Loving The Mystery



Brain and I (Pete) work at a church in Chatham Ontario (discover-life.ca). We thought we'd record some of our conversations to see if anyone enjoyed listening in.


  • #15 - Bulletproof Happiness and Vacationing With Jesus

    12/06/2018 Duration: 40min

    In this episode we explore how to maximize your vacation to bring more joy to your life. Spoiler alert, the answer is Jesus. Episode Guide 00:00 - Starbucks Gift-card Giveaway 2:33 - Worst Vacation Stories 6:38 - Vacation Science 8:02 - Bulletproof Happiness (John 15) 13:38 - Jesus' Desert Getaway 16:00 - How to Max Your Vacation With Jesus 33:30 - Max Fruit, not Max Vacation Sermon we reference - https://youtu.be/Ugl9faSZKEI

  • #14 - Jesus' Beautiful Vision of Servanthood

    05/06/2018 Duration: 41min

    When Jesus washed his disciples feet he was giving them, and us, a beautiful image of the kind of world he dreamed of. A world where everyone serves one another. That's what we're talking about this week in episode 14 of the "Loving the Mystery" podcast. Episode Outline 00:38 - Someone tried to kill Brian and steal his kid 2:25 - How to be great (Matt 20) 5:53 - Washin' Feet 9:14 - The Redemption of Judas 13:19 - Servant or Slave? 16:19 - Choosing to be a slave (Exodus 21) 19:53 - On the lookout for Self-Righteous Service 27:25 - Why don't young and old people serve? Watch the sermon we discuss here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kNf8rKMNIU

  • #13 - The Church With Free Beer and Poutine

    29/05/2018 Duration: 35min

    In this Episode we talk about a comment thread we created on Chatham's Rant and Rave asking people if they go to church, what would make them go and what would drive them away. Episode Guide 00:00 - Stealing a Lawn Sign 2:56 - Rant and Rave Church Feedback Question 4:26 - Church is for Hypocrites and Fools 17:39 - The Faith Gene 20:09 - Who Needs the Church 27:00 - Open and Looking 29:40 - A Bit About Our Church

  • #12 - Laurel or Yanny? Kingdom Gospel or Plan of Salvation?

    22/05/2018 Duration: 36min

    In this episode we talk about the good news Jesus preached and how that differs from what many of us grew up hearing. Sermon we reference - https://discoverlife.podbean.com/e/sharing-your-faith-99-problems-but-the-gospel-aint-1-peter-maddocks/ Episode Outline 00 - Laurel or Yanny? 2:57 - Getting the Good News Right 11:08 - What is the Kingdom of God? 12:58 - How the Kingdom gospel changes everything 27:10 - Sharing the King Jesus Gospel 30:54 - If the Kingdom is here why is there still pain and suffering? 33:48 - If the Kingdom of God different from the Kingdom of Heaven?

  • #11 - We Are All Witnesses

    15/05/2018 Duration: 38min

    In this episode we talk about the struggle to share our faith in our Canadian culture. Episode Outline: 00:30 - Pete and Brian's Evangelism Stories 6:44 - We Are All Witnesses 11:06 - Fears About Sharing Your Faith 16:01 - The Harvest is Plentiful 23:35 - Witnessing 101 32:29 - Start With Something Neutral Sermon we are referencing: https://youtu.be/JcqCvCACn24

  • #10 - Surfing with Jesus, The Transfiguration & Old Testament Violence

    01/05/2018 Duration: 36min

    Sermon we discuss - https://youtu.be/m91ceNoQFKU Episode Outline 00:50 - Video Sermons 4:41 - Interpreting that Time Jesus Broke the Matrix 11:00 - Centrality of Jesus 12:10 - That Time When Jesus Didn't Kill a Woman 17:07 - Old Testament Violence and Jesus 19:01 - King Jehu and King Jesus 23:00 - Why We Shouldn't Just Read the Red Letters 25:51 - How to Keep Jesus Central in our Lives 30:57 - Surfing With Jesus and His Spirit 33:21 - Everyone Wants to Think They're Good and Remain the Same

  • #9 - We're All Gonna Die & The Power of the Past

    25/04/2018 Duration: 38min

    Sermon we reference - youtu.be/hv_JeC06MwM Episode Outline 1:08 - We Croak App 8:08 - Sermon Recap 13:40 - The Love of God 15:44 - Culture of Humility and Vulnerability 19:05 - Place of Repentance 25:43 - Do we need the Physical Resurrection? 31:04 - Judgement and Rewards

  • #8 - The Bible Points to Jesus, John 21 & The Unforgivable Sin

    17/04/2018 Duration: 34min

    Here is a link to the sermon we discuss https://youtu.be/gxzeosd4Do0 Episode Outline 7:30 - "Blessed are those who believe without seeing" 11:02 - Chapter 21 was added later? 19:04 - Sermon Recap - What is Jesus like when we mess up? 25:40 - The Unforgivable Sin?

  • #7 - Hell, Santa Clause & Changing our Name

    12/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    What's the hell you're thinking of? Here's the sermon we're referencing that Pete did about hell: https://youtu.be/OX2-xC5J3eQ Outline: 1:00 - Changing the Name of our Church 5:00 - Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny 16:10 - Hell

  • #6 - Easter is a Crazy Idea

    06/04/2018 Duration: 40min

    You can watch the sermon we're discussing here: https://youtu.be/RFVNWiHpQbo Episode Topics Include 00:35 brian’s zoo 1:52 bloody good friday 2:35 resurrection is a crazy idea 10:44 what if you just can’t believe 18:19 does crying ruin a sermon? 21:56 why does Jesus say “…my God why have you forsaken me…?” 25:41 why does God seem silent sometimes? 30:27 how should we think of meditation?

  • #5 - The Rapture, Warrior Jesus? & Forgiveness

    29/03/2018 Duration: 44min

    Episode Outline: 1:20 - Is there Money in the New Creation? 5:50 - Revelation Series Summary and Warrior Jesus? 14:40 - The Rapture 30:50 - Why is Forgiveness So Hard? You can watch the sermon we are referencing here: https://youtu.be/E90pa4geLJc

  • #4 - Heaven, New Creation, Age of the Earth, Post Truth

    22/03/2018 Duration: 40min

    In this episode we talk about Revelation 21:1-5, what to expect in Heaven and what to do with debates about the age of the earth. Listen to the sermon we discuss at the beginning here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNMsoRsRDfk&t= Here's an outline if you're looking for something in particular: Opening: Discussion about Sunday's Sermon 13:15 - Will we wear clothes in heaven? 15:59 - Will I be with my family in heaven? 19:03 - Suicide and who gets into heaven 25:15 - Can we prove heaven exists? 27:06 - Age of the Earth?

  • #3 - Slave Labour, 666 & Sharing Your Faith Without Offending

    15/03/2018 Duration: 32min

    Watch the sermon we're discussing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_DfLEZrACM&t=1694s

  • #2 - James Earl Jones, Worry, Simplicity, Simplifying Your Faith and Thoughts and Costly Grace

    09/03/2018 Duration: 35min

    Watch the sermon we're discussing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsV4byMQnP4&t=13s

  • #1 - The Push, White Jesus, Denominations and Purgatory

    01/03/2018 Duration: 35min

    In this episode we talk about The Push, was Jesus white, why are there so many denominations, are dinosaurs in the Bible, purgatory, and did Jesus drink alcohol

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