Tracy L Clark



Are you done being afraid to jump into the life that is waiting for you? Are you ready for a real shift? Tune-in every Tuesday to the show and Tracy L will teach you how to TRANSFORM your life so you can learn to live your extraordinary life! Tracy will provide the tools and steps needed to help you transcend perceived limitations and move forward with an extraordinary life by connecting to the God Consciousness.Tracy will help you to see the steps needed to transcend perceived limitations. Do you start playing limiting self-talk over and over in your brain? Do you find that fear holds you back more than the desire to move forward? A remarkable leader and pioneer in the field of body regeneration Tracy L Clark provides insight energetically and the tools required to move forward!


  • They Made Me Do IT!


    Join me for an energy shift on karma, they made me do it and why you complied!! Time to shift deeper into your knowing and activate your inner power. If you are doing things you know are against your truth you will reap the karma of that energy. Remove the energy and let's get back on track now!!! Plus a call in show!!

  • Watch Your WORDS! It Is A Call In Show


    A energy update for around the world and call in and speak to Tracy L to have your energy shifted!!! Let's come together and keep expanding into a world of possibilities. Your words are more important than ever before it is time to pay attention!!!!!

  • Embracing The Light With Lucas J Mack


    During these times of confusion Lucas and I are here to offer you a few more tips and thoughts to help you get to the light and stay strong in your convictions! Remember how amazing and powerful you truly are! There are many many changes coming the questions are you ready?

  • Gold And Silver And An Upside Down World With Jeremy Wiseman


    The financial world is changing faster than ever before. We have printed more debt than ever before and spent more money around the world. The system must come to an end and be recreated. Money is energy and it is one of the biggest things people struggle with. Join me to explore more around why Gold and Silver even when many so it is dead. Understand why it is not and how you can navigate through these choppy waters as the financial system starts to morph into something new!

  • How The World of creative Can Unlock Your SuperPowers With Guest Milene Sousa


    When you tap into the universal energy of play and creativity miracles happen. Join me in this hour as we explore how the creative arts can expand your manifesting and true desires! Prepare to open to a new level of creativity and to stop being afraid of embracing it.

  • Freedom Is Important!


    What does freedom mean to you? Why is it such an important topic these days and why is your system feeling a strong need to have freedom like never before. How the past life energies are effecting you now and how you can move through them to reclaim your freedom now! Plus it is a call in show!

  • Why So Many Follow The Rules And The Danger Of It!


    Have you asked yourself why so many feel the need to follow the rules and how they can become the danger to sciety! They are usually the most fearful of the fearful on the planet. We will share why this is important to know and how to break it! Plu sit is a call in show!

  • The Friendship Hour With The Evolutionary Mastermind Gang


    Tune in to hear inspiring new words from souls who have been in the Evoltuionary Mastermind. Why you want to push yourself outside your comfort zone. Why it is not easy and why now is the time to jump on board!! This is one show you will want to hear how brave they all are and why unleashing your superhuman powers are waiting for you to hold onto!

  • Change Does Not Come Following The Crowd!


    Change does not come by following the crowd. So often when you want to change you will be faced with resistance. People will call you crazy and you will wonder what you are doing. You will second guess yourself and not understand why you know you must keep following your intution!

  • Stop Wasting Time Missing The Now!.Plus Call In Show!


    As always our shows are channelled so stay opent to the new that is unfolding. So often you spend way to much time searching for the answers missing the entire journey along the way! STOP..i will go into why that is important to stop and what is really happening...Plus it is a call in show. You can ask Rev. Tracy L one question so she can help many souls!!! Enjoy the shifts while you listen to the callers! Thank you for being you!

  • The Truth Is Coming Are You READY!! Buckle Up..Plus Call IN Show


    So much is unfolding as we speak around the world and many are not aware~ Today we will see what message God has to download and share and inspire and lift up...also, it is a call in show so lets shift together!! Let me help you unlock the worries and stress and help you to align to all that is waiting on the otherside for you! Much love



    So many blindfully go through life not questioning anything. Why are you putting that in your body? Why are you having a reaction. Do you know reactions to anything from food to medicine is your bodies way of saying it is not happy! How many times have you put things in your body without reading the messge it is giving you. To much sugar you feel sick? Why? Medicine you have reactions and you keep taking it? Why? On todays episode we will address the WHY you do it and what is your body really telling you! Plus it is a call in show so prepare to show up and shift!

  • Friendship Hour


    Join me and members of the Miraculous Academy and Evolutionary the FRIENDSHIP HOUR! Share how they have changed their life, connected to the God of their understanding and how to expand their life. Enjoying the journey through the ups and downs! Life is better with friends! Tune in shift and expand! Much love Rev. T

  • Entering the world of Osteopathic Medicine


    Have you ever wondered how you could work with your body differently? There are many ways to connect and communicate with your body. When you have care with your system it works a lot more in harmony. I am here today to share with you one of my fav people and personal ostepathic doctor. We will explore more around the practice and open your eyes to the new possibilities of the body and repairing it! See you then!

  • Unlocking The Truth With Lucas J Mack


    Lucas is back! Let's engage in a conversation around the old religious ways into the new expansion of God. For many we have belief systems and paradigms of what works for you and what does not. IT is a big world of learning and letting go! Out of the Darkness and into the light! Are you ready?

  • The Friendship Hour With The TLC Community Members


    Join me and members of the Miraculous Academy and Evolutionary the FRIENDSHIP HOUR! Share how they have changed their life, connected to the God of their understanding and how to expand their life. Enjoying the journey through the ups and downs! Life is better with friends! Tune in shift and expand! Much love Rev. T

  • Let's Chat!


    It is a call in show!! When you shift the energy you can change your life, your outcome and open to creating and manifesting like never before!! Do you have a question? Desire a shift? Let's chat and uplift each other!

  • Peter Hansen And Rev. Tracy L Answer Your Questions


    Peter is back! Do you have a question or do you need a shift? During this time of great shifts call in and let us work together on unlocking your system and your heart! Connect, love and understand more!

  • It's My 50th Bday Today.....Let's Celebrate Together


    When you hit a milestone bday people want to celebrate and enjoy. This year my bday is very different than I planned due to lockdowns and no travel. I could sit there and mope or make a new plan! My plan to celebrate in a new way and then prepare for the next redo! Bday's are super special and on today's show, I am going to share WHY you want to celebrate your birthday and why it is the most powerful time to create and manifest!! I look forward to spending this hour with you! Much love Rev. T

  • Everything Is Coming Up Crystals!


    During this year there is nothing like a great crystal from Mother Earth to help you align to the energy shifts that are going on for 2021. Join me with my expert guest Shivani Sharma who will educate us and play in the crystal energy. They are like your new best friends. How to pick your fav one. Ask what one would work best for you during your transition and so much more! This is one show you will want to get your note pad out for! See you Tuesday! For Everything is coming up crystals!

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