Creative Mama



Put a creative spin on the daily grind! The Creative Mama Podcast artfully combines the responsibility of parenthood with the thrill of creative expression. This show is for anyone looking to breathe a little excitement into their everyday routine.


  • 33: When Passions Merge

    08/07/2019 Duration: 11min

    Have you ever pursued a dream or a career only to feel like maybe you made a mistake? What do we do when we begin to doubt that we are on the right track, despite all our training, education, and years of experience? Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 33] as Abbi shares her experience in chasing a series of passions and finding her calling along the way. Maybe you can relate, or maybe it will inspire you in the journey you find yourself on right now. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Savannah College of Art & Design Hobby Lobby Craft Stores Life.Church Hot Mamas Run 5k Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store

  • 32: How to Shake Things Up

    24/06/2019 Duration: 12min

    When we were kids, Summer represented three months' worth of unlimited possibilities, fun, and freedom. Then we became adults and the reality of our year-round responsibilities caused us to put that hopeful expectation of a carefree season on the back burner. But at what cost? We know that 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' but maybe there's a way to still take care of business AND have a little fun. If Summer (or any time of the year, really) has you feeling a bit lackluster, join us for Creative Mama [Episode 32] where I unpack 12 ideas for pumping a little more enjoyment into life. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Episode 9: 101 Things in 1001 Days “Scruffy Hospitality” post Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store

  • 31: Boredom Busters

    10/06/2019 Duration: 18min

    Ahh, summertime! We love the freedom of summer, but not always the lack of structure. Too many unscheduled hours can cause us and our families to just grab a device and zone out to fill our time. Or maybe you are careful about limiting screen time, but you are starting to run out of ideas to keep your kids busy and it’s only the second week of June. Creative Mama [Episode 31] is here to help! I’ve created a printable of over 100 free-or-cheap ideas to keep your kids hands and minds occupied WITHOUT screens. Grab the PDF from the link below, and listen to the show to hear specific tips for a handful of the suggestions listed. Links to some of our favorite playtime products are also included below for your convenience. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Episode 30: Step Away from the Phone “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World” by Cal Newport Episode 9: 1

  • 30: Step Away from the Phone

    27/05/2019 Duration: 14min

    As parents we are hyper-aware of how much screen time we allow our kids. When it comes to our own devices, however, we tend to justify our excessive use by pointing to how our technology makes us more productive or how we “have to” be on social media to adequately maintain our relationships with friends and family. But life hasn’t always been this way. In Creative Mama [Episode 30], I share some things I’ve recently learned about living life in the digital age. If you’re like me, you’re dismayed by how easily your free time disappears when there’s a smartphone in your hands. Join us as we discuss some tips for getting our lives back and embracing more the relationships and activities that breathe life into us. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Job 1:20-21 (NIV) “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World” by Cal Newport Yahtzee ((COMING SOON: Episode 31 abou

  • 29: This One's for the Moms

    13/05/2019 Duration: 05min

      Motherhood comes in a variety of packages and often evolves over time. It is all-consuming and exhausting and yet we can't deny that it has made us stronger, wiser, more compassionate. For Creative Mama [Episode 29], let's celebrate the women who have shaped us, the women who have loved us, the women WE have become. Because although "Mother's Day" is a solitary square on a man-made calendar, we know in our hearts that every day is a day to celebrate the women in our lives. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Galatians 6: 9-10 TPT Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store  

  • 28: Beauty Secrets No One Brings Up

    29/04/2019 Duration: 12min

    When it comes to beauty and fashion tips, are you generally the first to know or the last? Often times, we find something "new" only to discover that our friends have been using it for ages. Why the secrecy? Listen in to Creative Mama [Episode 28] as Abbi shares her latest and greatest finds in fashion and self-care. Perhaps you'll get to be the leader of the pack in terms of introducing these products and techniques to your girlfriends. At the very least, the secret will be out! As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Old Navy Jeggings Tinkle razors Facial shaving for women L’Ange brush with boars hair bristles (the one I own); less expensive alternative by J&D Beauty My current favorite hat for bad hair days (major brownie points with the hubby for this choice) My two favorite dry sh

  • 27: How to Read Aloud

    15/04/2019 Duration: 16min

    We've all heard the science that says reading aloud is the best thing we can do for our kids' development, no matter their age. But even when we understand the why, we sometimes get tripped up by the details of the how. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 27] as we discuss ideas for incorporating this habit into our family life without feeling overwhelmed by one more thing we "should" be doing. I share the 7 best tips I have found for making read-alouds manageable and fun. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store Little House on the Prairie Audiobooks, read by Cherry Jones. Definitely start with book 1! OverDrive app for borrowing ebooks and audiobooks Libby app for borrowing ebooks and audiobooks The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall W

