Joseph Farley Show



These are the times that try mans soul. To battle the unseen enemy, The Joseph Farley Show interviews industry movers and shakers to gain wisdom and knowledge about the legal system and technologies such as cryptocurrency and blockchain, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Freedom will prevail only if honest, responsible, and capable people step forward to take their rightful position in the administration of government. With freedom comes great responsibility, are you up for the commitment? Find meaning and mission through these trying times with Joseph Farley. He is currently the president of Trump Capital and CHAD Global. Joseph also works for the business development of companies like AmericaCNG, American Direct Power, and Farley & Associates.


  • 8 – Defining Bitcoin As The Digital Gold Of The Global Economy with Adam Draper

    02/04/2018 Duration: 50min

    What is Bitcoin? The first question you need to ask in defining Bitcoin is what is money as defined by the current global economy? For people who are entering this ecosystem, Bitcoin is digital gold with a 21 million cap which means that the number of Bitcoins in existence will not exceed 21 million tokens. You can store Bitcoins in crypto that functions like a bank account that cannot be controlled by the bank. Adam Draper, Founder of Boost VC explains where the Federal Reserve can create reserves and has control of the money supply which inflates the currency, Bitcoin is pre-programmed to stay in the 21-million mark. Adam furthers explains the inflationary and deflationary aspect of Bitcoin. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Twitter Joseph Farley Show LinkedIn Joseph Farley Show YouTube

  • 7 – Taxation Of Cryptocurrency: Regulation Or Total Control?

    26/03/2018 Duration: 44min

    Another great change is about to happen to our country and it has cryptocurrency written all over it. Bitcoin and other virtual coins will experience a crash at some time. People who think they have money will think they’ve lost it and demand that the industry be regulated to prevent it from happening again. Time and time again, history has proven that this kind of economic situation is a staged event by people on the inside. Taxation of cryptocurrency is the government’s guise of owning and controlling your money. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Twitter Joseph Farley Show LinkedIn Joseph Farley Show YouTube

  • 6 – Government Cover Ups: A Tale Of Greed and Power within the Deep State with Cody Snodgres

    19/03/2018 Duration: 37min

    Assassinations, bombings, and international wars- what was the US Government’s real role behind these disasters. Former black ops asset turned liability, Cody Snodgres reveals information behind world altering events such as the assassination of JFK, Martin Luther King Jr., the Gulf War, the Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, and Benghazi. Cody heroically refused a mandate to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in a blatant attempt to destroy government records and investigation reports on some of the most horrifying manipulations of the deep state, including the truth behind the Gulf War Syndrome, anthrax, and arming Saddam Hussein covertly with ammo and biological weapons. Now, he shares this information with you. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Twitter Joseph Farley Show LinkedIn Joseph Farley Show YouTube

  • 5 – Breaking The Silence About The Oklahoma City Bombing with Cody Snodgres

    12/03/2018 Duration: 53min

    Cody Snodgres is a former asset for the CIA black ops who recently wrote a book and revealed the secrets behinds the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City in April of 1995. He discloses everything he knows about the conspiracy surrounding the bombing and the government’s dire efforts to cover up the true reasons behind it. Robert claims to have been tasked to carry out the procedure and his refusal turned him from being an asset to a liability. Being one of the whistle blowers on the case, Robert recounts his experiences and knowledge about the events that led up to the devastating bombing and the agonies he’s had to endure, including being framed, serving time in the Federal Correctional Institute, and the attempts to eliminate him. Cody documented everything in his book and hopes to be alive to complete his project. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Tw

  • 4 – Cryptocurrency Regulations with Joseph Ciccolo and Amber D. Scott

    12/02/2018 Duration: 35min

    In the Bitcoin Blockchain space, startups need to do the right things for regulatory or compliance with anti-money laundering programs. Amber D. Scott and BitAML Inc. helps the compliance officer in understanding his role. Knowing these compliance policies and procedures are in place is important for startups because money is involved in the process. Joseph Ciccolo of Outlier Solutions Inc. also works with clients early in the startup phase to help them with cryptocurrency regulations and compliance since it’s what drives the US market in this space. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Twitter Joseph Farley Show LinkedIn Joseph Farley Show YouTube

  • 2 – Blockchain of Things: Integrating Systems For Protection with Andre De Castro

    12/02/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Tokens can be considered as key to gates that hold data and energy that are being transferred through a truck system. Unfortunately, not all of these systems come with high effective protective outfit. Andre De Castro of Blockchain Of Things share their company’s holistic approach to the productivity of many industries. They are a security company that de-centralizes functioning systems when it is integrated to it, turning it into a platform that creates smart assets at the simplest level. This is also another way to send a lock and unlock flow of information and energy, a system of control and transference on a large geography. Andre explains how their tokens are access tokens to functioning technology to create an intelligent ethereum system. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Twitter Joseph Farley Show LinkedIn Joseph Farley Show YouTube

  • 3 – The Story Of Silk Road And Ross Ulbricht with Lyn Ulbricht

    12/02/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    Silk Road Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Twitter Joseph Farley Show LinkedIn Joseph Farley Show YouTube

  • 1 – ShapeShift: The New Face Of Digital Asset Exchange with Erik Voorhees

    12/02/2018 Duration: 27min

    Just like other currencies, there are different digital currencies that entrepreneurs need to convert from one to another. Bitcoins can be converted into ethereum as well as litecoin into dash. ShapeShift is a digital asset exchange, a website that makes the conversion of bitcoins to other coins faster and easier. Erik Voorhees, ShapeShift founder, explains how the system works. Simply go to the website, there is no need to use an email account which is one of the coolest parts of it. Also, ShapeShift uses KeepKey. This is a hardware wallet that helps in preventing people from knowing your private key through a USB device. Learn why this is the safest way for a person to store cryptocurrency. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Twitter Joseph Farley Show LinkedIn Joseph Farley Show YouTube

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