Satire Method

    22/09/2019 Duration: 58min

    This week, the gals are talking about Virginia Satir, the mother of family therapy! As always, Anna gives a crash course on Virginia’s life, Bonnie talks about V’s most notable theories for working on communication within families, and both of them chat about how very hippie-dippy Virginia was, what with her hand holding and role playing and seventy different names for all her theories.

  • Episode 32: Smelly Genes, the Love Machines

    16/09/2019 Duration: 01h00s

    Do you wonder why you’re attracted to whoever you’re attracted to? Well, Bonnie and Anna are going to try their best to clear the air… especially to clear the air of all these smelly immune system genes that we can all detect. Listen to the gals talk about types of attraction, what draws us to people, and how biology and evolution affect our choices of mates!

  • Episode 31: Good Old Fashioned Communes

    09/09/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    In the conclusion of their discussion on cults, Anna and Bonnie chat about four famous cults: the Peoples Temple (AKA Jonestown), the Manson Family, the Branch Davidians (AKA Waco, Texas), and Heavens Gate. As expected, this one does get a little heavy, but the gals still try to keep it lively (especially Anna, much to Bonnie’s chagrin).

  • Episode 30: Join Our Cult!

    02/09/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    It’s another two-parter, and the gals are talking about cults. This week, they’re focusing on the basics: what cults are, how they get their victims, and some mind-control methods they use on their members. And Bonnie and Anna have a very special offer for you: join their cult NOW and become automatic Gold Chalice tier members! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

  • Episode 29: Taste the Brainbow

    26/08/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    What effects do colors have on our brains? Well, probably SOME effect! This week, Bonnie and Anna do their best to wade through sources and studies so they can talk about what various colors mean to us and even how they can affect our physiology. Which colors are cool dudes, and which are total hotheads? Tune in to find out!

  • Episode 28: Perls Before Swine

    18/08/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    The gals are chatting about Gestalt therapy this week! That includes talking about the development of the therapy, specifically by Fritz and Laura Perls. Then your girls talk about core concepts of Gestalt, some techniques, and how it’s all basically a Frankenstein’s monster of psychology and experimental theatre. Let’s get to ACTING!

  • Episode 27: Write Brain

    12/08/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Or: Ology Wology, Volume I. This week, Anna and Bonnie talk about two weird -ologies: graphology and phrenology. Absolutely true facts from this episode include that you can determine your introversion by whether or not you close your o's when you write, and also that there are DOZENS of tiny brains that make up your big brain. Sound kooky? That's because it all is!

  • Episode 26: Something Serious

    05/08/2019 Duration: 51min

    This week is going to sound a little different, Sipsters, because Bonnie and Anna are opening up about a recent death in the family. They talk about caregiver fatigue, grief, and how different each person’s journey of loss can feel. This one’s heavy, guys.

  • Episode 25: Necessary Sips, a Crossover Event!

    29/07/2019 Duration: 01h42min

    This week, Anna and Bonnie team up with Josh and Ian from Necessary Bullshit, the brother podcast to Freudian Sips! The ragtag bunch dive deep into the political movement of Populism and its evolution, as well as connecting that to psychological concepts like herd mentality, conformity, and social proof. Join the gals and guys as they combine their strengths (and laugh about their weaknesses) to give some psychology context to the current political landscape. And yes, that means there is political talk in this episode, and lots of it!

  • Episode 24: Maslow's Ugly Mom

    22/07/2019 Duration: 55min

    This week, Anna and Bonnie are talking about Abraham Maslow, creator of the famous hierarchy of needs and one of the figureheads of humanistic psychology. As far as Maslow was concerned, all people have the ability to self-actualize and utilize their inner potential... except for Maslow's mom. We hear she was a racist.

  • Episode 23: Another Shocking Episode!

    15/07/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    This week, Anna and Bonnie dive into the weird world of ECT, AKA electro-convulsive therapy, AKA shock therapy. This includes the wild history of this particular treatment, how it looks nowadays, and all the stigma surrounding it (including some stigma and devil's-advocating from the gals themselves). You might need your tin foil hat for this one, but we're not sure how that will affect the electrical current...

  • Episode 22: Monkey Mirrors Mozzarella

    08/07/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Do you know what mirror neurons are? Neither do Bonnie and Anna, but they’re sure talking about that this week! The gals go on a highly-disclaimered adventure into mirror neurons, which may or may not exist and which have a ton of possible reasons for maybe existing. Remember, neither of the hosts are neuroscientists — or are they?

  • Episode 21: We End Your Life

    30/06/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    Bonnie and Anna are FINALLY done talking about Erik Erikson and his psychosocial stages! In their final episode of their longest topic series ever, they talk about middle and later adulthood and elderhood. So whip up an Old Fashioned like the gals are drinking, get comfortable, and turn up your hearing aids to take a listen!

  • Episode 20: Adult Content

    25/06/2019 Duration: 56min

    Featuring a really big package (of career, romance, and kids)! Listen as Bonnie and Anna talk EVEN MORE about Erikson’s psychosocial stages of lifespan and identity development. This week, they’re chatting about late adolescence and early adulthood. Grab something to sip as the gals start their descent toward the end of their psychosocial series!

  • Episode 19: Teens, Tweens, and Automobiles

    14/06/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    Get ready for Anna and Bonnie getting pretty tipsy, going on side tangents, and talking about more Erikson psychosocial stages. This week’s topics are middle childhood and early adolescence, everything from friendships to puberty! (Note: No cars were harmed in the making of this episode, Anna just thought the title was funny.)

  • Episode 18: The Terrible (Part) Twos

    08/06/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    Anna is sick and no one is drunk, so this episode has some weird energy! In part two of the gals’ series on psychosocial stages, Anna talks about toddlerhood (AKA tiny drunk people), and Bonnie tells us about the early childhood stage, which she is qualified to talk about because she taught kindergarten one time.

  • Episode 17: Burger Babies

    31/05/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    It’s time for a series! In part one, Anna talks about Erik Erikson’s life, how he got into psychology, and even his name. Then the gals chat about Erik’s theory of psychosocial stages of development, starting with Bonnie talking about the first stage: infancy!

  • Episode 16: You Are Feeling Very Sipsy...

    25/05/2019 Duration: 58min

    This week, Anna and Bonnie are talking about hypnosis! They chat about how hypnotizable people are, how hypnosis got its start, and how being hypnotized is sort of like meditating… or dissociating. Get your wine (or if you’re like Anna, your tin foil hat) ready and join us for a listen!

  • Episode 15: Wanna Shock a Dude?

    21/05/2019 Duration: 59min

    Or, Wacky Experiments Volume I, where the gals discuss experiments with questionable ethics. This time, Bonnie talks about the Milgram shock experiment, and Anna tells the story of the Stanford prison experiment. Would YOU shock a man to death in a Burger King basement? Answer our newspaper ad if the answer is yes!

  • Episode 14: Mutual Admiration Society

    11/05/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    It’s Mother’s Day, and Daughter Host won’t let Mom Host forget it. Grab something to sip and listen as the gals chat about Alfred Adler, a prominent theorist who came up with ideas about inferiority complexes, overcompensation, and birth order. Your drink doesn’t have to be as spicy as their themed drink, but that might help!

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