Christ Community Chapel - Hudson Campus



Christ Community Chapel is located in Hudson, Ohio. With campuses in Hudson, Aurora, and Highland Square, Ohio, we exist to see people come to know Jesus, grow in him, and serve him daily.


  • Man Month - A Man of Courage

    10/06/2018 Duration: 29min

    Joe Coffey | This week, we look at what it means to be courageous as a man of God, persevering through suffering and finding ways to become more like Jesus in the process. Courage is the motivation to do something challenging because you have a commitment to someone or something that supersedes your desire for comfort, pleasure and happiness. You can’t always choose your times to be courageous, but through discipline and an understanding that God only brings into your life what is necessary for you to flourish, you can be ready to take courageous steps when the moment arrives.

  • Man Month - A Man After God's Heart

    03/06/2018 Duration: 35min

    Caleb Eernisse | This week, we kick off “Man Month” at CCC by talking about what it looks like to be a “man after God’s own heart,” much like King David was. Whether you’re “feasting on the Word of God” by reading, studying and acting upon Biblical truth, repenting wholeheartedly when you sin or worshiping God and ascribing all glory to him, hear what it takes to live as a man of God in today’s broken world.

  • Agents of Change - The Bible

    27/05/2018 Duration: 32min

    Todd Iannetta | The Bible is a book that has the ability to reshape lives. In a “post-truth” society, it is as important as ever that we recognize God’s word as authoritative in our lives. The Bible won’t change us if we compromise on what it says, nor if we don’t recognize and accept God’s grace through Jesus’ death on the cross. After all, we are designed to live the fullest lives while living within the parameters of God’s plan, and the Bible is our best means of understanding and walking in his ways.

  • Agents of Change - The Bible

    27/05/2018 Duration: 33min

    Mike Holwerda | The Bible is a book that has the ability to reshape lives. In a “post-truth” society, it is as important as ever that we recognize God’s word as authoritative in our lives. The Bible won’t change us if we compromise on what it says, nor if we don’t recognize and accept God’s grace through Jesus’ death on the cross. After all, we are designed to live the fullest lives while living within the parameters of God’s plan, and the Bible is our best means of understanding and walking in his ways.

  • Agents of Change - Worship

    20/05/2018 Duration: 31min

    Joe Coffey | We often think of worshiping as a choice, but in reality, everyone worships something. We all have a desire for something greater than ourselves, and that’s why we become fans of sports teams, musicians, actors and other entities to the extent that they become part of our identities. The object of our worship changes, but we all worship in one way or another. This week, Pastor Joe Coffey explains what worship is, how worship works and what worship does as we consider how worship plays a vital role in our transformation into more loving, serving, giving followers of Christ.

  • Agents of Change - The Gospel

    13/05/2018 Duration: 27min

    Joe Coffey | Good news has the power to impact us and change us long-term. There is no more striking example of this truth than the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is so good, so strong, so wonderful and goes so deep that it has the power to change you every day in every way until you die… and then beyond. Today, Pastor Joe explains what the gospel is, what the gospel means and how the gospel changes you as we continue our series “Agents of Change.”

  • Agents of Change - Prayer

    06/05/2018 Duration: 33min

    Joe Coffey | This week, Pastor Joe kicks off a new series called “Agents of Change,” focusing on the nature of prayer and its ability to impact our lives. While the power of prayer can be hard to measure, the Bible makes it clear that prayer is an important part of our relationship with God. Hear some common mistakes people make about prayer, the importance of pairing prayer with action and how CCC is tapping into both with a group called Transform Summit to make a difference in our region.

  • Freedom to Change - Refreshers of the Heart

    29/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    Tom Randall | In Philemon 1:7, we hear Paul say to his friend Philemon, “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.” As missionary and chaplain Tom Randall explains today through a series of personal stories, whether it’s showing kindness to a non-believer or being encouraged by a close friend, refreshment is a powerful part of the Christian journey that we shouldn’t overlook.

  • Freedom to Change - Too Much Money

    22/04/2018 Duration: 29min

    Joe Coffey | In Mark 10:23, we hear Jesus say, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” It is a verse that can make us uncomfortable, as most of us have more than we need yet don’t like parting with our riches. While money can be a powerful barrier to walking with God, it can also be a powerful tool for creating joy and showing obedience to the Lord. This week, we hear the story of two rich men in the Bible who encountered Jesus and responded quite differently with their money… What can we learn about a right relationship with money from these two examples?

  • Freedom to Change - Too Much Doubt

    15/04/2018 Duration: 29min

    Joe Coffey | This week, we look at the story of Thomas, the disciple of Jesus infamous for his doubt. While he may have been among the first Christians to express doubt in Jesus, he was far from the last. There is a type of healthy doubt that helps to refine and mature our faith, especially for those who have been raised in Christianity. However, doubt can also come in the form of a crisis of faith: the result of a misalignment of life choices and beliefs or a disappointment in God. These crises may not be experienced by everyone, but they can be truly challenging to endure. The good news is that as much as sin can push us further into doubt, obedience to God can draw us deeper into faith—much like Thomas experienced the gap of disappointment, felt Jesus’ scars and was brought back to abide in Jesus’ love.

