Andy Talks

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 181:55:53
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Join Andy Stoddard as he goes a little deeper with the text from his weekly sermon.


  • Bonus Episode - Wednesday Night Bible Study - August 12, 2020

    13/08/2020 Duration: 32min

    Join us as we look deeper at the end of James 5! 

  • Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - John 3: 22-30

    12/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    Today we see John's disciples come to him and tell him that people are leaving them to follow Jesus.  John faces a choice, he can humble himself and continue to Jesus, or he can cling to his pride.  His choice is a great lesson for us today

  • Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - Acts 6: 1-6

    11/08/2020 Duration: 11min

    We look today at Acts 6. What does it mean to talk about calling?  Or service?  Or finding our place.  This passage has much to teach us. 

  • Bonus Episode - Sunday Sermon, August 9, 2020

    10/08/2020 Duration: 23min

    In our message from August 9, 2020 Andy shares with us from Genesis 4: 1-10.  We look deeper at Able and see how his faith led him to be joyfully obedient. 

  • Monday, August 10, 2020 - John 3: 16-17

    10/08/2020 Duration: 08min

    In our Monday reflections, Andy shares with us from John 3: 16-17.  In this passage, we see the verse we all know so well, and that verse shares with us the truth that God loves the entire world and desires for each person to come to a saving knowledge in Jesus. We see that God is for us.

  • Friday, August 7, 2020 - John 2: 1-12

    07/08/2020 Duration: 08min

    In our Friday reflections, we look at Acts 2: 1-12.  This is the famous story, Jesus' first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But what is so interesting in this passage, is this, the only people who knew what Jesus was doing were those who served. What could this mean for us today? 

  • Bonus Episode - Wednesday Night Bible Study, August 5, 2020

    06/08/2020 Duration: 31min

    Join us for Bible Study as Andy shares with us from James 5!

  • Thursday, August 6, 2020 - Matthew 17: 1-10

    06/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    Today is the day we remember the Transfiguration of Jesus.  In Matthew 17: 1-10 we see Jesus transformed into the fullness of His glory and we see Peter, James, and John overcome at the total awesomeness of Jesus in his divine state.  This gives us pause, when was the last time we were truly overcome and overwhelmed by the glory, power, and majesty of who Jesus is?  Today, we see Him in His glory.   

  • Wednesday, August 5, 2020 - Acts 3: 17-20

    05/08/2020 Duration: 10min

    In our Wednesday morning reflection, we look today at Acts 3: 17-20.  This is part of the sermon that Peter preaches after the healing of yesterday.  Here we see Peter urge people to repent and find Jesus, knowing that He will bring refreshment.  In our exhaustion and weariness of this moment, Jesus will come, bringing grace and bringing refreshment.  

  • Tuesday, August 4, 2020 - Acts 3: 1-10

    04/08/2020 Duration: 10min

    In our Tuesday morning reflection, we look at Acts 3: 1-10.  In this passage we see Peter and John heal a man, but the greater miracle may not be the healing, it may be that they looked at the man. Truly looked at him and saw him. How often do we really look at people and see them.  Truly see them as people of worth.  If you would like to help the ministry Andy mentions in this episode, Matthew 25 Ministry and Rev. Greg Hazelrig, click here.  

  • Bonus Episode - Sunday Sermon - Shaky Footing

    03/08/2020 Duration: 24min

    In the sermon from our Traditional Service from Sunday, August 2, Andy shares with us from Hebrews 11: 1-3.  Right now the ground under our feet feels really shaky.  Where do we turn in times like this?  

  • Monday, August 3, 2020 - John 1: 1-18

    03/08/2020 Duration: 13min

    In our Monday Morning reflections with Andy, we look at John 1:1-18.  This is John's Christmas story, but it is not exactly like the other Gospels. We see that Jesus was the Word of God and is the Light of God.  The darkness has not overcome the light, even now.  Do not grow afraid or weary.  Light always wins over darkness.

  • Friday, July 31, 2020 - Matthew 28: 1-10

    31/07/2020 Duration: 07min

    In our Friday morning reflections, we look at Matthew 28:1-10. In this passage, we see that the women find the tomb empty, and they are afraid.  Both the angel and Jesus acknowledges that fear. But they both give the women a mission, something to do, in spite of their fear. There are things that we are all afraid of. That is reality.  But, in this moment, we also have a mission. We can't cower in fear, even now. We must be faithful. Courage is not not being afraid. Courage is being afraid and doing the right thing anyway.  Do not be afraid today. Have courage. Be faithful!

  • Bonus Episode - Wednesday Night Bible Study, July 29, 2020

    30/07/2020 Duration: 29min

    Join us for James 4: 11-17!

  • Thursday, July 30, 2020 - Judges 4

    30/07/2020 Duration: 09min

    Today in our morning reflections we read about Deborah in Judges 4.  She is one of the great judges and prophets of the Old Testament, but she would have been easy for many in her time to dismiss. God used her for amazing things.  Today, who are we tempted to dismiss that God may want to use in powerful ways.  Will we be looking?  Will we see? God will move. Let's join Him.

  • Wednesday, July 29, 2020 - Matthew 27:45-54

    29/07/2020 Duration: 10min

    Today in our morning reflections, we look at Matthew 27:45-54, specifically when the curtain in the Temple is torn.  At that moment, the barrier between the Holy of Holies and the rest of the Temple is destroyed.  At that moment, everyone has access to the Holy of Holies, everyone has access to God. As I say often, you don't "need" me to have access to God.  Everyone has all the access they need.  Preachers, we hope to strengthen and help your walk, but you don't "need" us.  My prayer is that when we get back to "normal" whatever that is, we will be stronger in our faith for having worked on it in this valley.

  • Tuesday, July 28, 2020 - Judges 2:11-23

    28/07/2020 Duration: 09min

    In our Tuesday morning reflections, we look at what happens after Joshua. We see Judges. In this book, the people cycle from sin to captivity to a leader who follows God to freedom, back to sin, over and over again.  They keep falling into idolatry.  But why? What is idolatry?  Why do the people keep falling back into this sin?  That's what we'll talk more about today.

  • Monday, July 26, 2020 - Joshua 24:16-33

    27/07/2020 Duration: 10min

    Today in our morning reflections, we are looking at Joshua 24: 16 through the end of the chapter.  This is right after the famous passage where Joshua tells the people to pick who they will serve, but he and his family will serve the Lord.  We see the people say that they too will serve the Lord. But what does that mean?  And will they really?  Read more today (and this week) to find out.

  • Bonus Episode - Sunday's Sermon - He Lives

    27/07/2020 Duration: 24min

    In our sermon from July 26, 2020, Andy shares with us from 1 John 5.  The inner witness, that is the evidence of God.  You ask me how I know He lives?  He lives within my heart!

  • Books that Influenced Me - The Rule of Benedict and the Book of Common Prayer

    27/07/2020 Duration: 09min

    This week in our morning reflections, Andy will be looking at the books that shaped him and molded him.  Each day he'll be talking about a different book that is important to his life and his faith. These other books have shaped Andy theologically and spiritually, today's books continue to shape him through his own personal devotional life. The Rule of Benedict and the Book of Common Prayer are two texts that Andy uses each day to direct his own personal prayer and devotional life. They are spiritual anchors for him in a world that can seem rudderless.  What, for you, are your spiritual anchors?  The Book of Common Prayer - Rule of St. Benedict -

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