Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder



Are ready to shed your excess weight AND your struggle with food and eating without diets and deprivation? This podcast is for foodies who have tried just about every diet there is and are afraid they love food too much to lose weight. You'll learn how to eat the way naturally thin people do so you can enjoy the foods you love while losing your desire to overeat along with your excess weight. We focus on skills for ending emotional eating and learning how to eat mindfully and in tune with your body's signals and needs. Ditch the diet and join Shari Broder on this weight loss journey and lose the weight for good. Hop on the path and subscribe now. Learn more at ShariBroder.com.


  • EP. 32 - 12 Excuses for Overeating and Why They’re Lame

    02/10/2018 Duration: 13min

    Do you have a bunch excuses at the ready to justify eating when you aren’t hungry? Or continuing to eat when you’ve already had enough? In this episode, I’m talking about those excuses and exploring how lame they really are. Stay with me and let’s see whether some of yours on my list. There’s a good chance of that! Our decision to eat is always preceded by a thought, even if it’s a semi-conscious or habitual thought. Do you believe you weren’t thinking anything before that food landed in your mouth? Your hand doesn’t just grab food and stuff it in your mouth without your brain telling it to do that, and that signal from your brain is YOUR THOUGHT. One of the keys to permanent weight loss is getting to know your counterproductive thoughts and changing the way you think. You can learn how to do that by listening to this podcast and practicing what I teach here. List to hear a list of some of the most common excuses we come up with for eating when we aren’t hungry.  Which ones do you use the most? What can you d

  • EP 31- Stop Associating Food with Sin and Guilt!

    25/09/2018 Duration: 12min

    Do you consider certain foods “sinful?” Do you ever said anything like, “This chocolate mousse cake is so sinful!” After you eat those “sinful” foods, do you feel guilty? Do you call certain foods “guilty pleasures?” Have you ever wondered why you feel guilty about eating food? In this episode, I encourage you to take a different approach. It’s time to stop blaming the food. You see, the problem is not the food. Food does not have the capacity to sin. Food is not doing anything except being food. It is not asking you to eat it and doesn't care whether you do. I'm not the arbiter of sin, but I’ve got some other ideas about who is doing the sinning here, and it isn’t the eater, either! So listen to learn why it is unproductive to call food sinful and to feel guilty about eating. Also, if you’re enjoying this podcast, help spread the word to others. Tell your friends. I’d really appreciate it if you’d take a few minutes to leave a review on iTunes. That helps others find this podcast so they can drop their extr

  • EP-30 Overeating is a Symptom, Not the Problem

    18/09/2018 Duration: 13min

    Do you beat yourself up for overeating?  Do you think you’re weak or inadequate because you binge on sweets or believe you can’t control yourself around food. You aren’t. You don’t lack willpower. You probably have gobs of willpower which you use to do things like build a successful business, or motivate yourself to cook dinner for your family when you’re exhausted after working hard all day. Overeating is not the problem. It is a symptom of something else in your life that is causing you to want to overeat. And to lose weight, you have to figure out what that is. Once you treat what is causing you to overeat, it’s a lot easier to stop overeating.  And it isn’t simply that you love food. We’re all foodies here, right? We all love food, but not everyone who loves food overeats.  As Pema Chodron so wisely said, “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” This is so true of whatever is causing our overeating! Listen to learn how to figure out what is causing you to want to eat when you

  • EP 29-Do You Overeat to Avoid Wasting Food?

    11/09/2018 Duration: 10min

    Were you cajoled into eating everything on your plate because your parents led you to believe there was some value in being a member of the Clean Plate Club? Or maybe you were encouraged to eat more than you wanted because somehow by doing that you were helping starving children in China or Appalachia. Or you were supposed to eat everything on your plate because unlike them, you should be grateful you had food on your plate! Now that you’re an adult, do you still feel compelled to eat everything on your plate because you feel guilty “wasting” food, even if it means feeling too full and overeating? And gaining unhealthy pounds? I’m not a proponent of being wasteful, but in this week’s episode, I discuss why putting food into your body when you’ve eaten enough is actually worse than throwing it away. Listen to learn why it is time to rethink those beliefs about wasting food that were drummed into you as a child. Also, I discuss some ideas that you can use to avoid “wasting” food without substituting your body f

  • EP-28 Do You Think You're Too Busy to Lose Weight?

