Born To Thrive With Jamie Lee



Welcome to the Born to Thrive with Jamie Lee podcast, where I present ideas, tips and tools to help women become bolder, braver and better paid.


  • Ep.43 How to Embrace Discomfort to Become Unstoppable as a Negotiator

    16/11/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Please enjoy this special episode - a replay of my Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid: Coaching Live session recorded on November 14, 2018. I shared: - #1 secret to becoming unstoppable as a negotiator - The impact of neurotransmitters on our feelings, thoughts, and results - The root of all behavior and how to influence others - Why embracing the balance of emotions is key to success - How to create intentional beliefs so that you can become bolder, braver, and better paid In the second half, I coached a naturopathic doctor who is struggling to articulate her value to potential clients and helped her identify her philosophy and reconnect with her confidence. To sign up for future sessions, go to:

  • Ep.42 Future Focus and Goal Shame

    09/11/2018 Duration: 19min

    “Why do you need to articulate your future potential as part of your negotiation strategy?” I address this question and explain the importance of future focus for you, for your negotiation, and for your leadership. I share my updates for 2018 “Wild and Improbable” Goals and how I am dealing with the shame of not yet having achieved my ambitious goals. Thriving is not about being “happy-happy-joy-joy” 100% of the time. In order to thrive, you need to embrace the pain of growing and the sting of rejection and shame. To learn more about my small group mastermind, go to

  • Ep.41 The People-Pleasing Trap

    01/11/2018 Duration: 30min

    How differently would you show up to ask for help, work, or money if you didn't have the need to please people? My bet is that you'd be bolder, braver, and as a result, better paid. I have a lot of experience with the people-pleasing trap, because I'm a recovering people-pleaser. In this episode, I explain how this fear of displeasing others holds us back from asking, receiving, and thriving. You'll learn: - Why and how the life-long training to please others started - Why our brains confuse other people's displeasure as a threat - Why it's impossible to please others with who we are, what we say, or what we do - Three ways we can get triggered to sabotage our outcomes - Three ways we can work ourselves out of the people-pleasing trap - Five of my recurring stressful thoughts around pleasing people - How I turn these thoughts around to instill a new mindset of growth, appreciation, and confidence Come check out for details on Small Group Mastermind, private coaching, and

  • Ep. 40 Six Common Negotiation Mistakes with Vivian Giang

    26/10/2018 Duration: 40min

    If you're a pragmatic negotiation geek like me, or if you want to improve your negotiation skills so that you can thrive, you won't want to miss this interview with Vivian Giang. Vivian is a business writer covering how the changing workplace has impacted the way we work and live, in areas related to automation, robotics, team dynamics, executive leadership, and management. She asks, "How do you navigate these waters while also creating credibility and relevance?" She writes about these topics for business publications, like Fast Company, Fortune, Quartz, Dealbreaker, and Marie Claire. In this value-packed conversation, Vivian and I addressed each of the six common negotiation mistakes as highlighted in this Fast Company article: We discussed: - Why it's important to start with your why before asking for the what - The impact of anchoring effect on the bargaining range - How making assumptions creates negotiation pitfal

  • Ep. 39 How Ambitious People Overcome Anxiety and Burnout

    19/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    Though I believe we are all born to thrive, I know there are days when that truth can feel like a lie, because of anxiety. We experience anxiety more acutely when we most need our courage to brave a high-stakes conversation like negotiation. In this valuable conversation with Dr. Maya Borgueta, a clinical psychologist and founder of Stella Nova Psychology, we explored: - Why it's important to be prepared to know your worth at any time during job interview process - What purpose anxiety serves - Why it's not an emotion you need to avoid or push away - How to manage your anxiety level in a simple, yet powerful way - What self-compassion has to do with managing our anxiety - How to recognize burnout - Steps to take to address burnout Learn more about Dr. Maya Borgueta on

  • Bonus: A Thousand Names for Joy

    16/10/2018 Duration: 07min

    In this bonus episode, I read chapter 42 from Byron Katie’s book - A Thousand Names for Joy.

