Nurah Speaks



Nurah Speaks is a weekly podcast that tugs at the soul and consciousness of the black community.  Nurah Speaks listeners will hear unique perspectives on topics such as education, youth empowerment, women's impact, community engagement, youth violence prevention and more.  If you would like to engage with the show, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: and reading her blog: can be followed on Facebook at: and on Instagram @NurahZ20.To book Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email, dont just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!


  • (Ep 222) S.M.A.R.T. Goals

    29/01/2024 Duration: 11min

    Setting goals is important for progress in all areas of life.   It is essential we set goals effectively to produce the best outcomes and give ourselves the greatest chance of success. This episode I share S.M.A.R.T. goals, an effective guide to goal setting.  S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for:  Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Listen to this episode to enhance your productivity and achieve personal and professional progress. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!

  • (Ep 221) Areas Of Focus For Workplace Success

    22/01/2024 Duration: 20min

    This episode shares six areas of focus for achieving or increasing workplace success.  Concentrating in these areas is applicable to any field.   They are: •Preparation •Communication •Professional Courtesy •Honesty •Attitude •Organization Improving one’s skills in each area can enhance workplace relationships, improve one’s own professional image and position one for career advancement. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!

  • (Ep 220) Dr. King: The Risk For Truth And Justice

    15/01/2024 Duration: 21min

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a poignant example of a man standing on faith and principles, regardless of the risks, discomfort and persecution. In his work of pressing the United States government for civil rights of the nation’s ex-slaves and in his anti-war stance on Vietnam, he made an enemy of the FBI and the U.S. President and his companions in the Civil Rights Movement deserted him.  He was a man standing on principle, refusing to sit in spite of threats and public disgrace because he believed he had truth and justice on his side.  Questions that his example compel us to ask ourselves: What will we stand for? Will we remain standing in the face of criticism and threat?  What is the cost to our souls, consciousness and freedom if we do not? The excerpts in this episode is from Dr. King’s speech at Ebenezer Baptist Church November 5, 1967 titled, ‘But If Not’. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listener

  • (Ep 219) Reparation Without Rehabilitation

    08/01/2024 Duration: 22min

    How possibly does one measure and repair the harm that has been done to a people enslaved and destroyed physically, spiritually, morally?  Our ancestors had their religion stripped, language stripped, cultural customs stripped, pride, ambitions, self love and self worth stripped through the most heinous brutality. We, their descendants, continue carry the burden of this devastation and it is apparent in our habits and behaviors.  Therefore, before reparation is issued, rehabilitation must occur.  What good will it do for a people who are destroyed, lacking love and knowledge of self, a real identity and group ambitions to receive reparations?  What happens to anyone who is irresponsible, aimless and destructive that receives a windfall?  Instead of just being an addict, he is a rich addict.  Instead of just being an immoral woman, she is a rich immoral woman.  And in a few short days, neither will be rich and often in a worse condition. The reparation conversation requires serious insight and we cannot be so

  • (Ep 218) Importance of Fathers cont'd

    01/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    Here I continue the mention of fathers and the significance of fathers in the lives of children.  The Center for Disease Control reports that 90% of all homeless and runaway youth, 71% of high school drop outs and 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes.   In part, this episode discusses the way fathers impact the development of identity in boys and the mental health and self esteem in girls.  It should be obvious to us that fathers strongly impact identity and behaviors in our boys and the mental wellness of our girls.  However, since fatherhood is not celebrated and often undervalued, these are facts of which must be discussed in this podcast. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email info@Nura

  • (Ep 217) Importance of Fathers

    25/12/2023 Duration: 18min

    Moderns laws and culture undermine the value of fathers even though research and data demonstrates how invaluable involved fathers are.   The Center for Disease Control reports that 90% of all homeless and runaway youth, 71% of high school drop outs and 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes.   Additionally, research shows that the presence of fathers improves childrens’ communication skills, resiliency, emotional and behavioral stability and a child’s overall achievement.   In general, a father’s presence is an enhancement to a child’s development and no less valuable than the presence of the mother. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Mo

  • (Ep 216) Smart Holiday Spending

    18/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    There is no biblical commandment directing us to SPEND-SPEND-SPEND to honor the birth of sweet baby Jesus. However, year after year, the season has become less religious and more commercial. Clever advertisers know the perfect strategies to persuade us to buy.  So then what should we do in this season of spending?  This episode I share tips that will benefit your wallet and your community. If you enjoy Nurah Speaks, please share the podcast with friends, family, and colleagues. Every time you share, you help the show’s growth. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!

  • (Ep 215) Six Years!