    05/09/2018 Duration: 10min

      How many times have you said to yourself--or others-- something like, “I really want to lose some weight, but I just don’t have time right now!” or “I’m too busy to lose weight!” I’ve heard it many times from people who say and even believe they really want to lose weight. Some know they needto lose weight because of serious health issues like prediabetes. When you say that, what does it really mean though? What is the real reason you aren’t losing weight? Listen to learn the answer, and learn how losing weight and keeping it off actually takes LESS time than overeating!     

  • EP-27 How to Measure Your Progress and Not Get Discouraged

    28/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    This week’s episode is super important because I’m talking about why it is necessary to stop approaching this process of changing habits and losing weight from the perspective of your former dieter self. As long as you keep looking at it from that perspective, you’re going to get in your own way and not succeed. Here’s why. Changing your relationship with food and eating means you have to get rid of a bunch of old habits that you might not even realize you have, and establish a bunch of new habits that will serve your weight loss goals and make you healthier and lighter in more ways than the obvious one. The thing about breaking habits or establishing new ones is that it is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. Once it DOES happen, everything gets so much easier because you don’t even have to think about your habits. The good news is that all habits can be changed. But you aren’t going to do it perfectly at first. Listen to learn how to gauge your progress on your weight goals in a way that will prevent you

  • EP-26: Road Blockers and Role Models

    21/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    Are there people in your life who seem to want to sabotage your efforts to lose weight and develop a healthier relationship with food? It could be a relative or a friend. Maybe a coworker. Your mother? Have you had the experience of people saying things to you like: You’re no fun when you’re trying to lose weight. You’ll look older if you lose weight. What do you mean you don’t want a piece of MY birthday cake? Oh, come on. You can eat that! If you keep doing that, you’ll develop an eating disorder They try to push food on you despite your polite and repeated refusal. They pressure you to eat. They try to shame you into eating what they want you to eat. I call them road blockers. They make the already challenging path to breaking free from those habits that have made you overweight more difficult. Then there are the role models. How I love those role models! Although they don’t know it, role models are there to help us on our weight loss journey.  Listen to learn strategies for dealing with Road Blockers an

  • EP 25-Dealing with Common Social Eating Situations

    14/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    Eating is a very social thing. We plan events of all sizes around it. Parties. Weddings. Holidays. Meeting your friends for lunch. Eating is so social that some people actively dislike eating by themselves. How many of you would not walk into a restaurant alone, even if you’re traveling by yourself? Today, I’m talking about social eating outside of your home. In those situations, like when you go out to lunch with a group of friends, or you’re at a party--do you eat differently than when you’re alone? If you’re like most people, you probably do! Social eating raises a lot of issues for many of us. In social situations, we may be more likely to eat when we aren’t hungry and to eat things that may not be our first choice. Are your eating choices influenced by any of these? People pleasing The food pusher Copycat eating Listen to learn strategies for dealing with three social situations that may make it difficult for you to eat in line with your health goals. If you haven’t done so yet, sign up for my free Stop

  • EP-24-10 Stories That Stop You From Dropping the Weight

    07/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    What stories do you tell yourself that keep you from finally dropping your extra weight? Maybe you don’t realize it, but we all have our little stories. Things we believe about ourselves and our relationship with food and weight loss. Stories that we have believed for so long that we don’t even question them. But what if you did question them? I bet you’d find out that most--and maybe all of them--aren’t true! When you stop believing those stories, you can clear your path to lose weight and keep it off! Listen to learn which of these ten stories you tell yourself and how you can change your beliefs to help you achieve your weight goals. Are you ready to learn how to eat and live like a naturally slim person? The Weight Loss for Foodies group coaching program begins in September. Click on this link to be notified when registration begins: http://sharibroder.com/coming-in-september/  

  • EP-23 Why Fat Talk Harms Women and How to Stop It

    31/07/2018 Duration: 13min

    Are you a fat talker? You heard that right. No, it isn’t a typo. What I mean is —do you talk to other women about how fat you feel or about other women’s weight? Like when someone says, “Wow, I look like a beached whale in this dress!” Or, “No way I’m going to the beach. No one’s going to see me in a swim suit.” Or “Can you believe she wore that outfit? She doesn’t exactly have the figure for it.” If you answered “no” to my original question, you’re either in a tiny minority of women, you don’t understand what fat talk is, or maybe you’re not being honest! It isn’t just talking about our own bodies that is a problem. It’s talking about other women’s bodies, too. Listen to learn more about what fat talk is and why it is harmful. And what you can do to change it.   Take the pledge to end fat talk now!