  • 26: Joke's On You

    01/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    We often equate adulting to being overly serious and focusing on accomplishing boring (but necessary) tasks. And yet we’ve been warned that ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ Many of us are searching for ways to be a “fun mom,” and I think we tend to over-complicate what that looks like. How can we strike a balance between responsibility and silliness? How can we show the people around us (especially our children), that it’s possible to be dependable AND fun? It doesn’t have to be one or the other. And it’s easier than you think to get started. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 26] as we share some of the ways our family connects through humor, harmless pranks, and games that get us laughing. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to  *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Our favorite joke book for kids Rubber bugs for playing pranks Googly eyes Flashlights for nighttime hide-and-seek Support the show by maki

  • 25: Time in a Bottle

    18/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    So many of us chronicle our baby’s every milestone: their first word, the day they took a couple steps, their first tooth. But what about the rest of the family? Do we commemorate our ever-changing seasons with all their excitement and moments of joy and development? It needn’t be complicated, but it can sure be fun! A time capsule is a great way to celebrate the current version of yourself, and (when you revisit your treasure box) to remind your future self how far you’ve come and how much you’ve learned and grown. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 25] as we break down the steps for creating a time capsule that perfectly encompasses your life as it is now and looks toward the future with great hope. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to  *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Jim Croce’s official website Support the show by making a donation Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama an

  • 24: Share Your Mess

    04/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    In a world of before-and-afters, overnight successes, and boss babes who are crushing it, we can find it easy to believe the lie that people only care about the end result. But what about all those little daily habits that inspire you to press on? What about the struggles that teach you lessons you might never learn if the goal was quickly or easily reached? Isn't there value in the in-between? Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 24] as we outline three huge benefits of sharing more than just the highlights of life. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to  *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Support the show by making a donation Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

  • 23: Chaos Management

    28/01/2019 Duration: 22min

    We all go through seasons where life feels crazy-busy. In those times, it's so important to have rhythms and routines that help keep you from totally losing your mind. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 23] where I outline some of the habits and tools I use to help me manage the busyness of life without feeling stressed to the max or allowing any details to slip through the cracks. Hopefully, these ideas and resources will help you create your own plan for when your daily routine feels out of control. Your plan may not look like mine, but I hope you leave this episode inspired to put some routines in place that will serve you well going forward. Creative Mama will be off for the month of February, but we'll be back on March 4, 2019 with the premiere episode of Season 3. Thank you so much for listening! As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to  *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Overwhelmed By My Blessings reading pla

  • 22: Sow to Grow

    14/01/2019 Duration: 14min

    Each word we say, each thought we make space for in our minds, each action we allow to become a habit…all these things are making us who we are, as well as planting seeds in the hearts and minds of those in our circle of influence. If we hope to reap a harvest of positivity, health, and strong, meaningful relationships, it’s crucial that we are sowing good seeds. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 22] as Abbi shares her One Word for 2019 and shows how the meaning behind it also impacts your life, no matter what you’re focusing on this season. As you set out to have a more intentional year, we highly recommend signing up for an ANALOGUE subscription through Mandy Thompson’s website. These “field guides for the soul” will help ensure you are taking the right steps that will lead you to the growth you want to see in your life. This week we are offering a GIVEAWAY of Issue 1 to one lucky listener. See below for details. Meanwhile, you take care of the sowing, and God will take care of the growing. Make it a great

  • 21: New Year's Revolution

    31/12/2018 Duration: 20min

    How many times have you set a New Year’s resolution that didn’t last past Valentine’s Day? Or made a goal that seemed like something you should do, but as you worked towards it, you began to realize you weren’t really all that interested in accomplishing that thing after all. Goal setting can sometimes seem so daunting or even soul-sucking, like something meant only for the ultra-competitive, or Type-A nerds. Listen to Creative Mama [Episode 21] as we discuss why our plans so often fail and then unpack some alternative (read: more enjoyable) approaches to the tired old New Year’s Resolution. Start 2019 off on the right foot, armed with creative solutions and the tools and resources you need to reach your goals and have fun doing it! As always, I'd love to hear your feedback on the content of this episode. Are you a goal-setter? Do you generally reach your goals? Let’s talk! Find me on my website, Instagram, or by sending an email to Happy New Year! *** People, Places & Things in This E

  • 20: Deidra Livingood [Creative Convo]