  • Freedom to Change - Too Much Sin (RZIM Weekend)

    08/04/2018 Duration: 36min

    Sam Allberry | In John 4, we read the story of Jesus’ encounter with an outcast woman drawing water from a well. It would have been a scandalous story during those days, as men were not supposed to speak to women they didn’t know—especially not with Samaritans, whom the Jews looked down upon. Yet we see no hesitation in Jesus, who sees beyond the cultural barriers to perceive a person with a deep need to be known and loved… Just like all of us. This week, guest speaker Sam Allberry from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries explains how, like the Samaritan woman, we don’t truly know ourselves until we meet Jesus, and we can’t quench our thirst to be truly loved without him, “the living water.” It may seem like we can’t be fully known and fully loved at the same time, but with Jesus, it’s possible.

  • The Cross Changes Everything - If It’s True

    01/04/2018 Duration: 22min

    Joe Coffey | If the story of Jesus’ death on the cross is true, it means God knows you and loves you completely, which can change who you are. This Easter, Pastor Joe explains that in dying on the cross for our sins, Jesus offers us something for our heart, something for our head and something to change our lives. We can rest assured that we were most loved while we were at our worst, that the resurrection truly happened and that the good news of salvation is the catalyst needed to change the world.

  • The Cross Changes Everything - The Way Home

    25/03/2018 Duration: 26min

    Joe Coffey | “Home” has an important meaning to most of us. We’ve heard quotes like “home is where the heart is,” “there’s no place like home” and so on all the time in our culture… And for good reason: home, after all, should be a safe place where we feel that we belong, and it’s somewhere we often long to be. Physical homes aren’t the only ones that matter though. We also have an eternal spiritual home in heaven because Jesus was willing to give up his position in a place where he belonged to make a way home for us through his death on the cross. Everything he gave up, we gained, and now we can look forward to sharing in his inheritance in the future.

  • The Cross Changes Everything - The Way to Be Free

    18/03/2018 Duration: 28min

    Joe Coffey | In many ways, Jesus’ death on the cross gave us freedom. We became free from the law of sin and death, allowing us to flourish as we recognize we are justified through Jesus and nothing else. This week, Pastor Joe explains that, thanks to the cross, the structure is now in place for you to be you… But in the eyes of God, your worth doesn’t depend on your identity – it was all determined by what happened on the cross.

  • The Cross Changes Everything - The Way to Endurance

    11/03/2018 Duration: 26min

    Jimmy Kozy | The concept of suffering is central to the Christian faith. Our most important symbol, the cross, is a symbol of suffering, shame and death, after all. While this may not sound too encouraging on the surface, when you understand who Jesus was and what he did for us, “suffering” ends up sounding less like a dirty word and more like an amazing gift. Today we hear how Jesus’ suffering in the past impacts our suffering today and what it ultimately means for suffering (or the lack thereof) in the future.

  • The Cross Changes Everything - The Way to Endurance

    11/03/2018 Duration: 30min

    Todd Iannetta | The concept of suffering is central to the Christian faith. Our most important symbol, the cross, is a symbol of suffering, shame, and death, after all. While this may not sound too encouraging on the surface, when you understand who Jesus was and what he did for us, “suffering” ends up sounding less like a dirty word and more like an amazing gift. Today we hear how Jesus’ suffering in the past impacts our suffering today and what it ultimately means for suffering (or the lack thereof) in the future.

  • The Cross Changes Everything - The Way to Forgiveness

    04/03/2018 Duration: 32min

    Joe Coffey | Every human soul is afflicted with two deadly diseases: guilt and shame. As sinful people, we can’t break free of the cycle of guilt and shame on our own… But while trespasses can’t be healed, they can be paid for. By suffering on the cross for us, Jesus experienced shame and punishment on our behalf, becoming the eternal sacrifice that bought our forgiveness. Now it’s up to us to relish that forgiveness and willingly forgive those around us.

  • Stand Alone - CCC Kids Weekend

    25/02/2018 Duration: 25min

    Joe Coffey | In 3 John 1:4, the disciple John says that there is no greater joy than to hear his children are walking in the truth… We agree. When the next generation is raised up in the ways of the Lord, it’s good for them, it’s good for us and it’s good for the world. Join us this week as we celebrate our children’s ministry and take the opportunity to give to some children-focused ministries: the Coalition of Children in Need Association (COCINA) in Haiti, Action for Empowerment (AOET) in Uganda, and CCC’s own foster care and adoption ministry.

  • Transformed Know 101 - Inside and Outside

    18/02/2018 Duration: 19min

    Joe Coffey | Jesus lit the fuse of a movement that upended the ancient world and continues to rock our world to this day. The process that transformed his followers who in turn transformed the world is the same process today: it takes place on the inside of a person and expresses itself on the outside. Join us as we take a look at those steps of inward transformation and the use of baptism as an expression of that change.

  • Transformed Know 101 - Belong

    11/02/2018 Duration: 33min

    Mike Holwerda | We all have a natural desire to belong, and when we choose to follow Jesus and become a Christian, we find that we suddenly belong to the worldwide family of his followers known as “the church.” As members of the church, we are told in I Corinthians 12:12-26 that we are part of a global “body of Christ” and that we all have important roles to play in that body. We may all be different and it may be difficult to always feel as though we belong, but if we know that we are one, trust that we are one and act as though we are one, we can begin to work with the rest of the body of Christ to be transformed and transform the world.

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