  • EP 22-To Lose Weight, You Must Learn to Love Yourself

    17/07/2018 Duration: 12min

    Learning to love yourself is an important step on the weight loss path. Think about this: no one is born hating their body. When you were a baby, you were a rotund little thing, weren’t you? Everyone thought you were so cute! We can change how we think about our bodies and ourselves. And we must do that. We must love ourselves as the path to a healthier body.

  • EP 21-Eating and the Law of Diminishing Returns

    17/07/2018 Duration: 09min

    You’ve probably heard of something called the Law of Diminishing Returns before. If you’re an economist, you know it well. In a nutshell, it essentially means that the value or enjoyment we get from something starts to decrease after a certain point, regardless of how much of it we have. It can also mean the more you experience something, the less rewarding it becomes. For example, think about the difference between how productive you are if you work 5 hours a day versus 15. I bet you get as much done in the first 5 hours as in the next 10. There is a diminishing return as you keep working. The difference between earning $25,000 per year and $50,000 is huge. One may mean you live hand to mouth, and the other gives you some income security, assuming you don’t live in New York, London or Vancouver. But if you make $1 million per year versus $1,025,000? The difference in your life won’t even be noticeable. After a certain point, more money has a diminishing return. Are you wondering why a weight coach is talkin

  • EP-20 - The First Question to Ask Yourself if You Want to Lose Weight

    10/07/2018 Duration: 06min

    You think you want to be slimmer, and maybe you even have a number you’d like to see on your scale. Yet you struggle with diets and your weight isn’t going down. It may be going up. What’s the problem? Have you ever thought about WHY you want to lose weight?  This isn’t a trick question, but if you’ve been unable to succeed, it is likely because you don’t  know why you want to be lighter in the first place. Knowing why is so important for your focus and motivation. Because let’s face it—changing the way you eat takes a lot of focus, awareness and attention. And you’re not going to make it a priority if you don’t know why you want to slim down. Your why is NOT a number on the scale. It’s never really about that. Seriously. Listen to the podcast to learn why knowing your real “why” is crucial to your weight loss success.

  • EP- 19-Five Ways to Improve Your Digestion AND Lose Weight

    03/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    Eating mindfully is the single most effective way to lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life. Studies have shown that mindful eating is associated with less impulsive eating, less overeating, and healthier choices for snacks.  All good things, right? But did you know that it will also eliminate many digestive problems? For many years, I suffered from chronic excessive gas and stomach aches. I was overweight, and gaining more weight because I was overeating. I wasn’t listening to my body’s signals. Because I was usually distracted when eating, I often felt overly full after meals. I took various over-the-counter medications to get rid of those sharp gas pains I experienced frequently. Then I started practicing mindful eating. I stopped overeating because eating mindfully allowed me to listen to my body. I ate only when my body was hungry and stopped eating when I was lightly full. And guess what? My digestive problems disappeared! I was able to throw away all those anti-gas preparatio

  • EP-18-Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Body

    26/06/2018 Duration: 14min

    What unconscious beliefs do you have that are keeping you from losing weight? What would you think if I told you that your unconscious beliefs might be a big reason why you haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it off? Some pretty smart people have said some pretty smart things about your beliefs and thinking. Teddy Roosevelt said, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Mohandas Gandhi said, “The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” Yet every day, I hear people say things they believe about themselves that are terrible! So counterproductive. Beliefs that aren’t true. Beliefs that are totally illogical. Beliefs that maybe they’ve had for years and haven’t questioned. And guess what? It’s these beliefs that are holding them back and keeping them from having the kind of body and life they want. I hear people believing things like, “I can’t lose weight because everyone in my family is fat” or “I can’t control myself around chocolate.” If they believe they can’t control themselves around choco

