The Susan Winter Show



Susan Winter: Love Advice for Modern Dating


  • Dating Games: Is someone ‘reserving’ your heart?

    18/04/2016 Duration: 04min

    No one’s allowed to put you on hold just “in case” they may want you in the future. Identify this game and turn the tables. For more information please visit my website at

  • Older Women/Younger Men: Will it last?

    18/04/2016 Duration: 04min

    This is the number one question plaguing every older woman involved with a younger man. She fears one day he’ll wake up, realize she’s older, and run away. He won’t. Here’s why. For more information please visit my website at

  • Dating Games: The ‘fake fight’ tactic

    18/04/2016 Duration: 07min

    Is your partner baiting you into a fight? Know the markers of this breakup trick and turn the tables. For more information please visit my website at

  • Dating Games: Too hot, too soon

    28/03/2016 Duration: 06min

    A new partner’s swept you up into his or her momentum. You dive in heart first to keep pace, only find them pulling away. What happened? This is the game of ‘too hot, too soon.’ For more information please visit my website at

  • Why she takes things personally (and thinks she has to ‘fix’ you)

    28/03/2016 Duration: 04min

    Decoding Women: Why does she personalize your moods and keep asking, “What’s wrong?” The underlying reason for this behavior reveals how deeply a woman cares about you. For more information please visit my website at

  • Breakups: What “I’m confused” really means

    28/03/2016 Duration: 05min

    Do you feel like your partner has one last door to open before they can fully love you? Here’s the language they’ll use when they’ve hit their max and have nothing more to give. For more information please visit my website at

  • Don’t be less, just because “they” can’t be more

    28/03/2016 Duration: 05min

    Modern dating can train us to expect less, and ask for less. Never amend yourself downward to accommodate your partner’s inability to be more. For more information please visit my website at

  • Breakups: The ‘Preemptive Dump’ Technique

    28/03/2016 Duration: 04min

    This breakup tactic is the result of a hookup gone wrong; your partner’s developed feelings for you. The preemptive dump is a defensive move. Terrified you might hurt them; your partner dumps you first to avoid the possibility of future pain. For more information please visit my website at

  • Breakups: The Slow Fade technique and the type of people who use it

    10/03/2016 Duration: 04min

    Do you feel like you've got just enough air to breathe... but not enough oxygen to survive? You're in the ‘Slow Fade.’ This breakup style forces you to be the dumper, while they play the role of dumpee (just as they planned). For more information please visit my website at

  • Decoding Women: Win her heart with your words

    10/03/2016 Duration: 03min

    Learn the key to unlocking a woman’s heart with your words. This communication technique activates her attraction to you, and affection for you. For more information please visit my website at

  • Breakups: How to know when it’s really over

    10/03/2016 Duration: 04min

    You’re having a moment of uncertainty. You want to feel better. But asking this question will make you feel worse. Here’s the best way to regroup, and reclaim your power. For more information please visit my website at

  • Why you should NEVER ask a man if he loves you

    10/03/2016 Duration: 03min

    You’re having a moment of uncertainty. You want to feel better. But asking this question will make you feel worse. Here’s the best way to regroup, and reclaim your power.

  • The Text From Your Recent Ex. What Does It Mean?

    10/03/2016 Duration: 03min

    What do they want? Should you respond? Here’s how to tell whether your ex is reevaluating the breakup, or simply testing the waters of communication. Decoding a vague, unexpected text from your ex puts you in command as to whether you want to reply, or not. For more information please visit my website at

  • Why a Little Insecurity is Good For You?

    15/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    We all experience moments of self-doubt. We wrongly assume it's a reflection of lowered confidence. Not so! Here's how those little moments are really working to your benefit. Please visit my website at

  • Stop Arguing. Start Brainstorming for Solutions, Together.

    15/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    You've had this argument over and over again. Here's how to break the stalemate and get your partner to work with you. Learn how to enlist your partner to be your ally, rather than your adversary. For more information please visit my website at

  • The Most Overlooked Quality Needed for Relationship Success

    15/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    How do you know if the person you're dating is the right choice for long-term happiness? What can you do when the partnership you has become less rewarding? My HuffPost article:

  • New Love? Be Careful What You Say to Your Friends.

    15/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    New relationships are fragile. Well-meaning friends can taint your joy with their own fears and worries. Here's why silence is golden (for now). For more information please visit my website at

  • Decoding Women: Is She Sane Enough to Date?

    15/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    Learn how to decode your date's level of emotional stability, before you enter into partnership with her. This simple observational technique will reveal how she processes her world, and how she'll handle you. For more information please visit my website at

  • His Mood Isn't Always About You‬

    15/02/2016 Duration: 05min

    Your man's acting detached, silent or distracted. What should you do? Before you start digging for trouble, learn how to approach his mood for the best outcome. Here's an elegant way to manage his mood and find your own relief in the process. For more information please visit my website at

  • Dating Games - How to Get From Games to Real Love

    17/09/2015 Duration: 05min

    We all claim to hate dating games. Yet, we can find ourselves in one without knowing it. Here's the complete breakdown of why games occur and how to reclaim your power. Discover the one move on the game board that breaks this cycle and gets you to real love. For more information please visit my website at

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