    11/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    We are celebrating the Sixth Year Anniversary of the podcast and there has been so much shared and so much learned in this journey.   I am grateful to all who has joined me on this journey, the incredible guests, the faithful listeners and the loyal supporters.   This podcast was borne from a suggestion by a dear Brother who has since passed away but whose legacy continues to inspire, Brother Munir Muhammad.  I received additional encouragement by my own minister, Brother Minister Wasim Muhammad who co-signed the suggestion and established a foundation locally for intelligent and thoughtful conversation.   However, the greatest support I have had is from my own husband who gives me the freedom to be myself and fulfill my own purpose of service. I am forever grateful for the kindness and dedication to all who champion the podcast. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nura

  • (Ep 214) Public Diary

    04/12/2023 Duration: 16min

    Social Media is a recurrent topic on Nurah Speaks because of the frequent misuse of the medium and the opportunity it provides us to publicize our most private moments or thoughts, regardless if appropriate for public consumption. We see the pictures folks post of themselves in their beds and bedrooms and even their hospital beds.  Folks post information compromising of themselves, their relationships and even their safety.   We post indiscriminately when we should exercise discernment with what we share on these platforms.  We should be encouraging our friends, family, children and anyone we care about to do the same.   Unfortunately, social media became a mechanism that allows us to disclose our low self esteem, attention seeking behavior or worst thoughts and behaviors. It can absolutely be an amazing tool, but it can be a weapon of sure disgrace and degradation in the hands of a fool. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to in

  • (Ep 213) You Are Enough; But Is That Enough?

    27/11/2023 Duration: 18min

    Overcoming negative messages that we are not ‘enough’ is a very necessary thing for our women.  We have long been inundated with messages that challenge our worthiness and esteem as Black Women. However, once we have accepted that we are indeed valuable and worthy, we should also know that we are still accountable to growth, learning, correction and guidance.  Being ‘enough’ is just not enough.  It does not absolve us from receiving correction and critique in areas that we fall short. We are still responsible to be well learned, well trained, well cultured and strong in character and devotion.  Being enough is not ‘enough’.   If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggestions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember

  • (Ep 212) Dimmed Light

    20/11/2023 Duration: 26min

    I do not believe women should dim their light.  I believe women should know how to use their light.   We are in a time wherein the light of our men has been all but snuffed out totally.  This is evidenced in the current state of the Black Community and our men specifically.  The natural leadership, creativity, character and dependability of our men is not present.  They are yet to show us and themselves their potential and many are frustrated. And we are frustrated.  The scriptural representation of ‘kill the male, spare the female’ is manifest today and without understanding the implications, we misunderstand the dynamics at play. But Sister, you do not need to dumb it down.  Just understand their condition and act accordingly.  Use your intelligence, your knowledge to be a help, not hinderance to our Brothers and our society.   Do not dim your light, USE your light.  But first, we must understand. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggesti

  • (Ep 211) Parenting Is Warfare In Modern America

    14/11/2023 Duration: 19min

    A parent striving to ingrain character, family values, morality and justice in children have a hard job in modern America as cultural norms ebb and flow.  In media, legislation and even education, the parental role is being minimized, challenged and threatened.   Active parenting is needed more now than ever.  That would include having our children in a community with likeminded individuals.  That could be a church or religious community, a friend community, an ethnic or cultural association, etc wherein your children are exposed to others who share your values.  We should also be constantly talking and listening to our children.  Explain what is happening in the world around them, how it impacts them and what your opinions are.  Ask them questions and listen to their perspectives, challenge them, encourage them to be critically aware.  Lastly, gain their trust by showing how much we value their insights and how important they are to the family and community and demonstrate this to them.  If you enjoy Nurah S

  • (Ep 210) Self Awareness

    06/11/2023 Duration: 15min

    Not having a healthy self awareness can frustrate us and others and lead to unproductive interactions and prohibiting our success.   We may have all met someone who has a problem or negative run in in nearly every environment they enter.  We may have experienced being in a board room where that one person or leader blurts something that is offensive to the group, something off topic or of no real value to the issue at hand.   And we can tell that the person in question has no idea how they are being perceived or how their comments impact others.  This is often a result of low EQ (emotional intelligence) and self awareness. To help us increase self awareness it is helpful to try two things.   When we find ourselves missing the mark in communication, getting results or inspiring our team, ask can ourselves ‘what' questions.  The default is often to ask ‘why’ however 'why' questions tend to lead to negative thinking or landing on answers that may feel right but not be right.   'What' question

  • (Ep 209) Independent Black Woman

    30/10/2023 Duration: 16min

    “Independent Black Woman” I believe this is a phrase, perhaps not coined by us, but one repeated by us as a salve to ease the distress of being unloved, unprotected and unprovided for. Let’s define our term: Independent -not needing another, not reliant on another How is this a healthy means to live?  More to the point, is it even possible to exist without relying on others?  I should say it is not. We take WIC (Women Infants and Children) a federal program giving us food for our babies. We use our state’s Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to obtain healthcare. We use food banks and take advantage of school nutrition programs. We take federal student loans to get educated. We take bank loans for cars and homes. We take subsidized housing to offset rental costs. Where all the independence that we are so proud of? If we are honest, we will admit that we use the term independent pretty much in relation to black men and and relationships.  Because it is too painful to say, “I am lonely” o

