re·sur·gent: rise again, revive
Healthy Discernment - by Jake Bullard
29/08/2023 Duration: 52minJake talks about the opposite of what we usually hear in church regarding discernment, through the good or Kingdom lenses. "Every supernatural encounter should lead you to a theological foundation. Theological foundations should lead you into a supernatural encounter."
Special Guest - Blake Healy
22/08/2023 Duration: 01h19minWe are excited to host special guest Blake Healy to Resurgent.
Salvation Creates Proper Identity
15/08/2023 Duration: 49minPastor Chris talks through what it means to understand how our Identity was changed when we accepted Christ through Salvation.
Pastor Stephen - One Thing is Needed
08/08/2023 Duration: 55minOur Worship Pastor, Steven Hardwick continues teaching on Leitourgeo and talks about the ONE thing that is needed in worship. Take a listen to see what that is.
Special Guest Clint Byars
02/08/2023 Duration: 53minOut special guest, Clint Byars is the lead pastor of Forward Church in Sharpsburg, GA. Clint is the author of 8 books, numerous teaching series and prayer/meditation resources. Clint has a practical yet profound teaching style that focuses on the New Covenant identity and authority of the believer. Today, Clint calls out the completed reality of who we are in our true identity so we put on our new man and live from that reality.
Kingdom Values Create Kingdom Culture
25/07/2023 Duration: 54minPastor Chris teaches on what Kingdom Core Values look like and how they shape a Kingdom Culture in the body.
Refresher Guide to the Prophetic with Kingdom Values
18/07/2023 Duration: 01h06minJake brings us a refresher on how the Prophetic works with Kingdom values. Then, we as an entire church practice with each other in a safe environment. The testimonies that come out of these activations are a powerful reminder of how much God loves us.
Burn 24/7 Sunday
11/07/2023 Duration: 02h11minThis week we had the privilege of hosting a 2 hour worship time with Burn 24/7. Our own Stephen and Amy brought the first hour and the then friends Aaron and Allie Biddle lead the second hour. It was such a sweet time of ministry to our Lord we wanted to share it with you.
Leitourgeo: Ministry to the Lord
05/07/2023 Duration: 48minOur worship pastor, Stephen Hardwick teaches this morning on our what our ministry to the Lord looks like according to Hebrews 10:11-18.
Standing Kings - Craig Sloan
27/06/2023 Duration: 52minCraig challenges us with the following: "The Kingdom doesn't happen inside the four walls of a building. The Kingdom begins when you take what has been entrusted to you and you step into territory that is yet to be conquered."
Father’s Day 2023 - The redemption of our view of a Father.
20/06/2023 Duration: 33minChris, talks about our view of the Father and how it can be redeemed from how life has distorted it. "God wants to redeem your view of who He is."
Special Guest - Ryan Peña
13/06/2023 Duration: 01h07minSpecial guest Ryan Peña visits and delivers a timely message that is on point and encouraging to our church body.
Rooted: In the Soil of Community and Family
06/06/2023 Duration: 46minChris continues the Rooted series by talking through building roots in Community and Family. ""It's only when we find our people that we can fulfil our purpose; Your purpose lies inside of the people that are around you."