Aarij Anwer



Shaikh Aarij Anwer is a specialist in morphological tafsir and Arabic. He was born in Karachi, grew up in the Greater Toronto Area and serves as an imam at Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque in Toronto. He holds a Bachelor of Islamic Sciences from Al-Madinah International University of Malaysia. He continues to study advanced Arabic, Fiqh and Hadith with scholars from Egypt.He has taught Arabic to over 500 students from across the world and published a complete Arabic curriculum for Islamic schools. Hes the founder of Qutoof Academy for advanced Arabic studies.He has also published a book on the Prophets (S) supplications. As an AlKauthar institute instructor, he travels internationally to teach tafsir.A registered religious official, he presides over marriages. Once a year, he leads an umrah group with a special focus on seerah and tafsir on site. He lives in Brampton, Ontario with his wife and three daughters.


  • Becoming a Person of Jannah

    25/05/2018 Duration: 28min

    People of Jannah, as mentioned in ayaat 15-17 from Surah Ale Imran, and how Ramadan presents a unique opportunity to become a person of Jannah. Say, “Shall I tell you of something better than all of these? For the God-fearing, there are Gardens in nearness to their God with rivers flowing through them where they … Continued

  • Fiqh of Fasting

    15/05/2018 Duration: 01h52s

    Fiqh of Fasting and Welcoming Ramadan. Some questions that we discussed were: 1) Does a pregnant/nursing woman have to fast? If she doesn’t, then how does she make up for the fasting? 2) What happens if I have to travel during Ramadan? 3) How old does a child have to be before they start fasting? … Continued

  • Preparing Your Heart, Mind and Soul for Ramadan

    15/05/2018 Duration: 25min

    – Why is Ramadan so important? Why do we talk about it so much? – Preparing your heart: forgive others – Preparing your mind: restart and reestablish habits of worship – Preparing your soul: start making dua

  • 15th of Shaban - Forgive to be Forgiven

    27/04/2018 Duration: 24min

    The Prophet (S) said, “Indeed Allah looks upon the people on the 15th of Shaban and forgives everyone except a polytheist or a mushahin” (Narrated by ibn Majah, authenticated by Sh Al-Albani) This khutbah explains why we must forgive others in Shaban to be forgiven by Allah: – Who is a mushahin? Like the ship … Continued

  • Sunnah of Miswak

    25/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    The Sunnah of Miswak: – Miswak or siwak? – Highly recommended action at all times, particularly before praying and after waking up from sleep – “The miswak is purifier of the mouth, pleasing to the Lord.” (Hadith) – The Messenger (S) used to do miswak when he entered his house – One of the last … Continued

  • How Islam Inspired Science

    18/04/2018 Duration: 42min

    A brief look at: – how Islam, the texts of Islam (Qur’an and Hadith) and the necessity to practice Islam inspired a scientific movement – how this movement was never in conflict with Muslim scholarship (in fact, a number of scientists were also religious scholars and vice versa) – the success stories of scientists such … Continued

  • Don't be Bitter - Lessons from the Story of Yusuf

    17/04/2018 Duration: 23min

    Yusuf (AS) was betrayed by those who were supposed to love and protect him. That did not make him bitter or thirsty for revenge. We need to act the same way when someone hurts us. Khutbah delivered at London Muslim Mosque.

  • The Greatest Gift - Islam

    11/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    The greatest gift we’ve been given is Islam. Understand the value of it, learn how to value and cherish it.

  • Overcoming Struggles - The Quran's Advice

    09/04/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    Overcoming Struggles – The Quran’s Advice How do we find solace in difficult moments? How do we navigate tragedies? We look for answers from the Qur’an. Recorded at Sydney Madinah, Sydney.

  • Road Map to Learning Arabic

    05/04/2018 Duration: 51min

    How to approach learning Arabic? What’s the best curriculum? What are some strategies? Talk delivered at Twins of Faith conference in Melbourne, 2018.

  • 3 Actions that Allah Loves the Most

    31/03/2018 Duration: 32min

    Talk at the Twins of Faith 2018 conference in Melbourne, based on the hadith of the Prophet (S): Abdullah bin Masood asked the Prophet (S), “What does Allah love the most? ” He replied, “Prayer on its earliest time.” “Then what?” “Being loving and courteous with the parents, doing things to please them.” “Then what?” … Continued

  • Seven under the Shade

    29/03/2018 Duration: 25min
  • Ease with Difficulty

    29/03/2018 Duration: 30min
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