  • (Ep 208) Destruction Of The Black Family

    23/10/2023 Duration: 16min

    Some identify slavery as the destruction of the black family.  During this atrocity in American history, were not permitted formal marriages and the sacredness of our ties (and our bodies) were broken anytime the slave master wanted to have his way with the woman, girl or even our boys.  Yet we still tried…though how difficult it must have been to be a man and endure the abuse of his woman and girls.  How difficult it must have been to be a woman or a girl and live without the safety of a father’s, brothers husbands protection.  Besides this, the selling and buying of black children during slavery further broke the bonds of familial ties. Some suggest that feminism played a role in increasing single mother led households by suggesting that marriage or the nuclear family was male domination or patriarchy. We have witnessed the intrusive policies of social welfare systems  that promoted the  single woman led homes.  Additionally, poverty by way of jobs moving away from black dominated communities contributed to

  • (Ep 207) A Degree Below Nothing

    16/10/2023 Duration: 20min

    A wise teacher once said that we, black descendants of American slavery, have been made ‘a degree below nothing.’  Harsh as it is to say and hear this, the truth yet resonates in the statement and relevant to us in our community and especially to us, Black women. As a modern collective of women, we find ourselves loudly and proudly celebrating our savage behavior including parading nearly nude in public, using foul and vulgar language, costuming ourselves in wigs, weaves and makeup and not to mention the free and liberal way in which we engage in sexual relations. And not only do we heap generous praise on our sisters in doing so, but we also viciously attack any who dare encourage us to be virtuous.   We think being humble is weak, being modest is repressive and we misidentify our value in sex or 'hustle.' We have been made to be a degree below nothing because we do not know ourselves so we misappropriate behaviors, thoughts and attitudes that do not align with the great intrinsic value of a blac

  • (Ep 206) Social Media Exposes Affirmation Deficiency 'IRL'

    09/10/2023 Duration: 18min

    It is natural to seek acceptance from one’s peers and social group.  This is a normal part of life that even very independent people need.  Interpersonal activities and relationships were the means of achieving external validation before the advent of social media.  Now, in this social media/virtual world, the pursuit for external validation has hit overdrive.  But do clicks, follows and likes from individuals actually alien to us have any real meaning?  Have we abandoned interpersonal for the virtual? If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!

  • (Ep 205) Mental Health In An Eroding Culture

    02/10/2023 Duration: 18min

    I had the recent privilege to participate in a mental health forum facilitated by young community leaders.  I wanted to continue that conversation here because it is simply impossible to say everything in a limited timeframe when sharing the stage with other fascinating speakers. I find that most discussions on mental health focus on how to improve mental health, ways to heal, ways to cope and manage.  However what I see often ignored is what contributes to the erosion of our mental health.  And frankly, I observe normalized aspects of our own culture degrading the mental wellness of our people. If we take a careful inspection of our media, our families and our education, we find aspects of each that create anxiety, grief, fear, alienation and insecurity.  Couple this with the availability of degenerate food, drugs, alcohol and toxicity in our air and water, we must accept that there is more than a person’s singular traumatic experience that impact the mental welfare of our communities.   The saying goes,

  • (Ep 204) Understanding Nurah Speaks

    25/09/2023 Duration: 16min

    Nurah Speaks is a podcast in service to the Black Community.  The aim of the show is to remind and inform our folks of the value that we have to ourselves and the world. However without this knowledge of self, knowledge of our capability and knowledge of our responsibility, we surrender our obligations to others to serve our needs and repair the damage done to our people. Nurah Speaks is in service to the Black Community and if one listens you will find a message here unlike that which mainstream broadcasters convey to their listeners.  There is no apology offered for the message nor for the show’s objective, to resurrect the consciousness of our people.  For we, the descendants of American slavery, are a very special people, with specific needs and warranting a specific message. Nurah Speaks podcast will continue in service to and addressing these distinct needs.   If you would like to watch a video of the podcast, visit my Youtube page. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit yo

  • (Ep 203) Can't Get It Back!

    18/09/2023 Duration: 16min

    Child predators wear many faces.  They are not only the creepy neighbor or leering street vulture.  They are also the respected leader, esteemed clergy, youth group leader and praised honors student.  So - since we cannot rule anyone out, we must employ appropriate safeguards, limit others access with them and be especially communicative with our young folk.  This means telling them about appropriate and non-appropriate conversations, behaviors, touching and proximity. It involves, letting them know that they have permission to disobey in circumstances they feel are uncomfortable. It also includes teaching them not just about 'stranger danger' but also of the potential for hazardous acquaintances and being offered foods or beverages that can be laced. And just as important, we must assure them that we love them and accept them and that they can tell us anything, even the things that are hard to hear and even harder to say. It may also prove beneficial to advise them, that even if they are afraid to

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