Love Letters



A single, burning question about love and relationships, every season. Explored through stories. Hosted by Boston Globe advice columnist Meredith Goldstein.


  • Season 8 Trailer: Love & Money

    11/04/2023 Duration: 01min

    On Season 8 of Love Letters, host Meredith Goldstein explores all the ways money plays into love, dating, and relationships. What happens when two partners come from different wealth backgrounds? What if someone is harboring secret debt? Who should pay for drinks on a first date? How do couples decide whose “turn” it is to pursue a career dream? Season 8 launches April 25. Email us at

  • Bonus: Money, Please

    14/03/2023 Duration: 32min

    Money is a hard thing to talk about – especially when there’s a partner involved. So, before we kick off a full season of stories about love and money, Meredith felt it was only fair that she open up a little herself. In this special bonus episode, she and her longtime financial advisor share some real talk about her finances, paying for psychics, stashing money in the freezer, and the baggage from her parents’ divorce. Email us at

  • Send us your stories about love & money

    25/01/2023 Duration: 01min

    Look, money is a hard thing to talk about -- especially in relationships. But it plays into so many of our decisions. For the next season of Love Letters, we're looking for stories about money in love and dating. How do you tell a serious partner about your student loan debt? What happens when two people come from different wealth backgrounds? Why are breakups so expensive? If you have a story to share about love and money -- even if it needs to be anonymous -- please get in touch. Email us at

  • S7E10: A Woman Walks Into a Burger Joint

    17/01/2023 Duration: 36min

    After years of being told she wasn’t enough – good enough, smart enough, pretty enough – Tooky Kavanagh discovered that, yeah, actually, she was enough. This revelation came in the unlikeliest of places: the basement of a burger place, at a comedy open mic night. For the first time, Tooky could see who she was supposed to be. Email us at

  • S7E9: From Roz With Love

    03/01/2023 Duration: 32min

    Finding and sustaining love takes real work. It takes intention. But we never know when life is going to throw someone important in front of us. Then we’re forced to confront a big question: Is my heart open to love, or is it not? The story of Roz and Ralph is all about that: being open — remaining open — across six decades, multiple states, one bowl of pea soup, and a whole lot of letters. Email us at

  • Sidebar: 'Marley-ing' and Other Holiday Hazards

    29/12/2022 Duration: 18min

    Meredith quizzes her sister, Brette, on the latest terms of art in dating and relationships. Plus, they discuss a letter from someone who's all worked up after seeing an old flame at Thanksgiving. Email your dating and relationship questions to

  • S7E8: Heart & Solo

    13/12/2022 Duration: 38min

    Pebbles is a well-known morning radio show host in the Boston area. Being happily single has long been part of her brand. But her story – how she came to understand her priorities and know her own heart – is far richer than most people realize. Email us at

  • S7E7: The Best Partner I Ever Had

    29/11/2022 Duration: 38min

    There’s a reason Meredith and her friend Kumar hit it off when they first met. Well, two reasons. One, they’re both obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Plus, they both operate with expansive definitions of love, commitment, and partnership. That’s why, when Kumar was going through a major change in his life, Meredith knew just what it felt like. Email us at

  • S7E6: Right Here Waiting for You

    15/11/2022 Duration: 29min

    Ever since he was young, Jared believed he had to choose between being gay and being Muslim. Because everyone around him was telling him he couldn’t be both. This impossible choice tore Jared apart, up until the day he met a kind, blue-eyed stranger on a park bench. Email us at

  • S7E5: Ana in Paris

    01/11/2022 Duration: 34min

    Ana’s first impression of Paris wasn’t very good. First of all, she was from Mexico. So she didn’t know a lick of French. She also hated the food. But she returned 10 years later and fell in love with the city – and with a tall Frenchman who had kind eyes. This storybook romance came with a cost, though. Email us at

  • Sidebar: Is This What Closure Looks Like?

    27/10/2022 Duration: 15min

    Meredith and producer Katelyn Harrop take up two letters to Meredith's Love Letters advice column. In the first letter, a man wonders if he should send that closure email he's got all cued up. In the second, a writer asks if she should have worked harder to fix a former relationship. Email your dating and relationship questions to

  • S7E4: Still the One

    18/10/2022 Duration: 35min

    Mel and Jay met way back in seventh-grade social studies class. Then in high school, they co-led the Gay Straight Alliance. Mel was straight; Jay was gay. In the years that followed, their love and connection remained durable, even as their relationship took many different forms. Email us at

  • S7E3: Welcome to Polyamory City

    04/10/2022 Duration: 29min

    In 2020, Somerville, Massachusetts became the first municipality in the country allowing polyamorous relationships to qualify for domestic partnership status. Meredith talks to one of the first people to register for the new designation. They discuss what it means – and what it doesn’t. Meredith also talks to a legal expert about the broader social and legal implications of the Somerville ordinance. Email us at

  • Sidebar: Does 'When Harry Met Sally' Hold Up?

    29/09/2022 Duration: 15min

    Love Letters producer Katelyn Harrop just saw "When Harry Met Sally" for the first time, which leaves Meredith (a WHMS superfan) with one burning question: Has it aged well? They discuss in this Sidebar mini-episode. Email your dating and relationship questions to

  • S7E2: No Roadmap Required

    20/09/2022 Duration: 39min

    Michaela always craved the kind of life she didn’t have as a kid. She’d find a stable guy, settle down, and start a family. For several years, she seemed to be on her way. But then she discovered that, no matter how clear that original path may have seemed, she ultimately had to build her own. Email us at

  • Sidebar: He's Hooked Up With All His Friends

    15/09/2022 Duration: 16min

    Meredith and producer Katelyn Harrop take on two new letters, including one from a woman in her 40s who digs her new boyfriend but wasn't thrilled to learn that he'd previously hooked up with most of the women in his friend group. Is this a red flag, or just ancient history? Email your dating and relationship questions to

  • S7E1: Bill & Jen's Excellent Adventure

    06/09/2022 Duration: 30min

    All this season, we’ll be telling stories of big changes and how they reshape people’s romantic lives. In the first episode, Meredith shares the story of Bill and Jen, who did that thing many people fantasize about: They quit their day jobs and built a business from scratch. What has this shift meant for their lives – and for their marriage? Email us at

  • Sidebar: Men in Their 30s

    16/08/2022 Duration: 13min

    Our new season is launching soon. But first ... Meredith and producer Katelyn Harrop dish on letters to Meredith's Love Letters advice column. This week: A single woman says men in their 30s fall into three categories: already coupled up, recently uncoupled and uninterested in anything serious, and too focused on their careers to contemplate a relationship. Does the LL team agree? Email us your dating and relationship questions at

  • Introducing: Sidebar

    25/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    We're trying out this new thing today. It's called Sidebar. It's a snack-sized episode in which Meredith and producer Katelyn Harrop discuss their favorite recent letters to Meredith's advice column in The Boston Globe. We'll drop you a Sidebar every now and then, between our usual, full-length episodes. In today's episode: finding love in the carpool lane and what it means to date a divorcee. Email us at

  • Bonus: Get Off the Apps! With Jon Birger

    14/06/2022 Duration: 24min

    Meredith chats with business writer and journalist Jon Birger about why he thinks we should get off the apps and seek connection in other ways. Birger is the author of the books Date-Onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game and Make Your Move: The New Science of Dating and Why Women Are in Charge. Email us at

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