  • Ep. 38 Money is Easy

    12/10/2018 Duration: 20min

    I share my own experiences in holding on to limiting beliefs about money and explain some new beliefs about money, value, and self-worth. What new and better story can you tell about money so that it can flow into your life like water?

  • Ep. 37 How to Negotiate a Career Pivot with Lisa Lewis

    05/10/2018 Duration: 54min

    If you are ambitious and analytical, and if you want to grow your career through strategic pivots, you won't want to miss this value-packed conversation with career change coach Lisa Lewis. Lisa Lewis is a career change coach helping ambitious, analytical individuals feeling stuck in their current jobs find different work that “fits” who they are. She does this by helping you clarify who you are, what you want most, what a great job for you looks like so you can make your career transition in the easiest way possible. In this conversation, Lisa shares how she successfully negotiated a career pivot with a $10K increase in salary offer. (Listen carefully for the word-by-word script!) We also explore how the growth mindset can help ambitious people like you overcome the trap of perfectionism so you can embrace change, risk, growth, learning and joy. Learn more about Lisa here:  Watch the Carol Dweck's TED talk here:

  • Mac's List Interview: How to Manage Emotions in Negotiation

    28/09/2018 Duration: 33min

    This is my interview on Mac's List podcast "Find Your Dream Job." When preparing for a negotiation, especially about money, people are often told that their feelings don’t matter. We are warned to not get emotional at the negotiating table. Women are seen as emotional while men are seen as rational thinkers and therefore better negotiators. But are your feelings truly a weakness when it comes to salary negotiations? On this episode of the Find Your Dream Job podcast, Jamie Lee helps us understand why we should pay attention to our feelings and why emotion has a place in business conversations. Recommended Reading: Jamie encourages our listeners to check out this book written by psychiatrist turned negotiation trainer, Mark Goulston, “Just Listen.”

  • Ep. 36 How to Avoid the Trap of Imposter Syndrome

    21/09/2018 Duration: 25min

    One of the most insidious traps in negotiation is the impostor syndrome. If you’ve ever struggled with feeling like you are good enough, or if you’ve sabotaged your outcomes because of imposter syndrome, you won’t want to miss this episode. I walk you through the root of behavior that generates our results and concrete steps you can take to shift your mindset, from a place of lack to one of abundance, confidence, and power.

  • Ep. 35 Three Key Principles for Negotiating as a Leader

    13/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    It's no coincidence that the principles behind interest-based negotiation framework dovetail with time-proven leadership principles. 1. Success is 80% mindset and 20% tactics. My clients are applying this insight to reinvent their lives and careers from stifling to thriving. Success is an inside job. 2. Ask open questions to understand their why before seeking to be understood. Far from being "nice," this is a powerful strategy that enables my clients to win over a room of naysayers, flip no to yes, and turn transactions into transformational conversations. 3. Be ready to tell a new story. My career changed when I stopped telling myself, "I can't do it," and started saying, "I will walk the talk I give." What new story will you tell? Come to for future webinar updates and more.

  • Ep. 34 What If You Lowballed Yourself? #SalaryNegotiation

    06/09/2018 Duration: 26min

    What if you took the job without asking for more? What if you find out only later that you’re getting paid under-market rate? I’ve done this a few times early in my career. In this episode, I share my own experience, insights into shifting your mindset, and concrete strategies and script for renegotiating your pay by articulating your value with confidence and framing for mutual benefit. Please register for next week’s free webinar (9/12/18, 12pm EST) here:

  • Ep. 33 Webinar recap: How to Deal with "Difficult" People

    30/08/2018 Duration: 19min

    With webinar series "Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid," I am working towards my mission of helping women double their income and impact. This is a quick recap of the kick-off webinar "How to Win Over Difficult People." I give an example from my own life, when I felt that my manager was difficult, that he had power over me, and that I wasn't given the chance to speak at meetings. Download the one-page PDF of open questions here:

