Tyler Woods Phd Holistic Mental Health

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 10:07:17
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Tyler Woods believes in a holistic approach to mental health care. That is because it does much more than just manage symptoms, it's an approach that emphasizes the interrelationship between mind, body, and spirit and can be any form of practice that is outside the realm of conventional western medicine. Holistic mental health and healing is an ongoing journey of discovery and ultimately is about living better, being healthier, and striving for wholeness and will offer great insight on this topic.


  • Trying to Control Ruminating

    21/07/2024 Duration: 08min

    Join Tyler Woods as she talks about rumination today. She shares some ways to find your way out of rumination. She explains how rumination is based on your past and helps you with ideas while staying present. She also talks about ways to recognize rumination and how to move past it. She shares how you can be stronger than your thoughts.

  • Patience

    21/07/2024 Duration: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods as she talks about patience and how important it is to our well-being and spiritual and mental health. Today Tyler talks about you can gain more patience with simple ideas that will keep your frustration down so you can practice patience by pausing.

  • Understanding Ignorance

    30/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    The word ignorance has been coming up frequently, and I realized how devastating it can be for ourselves and the environment around us. People see ignorance as a name that is called, but that tells you how little they know about the word. Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about how we have yet to learn, discover, and understand rather than choose ignorance. It is about discovery and education and having the utter courage to want to understand, and knowing truth over ignorance takes courage in today's world.

  • Your Passion Is In Front of Your Face

    18/04/2024 Duration: 09min

    Join Tyler Woods as she discusses what your passion is. She suggests using your heart compass to discover your passion. After all, the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart, and that is a powerful tool for finding your passion. She also believes everything we need, including passion, is right in front of our face. Tune in.

  • Learning to Blame No One

    24/03/2024 Duration: 09min

    Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about when we are angry or upset, we should not blame anyone rather use it as an opportunity to look within our own selves and see why we are angry rather than being a victim and feeling angry and hirt. Blame no one and look within.

  • Thoughts are Powerful

    03/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods, Ph.D., as she talks about how thoughts are powerful and how we are a product of our thoughts. She will talk about how it is important to start paying attention to your thoughts because many of us have automatic negative thoughts. She will talk about how mindfulness is helpful when challenging these automatic negative thoughts. It involves being aware of and accepting our thoughts and feelings in the present moment.

  • Understanding Gaslighting

    16/02/2024 Duration: 11min

    Listening to Tyler Woods today, and she helps you try to understand gaslighting. First, let’s give social media a big cheer for confusing people with what gaslighting is. On social media, anyone who wronged you or anyone whom you are mad at is a gaslighter. That is far from the truth. Gaslighting is where someone manipulates you and your conversations so much you question your own sanity, reality, and judgments. It is an abuse tactic where the person questions facts over and over till you feel confused. They undermine your skills and truths, and they manipulate your reality until you agree with them. The primary objective is power and control. Let's learn more about it in today's show.

  • Social Media and Mental Well Being

    09/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods Today and she talks about how we have learned so much about social media and the effects it has on mental health. She has studied social media since its creation, and she fully understands and shares how social media can create mental health issues, it also leads to poor body image, increases cyberbullying, comparing ourselves to others, and having it harm our self-esteem, opens the door to addiction, and can lead to isolation because people spend more time on social media and less time in personal interactions with others. There are positive things to social media as well so give the show a listen.

  • Grudges and Resentments Are Not About You

    16/01/2024 Duration: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods PhD as she talks about when someone holds a grudge or resentment, it has nothing to do with you; it is just about people holding on so tightly it affects the very core of their lives. Tyler believes that it is important that you recognize what resentments and or grudges are all about and that they serve as a protective mechanism they use in order to protect themselves from future hurt. These people who are judging you, resenting you, holding their grudge towards you are stuck. They have a difficult time living in the now, the present. Learn more with this week's podcast.

