Heidi Harris Show



Covering topics that matter and doing interviews with people who matter.


  • #336: How to fix the Animal Foundation (and shelters in general)

    27/09/2022 Duration: 13min

    The Animal Foundation, one of the shelters in Clark City, is coming under fire again for its practices. When I worked there years ago, it was totally corrupt, and it sounds like things haven’t improved, based on City Councilwoman Victoria Seaman’s recent unannounced visit to the facility. I chatted with her about that last week. […] The post #336: How to fix the Animal Foundation (and shelters in general) appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • #335: Gang Expert Richard Valdemar on the cartels controlling our border under Biden

    26/09/2022 Duration: 21min

    Richard Valdemar, who spent 33 years with the LA County Sheriffs Department, specializing in gangs, joined me recently in Washington DC at the FAIR immigration “Hold Their Feet to the Fire” event. We talked about the border disaster under Biden, how cartels are controlling it, what’s happening with so-called “legal” marijuana, fentanyl and human trafficking. […] The post #335: Gang Expert Richard Valdemar on the cartels controlling our border under Biden appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • #334 Courageous Christian School administrator won’t change sex policies to reflect culture

    29/08/2022 Duration: 16min

    A courageous Florida Christian school administrator is holding fast to what the Bible says about sexuality in its school policies, and some of those who claim to be “tolerant” are having the predictable hissy fit. He’s even had threats against his life, all for maintaining Biblical standards.  Story: https://www.foxnews.com/us/christian-school-refuses-change-long-held-policy-excluding-sexual-behavior-alleged-death-threats?fbclid=IwAR2I9IueZSUkkVBIJbJVDKt63TwB7Cjug_hnLXNC0SrxKKFDkF-TDkvNfYU Heidiharris.com Radio: LIVE Sunday nights 7-9 […] The post #334 Courageous Christian School administrator won’t change sex policies to reflect culture appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #333: If you got the shot and now have regrets, OWN it. Don’t blame others.

    12/08/2022 Duration: 11min

    I’m already seeing “buyer’s remorse” among people who got the Covid jab and are now looking for someone to blame for their own bad decision. They’re saying they “didn’t know”, blah, blah, blah…. YOU SHOULD HAVE. If you chose to believe that Big Pharma and MSM and Government had and have your best interests at […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #333: If you got the shot and now have regrets, OWN it. Don’t blame others. appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • HHS podcast #332: “Politics according to the Bible”. Guest, Dr. Wayne Grudem.

    10/08/2022 Duration: 28min

    Dr. Wayne Grudem joined me to discuss his book, “Politics According to the Bible”, which I recently discovered. He wrote it about ten years ago, but he could have written it yesterday. Biblical truths are timeless ones, and certainly the Biblical way of viewing politics is as important now as ever. Here’s his bio: Dr. Wayne Grudem is […] The post HHS podcast #332: “Politics according to the Bible”. Guest, Dr. Wayne Grudem. appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • HHS Podcast #331: How will society be affected by all these #VaccineInjuries?

    01/08/2022 Duration: 14min

    The numbers are rolling in day by day, and they don’t look good. I have heard about FOUR neighbors in a two block area who have had major vaccine injuries, including death. How will this affect the healthcare system, families having to care for debilitated loved ones, etc? We simply don’t know. Too many people […] The post HHS Podcast #331: How will society be affected by all these #VaccineInjuries? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #330: Could Geoengineering be a factor in our crazy weather?

    20/07/2022 Duration: 51min

    Is our weather being purposely altered, manipulated? Is that even POSSIBLE? Are the “vapor trails” we see coming out of jetliners just vapor, or something more? And IF people are trying to change the weather, WHO would want to do and what would they stand to gain? I always enjoy talking with people whose expertise […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #330: Could Geoengineering be a factor in our crazy weather? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Podcast #329: Dr. Kelly Victory with #FactsNotFear on Covid “vaccines” side-effects, #SADS, etc.

    18/07/2022 Duration: 28min

    Dr. Kelly Victory, MD joined me talk about Covid vaccine side-effects, the latest sub-variants of Covid, and more! “Dr. Kelly Victory is a residency-trained trauma and emergency specialist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She is an expert in disaster preparedness and response and medical management of mass casualties. Dr. Victory is an alumnus […] The post Heidi Harris Podcast #329: Dr. Kelly Victory with #FactsNotFear on Covid “vaccines” side-effects, #SADS, etc. appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #328: In defense of “Karens”

    13/07/2022 Duration: 09min

    “Karens” (middle-aged usually white women who have just had enough) are ridiculed by society, but in this podcast I defend them. We have our reasons! The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #328: In defense of “Karens” appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #327: My Top Five Reasons for not getting the shot