  • Ep.32 Interview with Eric Kohner: How to Take a Stand #MeToo

    21/08/2018 Duration: 39min

    Eric Kohner is an ally who taught me how to coach -- which I love not only because it's a grand way to make a living, but also because coaching skills are at the intersection of leadership and negotiation skills. Eric is also an internationally recognized executive coach and keynote speaker. He founded eKCosystem, a global corporate training company dedicated to bringing HUMAN BEING into business, because “in today’s highly competitive world, the new hard skills are the heart skills.” In this interview, Eric shared personal stories of: - How he negotiated a conflict with his employer, from anger and resistance to connection and vulnerability - How he encountered unconscious bias in the most unlikely of places and gained empathy for the marginalized - How he took a stand for himself and you can, too, in the era of #MeToo so we can press for progress. Learn more about Eric's work here: Or reach him directly via email here:

  • Ep. 31 Jay Fields: How to Use the Brain in Your Body

    13/08/2018 Duration: 34min

    Jay Fields is a somatic educator and therapeutic coach who teaches women how to regulate their nervous systems -- or "the brain the body" -- so they can manage anxiety and difficult emotions with empathy and connection. In this impactful interview, Jay walks me through exactly what happens in our bodies, our brains, our nervous systems, and in our behavior when we encounter negative emotions like anxiety in the moment of a high-stakes conversation. We explored: - How to deal with anxiety in the moment of negotiating without freezing, fleeing or fighting - How to manage negative emotions so they don't sabotage your outcomes - What it means to have your own back and the power it gives you to name the "elephant" in a negotiation - How to get better at setting boundaries and saying no with confidence and strength Learn more about Jay here:

  • Ep. 30 Interview with Lisa Gates: How to Name the Elephant.

    03/08/2018 Duration: 30min

    Lisa Gates is my good friend and mentor who taught me nearly everything I know about teaching negotiation to professional women. She's also the co-founder and chief inspiration officer of She Negotiates, a leading negotiation consulting and leadership coaching company for women. In this interview, she shares timeless tips and pearls of wisdom on how women can cut through unconscious bias in the workplace, lead the conversation, and signal their potential for career advancement through storytelling. Learn more about She Negotiates at

  • Ep. 29 Eight steps to coaching yourself to a promotion

    25/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    Take twenty minutes to brainstorm on your promotion strategy. What strengths do you bring to the table? What expresses the unique value of you? Who do you need to become to be leadership potential? I present step-by-step, easy-to-follow self-coaching process to help set the optimal direction for your custom strategy.

  • Ep.28 Interview with Simon Brady, CFP: How True are Truisms?

    18/07/2018 Duration: 40min

    Simon Brady, CFP® is founder and principal of Anglia Advisors, a fee-only personal financial planning and investment management firm in New York specializing in a clientele of younger professionals in their 20s, 30s and early 40s as well as foreign nationals based in the US. He also hosts the Angles, The Anglia Advisors Podcast, on Anchor. If you are a working woman, if you are in a domestic partnership or marriage, or if you have children or family that you want to take care of, you won't want to miss this interview. We explored: - How and why women tend to be better investors than men - The dangerous assumptions people often make in a domestic partnership or marriage - How money or taxes have little to do with estate planning - What to do today to ensure the best possible outcomes for your loved ones in case of worst case scenarios - What the best kinds of investments are if you are a young professional ...and so much more

  • Ep. 27 Script and Strategy: Leverage an Offer to Get Another

    09/07/2018 Duration: 12min

    How do you leverage a job offer to get and then to improve another offer from the company you most want to work with? How do you do that in a way that enhances your relationships and reputation? The script I offer here addresses these questions and provides a clear step-by-step strategy for using your leverage for maximum benefit. Here's the full transcription of script and strategy: Also check out Haseeb Qureshi's excellent article, "How not to bomb your offer negotiation" here:

  • Ep.26 Your Future Potential

    28/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    What is your future potential? What are you doing about it? There are three types of responses to this question: 1. Avoid thinking about your future potential out of fear of disappointment 2. Define your present and future by your past 3. Own your future and embrace that path to actualizing your future potential is paved with failure. In this episode I share what it means to have future potential, how to take action to fulfill your future potential, and examples from my life and from my coaching practice. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

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