Mike & Maurice's Mind Escape



Mike and Maurices Mind Escape is a podcast dedicated to Science, Religion, Archeology, Art, Music, Esoteric works, and everything interesting in between. We are cousins who grew up in the suburbs of Detroit and have always had the thirst for the unknown and mystical experiences. The mission and goal of this podcast is to spread knowledge and also to learn and grow through interviews and free flow discussions.


  • Exploring The Moon Its Weirdness Episode #39

    29/12/2018 Duration: 01h17min

    The moon has puzzled humanity since we were conscious enough to ponder it. It is still a mystery to this day. The mainstream academic theory is that a ancient planet named Theia slammed into the earth and the leftover debris cooled and formed into the Moon. There has always been questions and theories involving the moon even after the landing. Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong acted weird in their post moon landing press conference. We will discuss Stanley Kubrick's connection to the moon landing and the movie Room 237. We will speculate and talk about a few of these. *All of our links are below

  • DMT and My Occult Mind with Dick Khan Episode #38

    29/12/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    Today we sit down with Dick Khan author of DMT and My Occult Mind. He is the man who has done DMT over 600 times and lived to come back to this reality to write a book about it. From having out of body experiences at a young age, to learning about the occult, and finally to discovering DMT and its powerful properties Dick covers it all in his book. We will touch on and speculate about the Entities, Machines Elves, and Jesters people see and experience while on DMT. DMT & My Occult Mind is available on Amazon.com via hardcopy or kindle. *All of our links are below

  • Mathew Diedrich His Explains Addiction and Recovery (OCD) Episode #37

    29/12/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Today we talk to our old buddy Matt Diedrich about his addiction and recovery and the road in between. With the country being hit with an addiction problem, opioids slowly crept into our every day use with modern day pill mania. We will discuss the why the drug user is to be held responsible for their actions and why we need mental health solutions more than ever. We will talk about the effect genetics have on this issue and how and why to avoid certain drugs and substances if there is a predisposition to them. Matt had to his rock bottom a couple times to truly understand what it would take to heal him and devise a plan and system that serves and works for him specifically. We will also talk about OCD and how that plays into all this. *All of our links are below

  • Gobekli Tepe: An Ancient Megalithic Mystery Episode #35

    29/12/2018 Duration: 44min

    Today we will take a look at Gobekli Tepe the Pre-Historic Megalithic structure in Turkey that is changing the human timeline. Graham Hancock, Laird Scranton, Randall Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Klaus Schmidt have all speculated on who might have built Gobekli Tepe. It is less than 5% Excavated, but is already one of the most intriguing archeological finds in the last century. We will speculate on Who, Why, and When it was built. We will also analyze mainstream and fringe theories. *All of our links are below

  • Exploring Tom Campbell's Simulation Theory (My Big Toe) with Andrew Tischler Episode #34

    29/12/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Today we take a look at Tom Campbell and his Theory of Everything and Other Simulation Theories. We have our buddy Andrew Tischler back on to look at Tom Campbell's book and theory "My Big Toe" and science and philosophy behind it. He is a Physicist and former Nasa employee with ties to Bob Monroe, but uses entropy and the double slit experiment to illuminate his ideas. *All of our links are below

  • Chris McIntosh Shares A Scary Detroit Ghost Story Episode #33

    29/12/2018 Duration: 56min

    Today we have Ghost and Paranormal story time with Chris Mcintosh from his experiences from his families old house in Grosse Pointe, Michigan growing up. We will also analyze and speculate on what could cause the creepy feelings and experiences we have all felt before. *All of our links are below

  • Author Lee Adams Explores Sleep Paralysis and Shamanism Episode #32

    28/12/2018 Duration: 01h58min

    Do amanita muscaria mushrooms make you trip? What causes sleep paralysis? Does plant medicine work? What constitutes a shaman? What is sleep paralysis? We will be discussing sleep paralysis, psychedelics, and lucid dreams with Lee Adams from Taileaters.com Have you ever had sleep paralysis and wonder what is happening? We have some insight and answers. We will also look at Shamans and Shamanism and what defines it. We will speculate on DMT and also take a look at the mythical Amanita Muscaria and it's place in the psychedelic world. *Check out Lee's site at Taileaters.com *All of our links are below

  • The Mothman Prophecies Unveiled By John Keel Episode #31

    28/12/2018 Duration: 29min

    Today we take a look at The Mothman Prophecies and the tragic Silver bridge collapse that killed 46 in 1966 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. To this day it is the single largest bridge disaster in US history. We will also look at John Keel's work on the subject. Weeks and Days leading up to that tragic event the Mothman was seen and experienced by the towns people of Point Pleasant. Some say he is a fallen angel or angel of death. Point Pleasant, West Virginia now has an annual Mothman festival. *All of our links are below

  • Exploring Near Death Experiences and Metaphysics Episode #30

    28/12/2018 Duration: 01h00s

    Today we take a look at our buddy and Musician Ryan Hay's path from near death experience to the synchronicities that lead him back to music and the release of his new album and art movement in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ryan and his wife hold events and concerts at their house in Grand Rapids as well as other regional venues. Check out his music and website PinkSkyMusic.com *All of our links are below

  • Exploring Rudolf Steiner's Early Life with Andrew Tischler Episode #29

    28/12/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    Today we talk Rudolf Steiner with Philosopher and Glass Artist Andrew Tischler. Rudolf Steiner is probably most famous for his Anthroposophy movement at the turn of the century, but today we look at his early life and path that lead him to his later work. We will also touch a little on Rene Decartes, the Cartesian method, and the Philosophy of science. What did Steiner's work tell us about the metaphysical and what can we do to carry the tradition? *All of our links are below