    08/07/2022 Duration: 09min

    I did a video on this, which was banned from YouTube and Vimeo. That should tell you that I’m over the target. These are my Top Five reasons for not getting the Covid shot. Here’s the list. Top five reasons I haven’t had the shot: 1. It was rushed to market. 2. I already HAD […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #327: My Top Five Reasons for not getting the shot appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #326: How to define a conservative

    01/07/2022 Duration: 09min

    Ya gotta love people who call themselves “fiscally conservative but socially libertarian, or liberal”, or some other nonsense. It’s disingenuous, that’s what it is. You can’t have it both ways. When you don’t care about what happens in families, and you’re not supporting policies that strengthen marriage and families, we ALL pay the price for […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #326: How to define a conservative appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #325 My Top Five Reasons for refusing “the shot”

    28/06/2022 Duration: 13min

    We are living in scary times. You’re no longer even allowed to have a PERSONAL opinion about Covid shots without it being labeled “misinformation”. I recently posted a video online, talking about my Five Top Reasons for not getting the Covid shot, and YouTube and Vimeo removed it immediately. Here are my reasons in podcast […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #325 My Top Five Reasons for refusing “the shot” appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #324: Dr. Kelly Victor on Monkeypox and the Covid vaccine injuries we’re seeing.

    15/06/2022 Duration: 46min

    My guest, Dr. Kelly Victory, MD has been providing #FactsnotFear throughout the pandemic, to my audience and all over the world. “Them who have ears, let them hear”. Her bio: Dr. Kelly Victory is a residency-trained trauma and emergency  specialist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She is an expert  in disaster preparedness and […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #324: Dr. Kelly Victor on Monkeypox and the Covid vaccine injuries we’re seeing. appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #323: Who’s the dead guy in the barrel at Lake Mead?

    13/06/2022 Duration: 25min

    Now that Lake Mead has receded to frightening low levels, some of her “secrets” are being revealed. A man’s body, in a barrel, has shown up on what’s now the shoreline of Lake Mead. He had been murdered in the late 70’s to early 80’s, and everyone’s wondering who it could be. Only in Vegas, […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #323: Who’s the dead guy in the barrel at Lake Mead? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #322: Brig Gen David Hicks on Ukraine

    25/04/2022 Duration: 38min

    Brigadier General David Hicks joined me on my St. Louis show to discuss Ukraine. What’s really going on there, why is Russian looking so inept, what is Putin likely to do if he’s backed into corner, and much more. Before retiring in 2019, his last assignment was at the Pentagon as the Director of Strategy, Concepts […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #322: Brig Gen David Hicks on Ukraine appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #321: Children’s needs come before parents’ desires. Guest, “Them Before Us” founder Katy Faust

    14/04/2022 Duration: 31min

    Katy Faust in a mother of four, author and Founder of Them Before Us, a children’s rights organization. Her premise is that children have a fundamental right to two parents of the opposite sex, and PARENTS should do the hard things, not children. Parents should make the sacrifices necessary to ensure that kids have the […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #321: Children’s needs come before parents’ desires. Guest, “Them Before Us” founder Katy Faust appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #320: Guest, Heroic Vietnam Fighter Pilot Don Harten!

    04/04/2022 Duration: 36min

    FROM MY ARCHIVES: Not many people can say that they’ve survived TWO plane crashes in one day. Don Harten’s incredible story of surviving a collision between two B-52’s and another crash of the plane that picked him up, is one for the ages. I recorded this interview with Don a few years ago, when I […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #320: Guest, Heroic Vietnam Fighter Pilot Don Harten! appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #319: Guest: Twila Brase, RN (Citizens Council for Health Freedom)

    27/03/2022 Duration: 26min

    Twila Brase, RN, (President of the Citizens Council for Health Freedom), has been a bright light in the past two years of darkness. She’s been a voice of reason about the uselessness of masks and lockdowns, and is even more concerned about a National Patient ID database that would include ALL medical records. “Why not […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #319: Guest: Twila Brase, RN (Citizens Council for Health Freedom) appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #318: Trans tragedies and what parents can do


    A recent story brought tears to my eyes. A mother explained in a Heritage panel discussion how her daughter, who was medically “transitioned” against her mother’s will and without a complete understanding of the consequences, killed herself at age 19 by stepping in front of a train, after the mother’s concerns were ignored by school […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #318: Trans tragedies and what parents can do appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #317: Christians and the vaccine


    In a ridiculous column I came across dated December, a Psychoanalyst and a Religion Professor stated that Christians have a duty to get the vaccine because it’s all about “loving your neighbor as yourself”. or some such tripe. Of course they never mention the duty others have to their fellow man when it comes to […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #317: Christians and the vaccine appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

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