Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman



Welcome to Journey to Organization with Rebekah Saltzman, where we talk about getting organized, zero waste and it's relationship to Judaism.


  • 146: Why I don't make my bed

    16/09/2020 Duration: 10min

    September 11th was national make you bed day!  But I didn't, in fact, I never make my bed.   (Almost never!) Listen to this week's episode to find out why!

  • 145: Get on the decluttering train

    09/09/2020 Duration: 24min

    What happened when your partner isn't on the decluttering train with you???  It can be rough - this week I will talk about solutions for what to do when your family isn't on board the train with you and you feel resentful

  • 144: Tips to organize for Rosh Hashannah

    02/09/2020 Duration: 23min

    This year you may not be going to shul for Rosh Hashannah or any part of Yom Tov so this week I decided to talk about how you can organize yourself for a more spiritual Jewish New Year experience.  Grow and be your best self in 5781!  In order to do that some advanced planning needs to happen! So check out this episode to see what you can do now to get organized for the holidays!

  • 143: Decision Fatigue

    26/08/2020 Duration: 24min

    Do you know that we make more than 35,000 decisions in a day?  That is a lot!  Decision fatigue is when we get worn out from too many decisions. This week I talk about how it relates to organization and what you can do to avoid it. 

  • 142: Back to school tips

    19/08/2020 Duration: 21min

    I know we aren't exactly sure how, when or even if our kids are going to be going back to school, but they will have school.   This week I am focusing on tips for reusing school supplies, setting up good working habits, and giving kids the tools they need to learn and stay healthy!

  • 141: Six tips for Aliyah

    12/08/2020 Duration: 22min

    Are you making Aliyah soon?  If you, a family member or a friend are making Aliyah, you are not going to want to miss this episode. To celebrate my 6 year Aliyahversary, I dedicated this weeks podcast to my best tips for making Aliyah! (I added a 7th for good luck :)) What do you think?  Did I miss something?  Send me an email and let me know how I did!

  • 140: Tu B’Av, A Zero Waste holiday & 3 tips if you are engaged

    04/08/2020 Duration: 21min

    What do Tu B'Av, the 15th of the Jewish month of Av, and Zero Waste have in common?  What  Tu B'Av anyway? 3 Tips for couples who are getting engaged, and 2 if you are already married!

  • 139: Tisha B'Av

    28/07/2020 Duration: 20min

    Wondering how to organize for Tisha B'Av - me too!  Listen to this week's episode to see how!

  • 138: Maintenance strategies

    22/07/2020 Duration: 28min

    So you organized your whole house - how do you keep it organized and tidy?   Listen for 2 strategies to help you maintain the order in your home.

  • 137: Chana Mason - How to let go of stuff

    15/07/2020 Duration: 43min

    I am sometimes sentimental.  Not always, but sometimes.  I have all my sentimental things together in one trunk I keep at the foot of my bed.  Every few weeks I open it up and look through.  Sometimes I get rid of things.  Mostly, I just take a look around and then close it back up.  Why? Why am I holding on to this stuff? This week on the podcast, Chana Mason helps me to figure that out! Follow her simple line of questioning to help yourself better let go of the thing you no longer want and no longer serve you! Chana Mason Vitality Coach & Author US +1-860-263-9193 International +972-54-657-1650

  • 136: How long does it take to organize a space?

    08/07/2020 Duration: 26min

    Not sure how much time to dedicate to decluttering, this episode is for you!   Allotting the correct amount of time is important, but how do you know?  This week's episode will help you figure it all out. 

  • 135: How to deal with collectors

    02/07/2020 Duration: 19min

    Are you a collector?  How about your partner or child?  Do you collect one type of thing or many? Collections can turn into problems mighty fast --- learn what to do with collectors and collections in this weeks episode. 

  • 134: Memorial to my mother

    23/06/2020 Duration: 41min

    My mom passed away. She taught me so much and shaped me into the person I am today.  This week I pay tribute to my mom, who taught me to be happy with what I have, to give thanks, and to not overthink things too much. 

  • 133: Hoarding in the time of Corona

    02/04/2020 Duration: 30min

    I have been trying to figure out what to say to make this time manageable for you, so I decided on just telling my story and my truth.  Things right now stink.  It stinks to be stuck in your house.  It stinks to not be with friends and family for holidays.  It stinks to worry about getting sick.  When we reframe the situation and focus on gratitude, even for those of us who have it really bad, I think it is easier to cope.  Focusing on the good, and not let the worry take us over is difficult in the best of times, but in stressful times it can seem downright impossible,  I go over a few tips on how to reframe the situation and getting ready for pesach.  If you need more help getting ready for pesach, check out episodes 5,6,7,8,9, 46, 50, 51, 52, 98, and 99. If you need some one on one decluttering - reach out - let's do my Done In a Day Declutter!

  • 132 : Get Your taxes in order with Yosefa Huber

    24/03/2020 Duration: 44min

    There are only two things in live that are unavoidable, death and taxes.  In this crazy time we are living, it is still tax season!  I asked CPA, Yosefa Huber to come on the podcast this week and explain to us exactly what is what - Changes to tax dates this year Why accountants are necessary for expats Tips on filing back tax returns How to organize documents for taxes Social security and expat rights Are your taxes ready to be filed? To reach Yosefa check out her website -   or Facebook page -

  • 131: Don't Panic - with Aviva Yoselis

    19/03/2020 Duration: 39min

    What can we do during this Coronavirus outbreak to stay healthy? Aviva Yoselis from is back (see episode 115) to talk to us about how to deal with your mental health during this crisis, how to care for your self and your family, and how long we can expect to be in a social distancing stage. 

  • 130: I'm an organized person

    26/02/2020 Duration: 33min

    People always tell me, I don't understand why I need your help, I am an organized person - it doesn't make sense - and tell them that your organization skills aren't the problem - it is the volume of stuff that you have in your home that is the problem.  Listen to find out more on how you can get to your most organized self.

  • 129: Tu B'Shevat Reduction

    12/02/2020 Duration: 32min

    What is the connection between Tu B'Shevat (The Jewish New Year for trees) and using what we have and only buying what we really need?  Listen to find out that and things that I do with my family to reduce my waste.  

  • 128: Kids with bad habits

    06/02/2020 Duration: 23min

    Do your kids have bad organizational habits?  Setting them up to succeed with organizational skills helps them become better functioning adults, Listen to find out more. 

  • 127: Things on display

    29/01/2020 Duration: 22min

    Do you keep things on display in your house?  Do you feel like it is too much?  This week I answer a listener question about how to deal with stuff on display, and what happens to it when the space around it gets cluttered and untidy. 

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