  • Debating The Drake Equation vs Fermi Paradox Episode #28

    28/12/2018 Duration: 31min

    Today we look at the two ends of the spectrum on pondering Extraterrestrial life. The Drake Equation and The Fermi Paradox. Frank Drake came up with the equation for probability of life in the universe. Enrico Fermi asked the question if the universe is teaming with life based on probability where is everyone? "Two possibilities exist; Either we are alone in the Universe or we are. Both are equally terrifying." -Arthur C. Clarke *All of our links are below

  • What are the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Gnostic Texts? Episode #27

    28/12/2018 Duration: 45min

    Today we discuss the Dead Sea scrolls which were found by found by a bedouin shepherds in a cave in Qumran in 1947/47. We will also discuss and breakdown The Gnostic Gospels from Nag Hammadi, Egypt. They were found in 1945 and were buried in some pottery between the 3rd and 4th century. In contrast to the those two works we will also discuss the Codex Gigas aka the "Devil's Bible" and the interesting story and history behind it. *All of our links are below

  • Exploring Ancient Egypt's Mysticism and Metaphysics Episode #26

    28/12/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Today we take a look at Ancient Egyptian Gods, Ba, and Ka. We will analyze the polytheism structure leading up to Akhenaten and the beginning of Monotheism. We will look at why Osiris is portrayed and depicted always as green in Egyptian artwork. We will also analyze Ba and Ka and what they understood about consciousness and awareness. John Hogan is very well versed in Ancient Egypt and the spirituality associated with it. *All of our links are below

  • Exploring The Theory of Biocentrism and its Metaphysics Episode #25

    28/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    Today we take a look at Dr. Robert Lanza's Theory of everything Biocentrism. Dr. Lanza uses the Double Slit Experiment, Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment, and Quantum Entanglement's "spooky action" as Einstein described it to Highlight the scientific side of his theory that we create consciousness and the universe around us. With a background in Biology he uses that point of view to explain consciousness. *All of our links are below

  • Discussing Amazing Phish Show Experiences Episode #24

    28/12/2018 Duration: 36min

    Today we discuss Phish & Phish tour with Sarah Emmerson. We will talk with Sarah about the Highs and Lows of her years of touring and how she got into it. She also had the pleasure of attending Big Cypress the seminole Phish Festival to celebrate the millennium (Pun intended). *All of our links are below

  • Was Nikola Tesla the greatest thinker of all time? Episode #23

    28/12/2018 Duration: 32min

    Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison. Today we are focusing on Nikola Tesla, but will also discuss Elon Musk and Thomas Edison. Nikola Tesla was a visionary and his technology and inventions are still be used or acting as blueprints for current or new technology today. AC Power, WiFi, Free sustainable renewable energy, and The Tesla Coil. Elon Musk is considered a modern visionary, but compares himself to Thomas Edison from a business standpoint. Edison while he brought great products to the masses he lacked the scientific discipline and vision Tesla had and also stole from him among other shady dealings. *All of our links are below

  • New Nazca Lines Discovered in Peru Episode #22

    28/12/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Happy 420! We will also take a look at the recently discovered Nazca Lines in the Nazca desert in southern Peru. Finally we will discuss Nibiru and the fear monger David Meade who has claimed many times of the last few years that Nibiru is coming and then end is near. *Update: We are still here lol *All of our links are below

  • Wild Wild Country Netflix Documentary Review (OSHO) Episode #21

    28/12/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    Today we take a look at the documentary by the Duplass Brothers Wild Wild Country. It follows the path of Delusional Spiritual Leader Bhagwhan Shree Rajneesh, His psychotic assistant Ma Anand Sheela, and the crazy kundalini cult he took from an Ashram in India to the small town of Antelope, Oregon. They took over a county in Oregon, Influenced elections, dispersed thousands of homeless people, and committed the largest mass poisoning in U.S. history to influence elections. Bhagwan aka OSHO tried gain enlightenment by satiating his desires and embracing materialism while trying to create a concept he created known as a Buddha Field only to be exposed, taken down, and deported. *All of our links are below

  • A Dialogue about Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy with Rick Emmerson Episode #20

    27/12/2018 Duration: 57min

    Today we discuss Rudolf Steiner with Rick Emmerson. Rick Emmerson is a Detroit area musician and part time philosopher. He has appeared in the Academy award winning documentary "Searching for Sugar man". We will discuss how he discovered Rudolf Steiner's work for the time and what effect it had on his life. We will also discuss EGO and why it can be a good thing in contradiction to the modern psychedelic and eastern philosophy idea dissolving the EGO. *All of our links are below

  • Exploring String Theory and Our Solar System Episode #17

    27/12/2018 Duration: 39min

    Today we look at the dynamics of string theory and our solar system. We know of 3 Dimensions for sure. Length, Width, and Height, but what if there are infinite dimensions and we can only perceive 3? Quantum Physicists are pushing the agenda for String Theory, M Theory, and Super String Theory. SuperString Theory needs 10 dimensions, M-Theory needs at least 11 dimensions, and Bosonic String Theory would need 26 dimensions. Is the Calabi-Yau manifold an accurate model for 6 collapsable dimensions? A lot of these theories are mathematical and probabilities based with no tangible proof. We will also look at the weirdness that is our Moon and some of it's anomalies. We will look at our sun the power plant of our solar system. We will also analyze the asteroid belt. *All of our links are below

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