  • Taking Responsibility Is Vital

    28/12/2023 Duration: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods, PhD as she talks about how taking responsibility empowers us as this wonderful opportunity gives us the power to learn and be a better person. It helps us become more self-aware, and it can really help our relationships with those around us because it helps us communicate better. Most importantly, taking responsibility and being accountable offers us all a chance to learn and make changes to improve our behavior

  • Toxic Is A Buzz Word

    02/12/2023 Duration: 11min

    Join Tyler Woods PhD as she talks about the latest buzz word toxic. She talks how it is an overused buzzword, and it belittles what it is like to just be a human being and if someone’s opinion or attitude doesn’t fit into what we personally feel is acceptable or doable, they are labeled toxic. using the word toxic is more like a defense mechanism against anything that triggers, angers, or something that people disagree with. Find out more in this week's show.

  • Emotional Immune System

    12/11/2023 Duration: 11min

    Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about the emotional immune system and how it is the foundation of emotional resilience. Today Dr. Woods talks about how to build and improve your emotional immune system.

  • Enabling Adult Children

    03/11/2023 Duration: 11min

    Today Tyler Woods talks about parents that enable their grown child. Enabling parents basically removes that person from having to take responsibility for their behavior and the parent will always fix, solve, or make the consequences go away. Today Tyler talks about how it effects adult children by not allowing them to grow and what parents can do to gain control over their lives and teach their children to grow.

  • Keeping Religion and Spirituality Separate in Mental Health

    26/10/2023 Duration: 17min

    Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about suicide and how mainstream religion sees it as a sin while spirituality will view it as a depleted emotional immune system. Suicide is not a sin as religion states, it is a symptom of an emotional problem be it depression, bi-polar, addictions and the many disorders the brain has and that is not a sin rather an illness just like cancer, stroke or heart attack. We must stop judging mental health issues as sin!

  • Practicing Patience

    19/10/2023 Duration: 12min

    Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about how patience should not be a virtue rather a skill. She beleive the problem is, we live in a time where being a virtue can mean so many different things to different people that we lost what means good. She says skip the word virtue and say patience should be a habit that we create. Maybe it can be a skill that becomes a habit!

  • Letting Go Of Anger

    03/10/2023 Duration: 11min

    Tyler Woods continues her conversation about anger by talking about letting go of anger. She share how anger starts in the mind but takes over the entire body, mind, body and spirit. Today she will talk about how anger harms the self and ways to release that anger and begin to feel peace.

  • Respond to Anger With Kindness

    27/09/2023 Duration: 12min

    Tyler Woods PhD believes that it is vital to learn how to cope with your own feelings when you are approached by an angry person. You should try to understand their feelings and respond with kindness over anger. If you are an angry person there is help. You can see a therapist, attend anger management classes, seek a spiritual way to understand your feelings behind anger, think about peer support, where people use their experiences to help others. There are books to help manage anger, my favorite is the Cow In the Parking Lot.

  • Giving Life Meaning and Purpose

    30/08/2023 Duration: 09min

    Tyler talks today about a friend of hers that she has know for 28 years and how she is watching her die and discovering meaning to life. A meaningful life is important because it gives us a purpose and something to live for. She talks about how important it is to devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

  • When Fears Become Phobia's

    19/08/2023 Duration: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods as she talks about fears that become so intense that it interferes with your daily functioning or well-being and it can be classified as a specific phobia, which is a type of anxiety disorder. Fear becomes a phobia when the anticipation, or anxiety, as well as the mental and physical response is so great that is it debilitating and interferes with everyday life. She talks about fears and ways to overcome them.

  • You Are More Than Your Job

    07/08/2023 Duration: 10min

    Join Tyler Woods today as she talks about how in our society derive our self-worth from what we do for a living. We put people in little boxes based on what they do for a living. People always ask us, "what do you do for a living." A She finds this question interesting to navigate because she believes that our authentic self is simply a collection of choices and decisions not just our jobs. Join her today....

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