    17/12/2018 Duration: 38min

    Having spent her childhood watching her mother creatively redecorate their home on a budget, Deidra Livingood soon found herself following in her mother’s footsteps. Following several painful losses in her own life, she longed for a way to provide distressed families with a sense of stability, belonging, and comfort. As her passion for beautiful, functional spaces grew, Deidra looked for ways to bless others with her talent. A lifelong knack for interior decorating has since evolved into a full-time ministry and non-profit organization for Deidra, today’s guest on Creative Mama Podcast. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 20] as Deidra shares with us her vision behind Heart and Home Makeovers, the 501(c)3 non-profit she founded in 2018. Her organization is “focused on mobilizing the community to transform every distressed household into a powerhouse of hope and purpose.” You will be inspired by Deidra’s story as she shares ideas on how to show love to others through making a house feel more like home. *** Peop

  • 19: Emily Johnson [Creative Convo]

    03/12/2018 Duration: 30min

    After discovering she could alleviate many of her health issues by consuming higher-quality foods, Emily Johnson got creative in the kitchen. As researching nutrition and its effects on our lives grew into an insatiable passion, Emily left her high-stress marketing job in favor of pursuing a Masters in Holistic Nutrition. Her recently launched Village Nutrition Company focuses on building community and helping families “find health through whole foods." Whether you have picky kids, toddlers just beginning to eat solid foods, family members with dietary restrictions, or symptoms that keep you from feeling your best, Emily and her organization offer wonderful insight and suggestions for moving your family towards better health through food. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 19] as Emily details her exploration into the world of whole foods, simplifying the meal-planning process and encouraging all of us to listen to our bodies and find a way of eating that meets the needs of our unique families. *** People, Pl

  • 18: Gratitude Attitude

    19/11/2018 Duration: 15min

    The changing seasons and the holidays generally cause us to turn inward and reflect on all the blessings in our lives. But what if you’re having trouble getting your mind to focus on the positives simply because the monotony or chaos of your daily grind is so overwhelming? Listen to Creative Mama [Episode 18] to hear some ideas that may spark an attitude of gratitude. While Abbi is certainly no expert, she is passionate about creating a fulfilling life regardless of circumstances AND inspiring others to do the same. Happy Thanksgiving! Make it a great day! *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Inscribe the Word November plan by Symphony of Praise YouVersion Bible App Psalm 92: 1-6 The Passion Translation (TPT), the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits

  • 17: The Don't List

    05/11/2018 Duration: 09min

    Sometimes we look around at what everyone else seems to love and we think, “That is NOT my jam.” And that’s good, because who ever said we all have to be alike?! The trouble comes in when we know something isn’t for us, but we feel pressured to alter our viewpoint or preferences based on popular opinion. Listen to Creative Mama [Episode 17] regarding the concept of creating your own “Don’t List” and being comfortable with who you are and what you like. No guilt. No apologies. No justifying. As always, I'd love to connect with you. If you decide to make a Don’t List [mental or otherwise], I'd love to hear some of the items you choose to include. Just leave a comment below or connect with me through my episode posts on Instagram: @abbiz. *** People, Places & Things in This Episode:, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other purs

  • 16: Vacation Lessons

    22/10/2018 Duration: 07min

    Ahhh…time away. Isn’t it wonderful? And then, before you know it (or before you’re ready!), it’s back to reality! Surely there is a way to return home with some of the peace, relaxation, and magnificence we feel while we are vacation. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 16] as we discuss some ocean-side ramblings that may help reframe the mundane parts of your day. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store

  • 15: Arica Carlson [Creative Convo]

    08/10/2018 Duration: 48min

    **PRODUCER’S NOTE: October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. It’s devastating how many families are affected by miscarriage, stillbirth, death from premature birth/delivery complications, or SIDS. These types of loss happen more often than we realize, and yet it’s something people rarely speak about openly. We are doing our fellow women (and their families) a disservice by not acknowledging their pain and asking them to share their stories. It is our prayer that this episode will broach this sensitive topic with love, empathy, and resources to help those experiencing this type of heartbreak.** A planner by nature, Arica Carlson thought she had a good grasp on what to expect in motherhood. Little did she know, her youngest son would arrive in a way that would change her life forever. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 15] and hear of one mother’s story of unexpected life changes, the questioning and heartache that ensued, and how she fought through anger and grief by reaching out for support and jo

  • 14: Kasie Sallee [Creative Convo]

    24/09/2018 Duration: 37min

    Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 14] and listen in as Kasie explains the process of letting go, returning to the fun side of playing around with art, and the way creativity’s inherent beauty connects us to others. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Ep. 13 Self-Care for the Weary The Artisan Soul: Crafting Your Life Into a Work of Art by Erwin McManus Dustin Sallee’s vintage creations Beauty: The Invisible Embrace by John O’Donohue Plaza District Arts Festival In Your Eye Gallery Deluxe Winter Market Connect with Kasie: Website Instagram *** Suggest a topic or guest Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store

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