  • EP-17: 20 Alternatives to Afternoon Snacking When You Aren’t Hungry

    19/06/2018 Duration: 10min

    Are you someone who snacks a lot in the afternoon, regardless of whether you’re hungry? If you are hungry, there’s nothing wrong with having an afternoon snack. I am often hungry around 4:00 p.m., and because I believe in honoring my body’s signals, I will eat a snack or small meal. Have you ever thought about WHY you snack? A lot of people snack in the afternoon out of habit. They don’t think about whether they’re hungry. Eating a snack is part of their routine. When we have habits, we tend to do things without thinking. Often the people I coach have a habit of eating in the afternoon, but it isn’t because they’re hungry. I’ve heard all kinds of excuses for afternoon snacking, most commonly: I’m tired I worked so hard today that I deserve this treat I need a break I’m low on energy If you aren’t hungry, food isn’t going to fix the problem. Instead, it will store the energy from your snack as fat, thus undermining your weight loss efforts.  Listen to the podcast for some ideas for ways to care for yourself i

  • EP 16-How Foodies Can Enjoy Food on Vacation Without Gaining Weight

    12/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    Are you planning to take a vacation this summer? When you go on vacation, do you eat differently than you do at home? Do you tend to gain weight on vacation? The good news is that you CAN go on vacation and eat all kinds of delicious foods without gaining weight. Yes, it’s true. If you go on an active vacation, you might even lose a little weight.   I know what you’re thinking, “Is she crazy? Everybody eats more on vacation and gains weight!” Well, at least that thought acknowledges the cause and effect of overeating. You overeat, you gain weight. In our culture of overeating, most people, particularly those who are overweight or diet-thin, eat more when they are on vacation.  The diet-thin people use vacation as an excuse to abandon their restrictive eating. And so do lots of other people who haven’t learned to eat in tune with their body’s needs. But really, isn’t that what is crazy? We go on vacation to relax and have fun. To recharge our emotional batteries. But overeating weighs us down. It makes us feel

  • EP-15: Staying on Track--The Long & Winding Weight Loss Road

    05/06/2018 Duration: 11min

      How many times have you decided that on Monday, you’re going to start a new diet and things will be different this time? How many times have you started that diet and quit before you reached your goal? When you start a new diet, are you all excited and hopeful about it? You know, before you have to deal with the reality of the unnatural way of eating, the hunger or the deprivation. Maybe you’re looking for some kind of easy magic solution and hope this will be the one. At first, you might really stick to the regimen, at least for a few days, or maybe weeks. Maybe even a month or two! Maybe you lose a few pounds. But this way of eating gets really old fast. That structure, which kept you on track for a week or so, is wearing on you. Soon, you feel miserable. You can’t eat and drink what everyone else does at parties. You have to make food choices that aren’t very satisfying. Because this diet plan was not something you could do and live your normal life--a characteristic of every diet—you eventually “mess up

  • EP-14: Where are You in the Four Stages of Weight Loss?

    29/05/2018 Duration: 13min

    What do you think about being able to eat whatever you want AND ending overeating at the same time? Some people think these are two totally inconsistent things. Some say, “If I ate whatever I wanted, I’d never stop eating!” How you react depends on where you are along the weight loss path. This week and next, the podcast focuses on the long and winding path of becoming a naturally thin person and losing the weight for good.  If you think this isn’t important, I urge you to think again. Because for me and many of my clients, understanding this was the difference between success and failure. It made all the difference. It was a turning point. There are four stages on the path to eating the way naturally slim people do. Actually, there are four stages of learning anything, and learning how to eat in a way that will allow you to enjoy the foods you love while losing weight requires you to learn a bunch of things. One of my clients recently had a lightbulb moment about that. She realized that what I was teaching h

  • EP- 13 Why Avoiding “Forbidden Foods” Keeps You From Losing Weight

    22/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    Do you have lists of foods you consider “bad” and “forbidden”? Are you afraid to have certain foods in your house because you believe you can’t resist them? Do you fear that if you allow yourself to eat these foods, you won’t be able to stop? Would it surprise you if I told you that it is precisely because you forbid yourself from eating those foods that you can’t control yourself around them? This sounds like you, this episode is for you! To be able to trust yourself with any food, you have to change your mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance. Listen to Episode #13 to learn: Why this approach to food and eating creates a mindset of deprivation and scarcity about food which causes you to not be in control. Why adopting an abundance mindset puts you back in control of your decisions of what and how much to eat. How to adopt an abundance mindset.

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