Mindful15: Stress Management | Mindfulness | Meditation



Short, practical, effective lessons in mindfulness for the management of stress and anxiety.


  • Dear Monica: Answers to Your Meditation Questions

    22/05/2019 Duration: 16min

    Episode 87 - It’s time for another Q & A episode where I’ll answer questions submitted by podcast listeners and my in-class meditation students.

  • Stress Buster: Finger Counting

    15/05/2019 Duration: 14min

    Episode 86 - It’s time for another stress buster. Finger counting is a useful technique when you need a little help keeping your focus.

  • Daily Mindfulness: Consider Your Environmental Impact

    08/05/2019 Duration: 05min

    Episode 85 - Twice now I’ve talked about climate change on this podcast. Both times, I focused on how our ability to take action can be impaired by strong negative emotions. I never addressed how mindfulness can guide us toward solutions.

  • Mindful Ways to Deal with Difficult People

    01/05/2019 Duration: 12min

    Episode 84 - This episode is a last-minute extension of the Compassion Series. I realized after the episode on extending compassion to difficult people, it might also be helpful to talk about mindfulness practices for dealing with difficult people. So, that’s the plan for today.

  • Daily goodwill practices help build your capacity for compassion

    24/04/2019 Duration: 05min

    Episode 83 (Part 5 in the Compassion series) - Today we’re wrapping up our five-part compassion series with some ideas for practicing loving kindness and goodwill on a daily basis. Compassion meditation helps you generate feelings of goodwill, but practicing kindness in daily life is what we’re ultimately reaching for and there’s no need to wait.

  • How (and why) to foster compassion toward people you don’t like

    17/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Episode 82 (Part 4 in the Compassion series) - For the past three weeks, we’ve been exploring compassion. We’ve covered how mindfulness fosters compassion, how to make metta meditation easier by starting with someone you love, and how to strengthen your capacity for self-compassion. Today, it’s time to address the toughest part of compassion meditation: generating feelings of loving kindness for people we don’t like. I want to address the value of this practice and to give you another tool that can help.

  • Self compassion is just as important as caring about others

    10/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Episode 81 (Part 3 in the Compassion series) - If you’ve been practicing compassion meditation with me these last two weeks, you’ll have noticed it includes sending wishes of goodwill toward yourself. Today, in Part 3 of our Compassion Series, I’ll discuss self-compassion in more depth and offer you a meditation specifically designed to foster it.

  • Fostering compassion? Start with something easy to care about.

    03/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Episode 80 (Part 2 in the Compassion series) - Compassion meditation can be difficult, so today I’m going to share a simple method for making it a little bit easier.

  • Want to be more compassionate? Practice mindfulness.

    27/03/2019 Duration: 15min

    Episode 79 (Part 1 in the Compassion series) - I hope I don’t need to work very hard to convince you that compassion is a desirable thing. Compassion causes you to treat others with respect and help them when they’re in distress. Compassion makes you feel good, because you have fewer negative reactions to others and you get satisfaction from being able to contribute to their well-being. It also helps you solve problems; when you care about others, you opt to partner with them instead of opposing them, and that typically results in more effective solutions.

  • Mindful acceptance does not mean giving in

    20/03/2019 Duration: 15min

    Episode 78 - Twice in recent months I’ve come across bloggers who reject mindfulness, because they believe they sometimes need to be angry, anxious, or upset in order to make positive change. Sometimes, they say, anger is a justified emotion, one we need to motivate us.

  • For best results, analyze problems mindfully

    13/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Episode 77 - Last week, I addressed a question submitted by one of our listeners, Anitta. I told you that letting go of negative thoughts and memories is not the same as denying them. And, I also suggested that, sometimes in-depth mindful analysis of thoughts and memories can help you make better choices. Today, I want to share some tips for staying mindful as you analyze.

  • Acceptance is not the same as denial

    06/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Episode 76 - In this episode, I’m going to address a question submitted by Anitta who wants to know whether letting go of thoughts and memories is the same as denial.

  • M15 Ep075: How to bounce back from a break in your meditation routine

    27/02/2019 Duration: 10min

    Episode 75 - Have you taken an unplanned break in your meditation routine? Are you looking to get back on track? Here’s how to go about it successfully.

  • M15 Ep074: Finding ease in your meditation

    20/02/2019 Duration: 13min

    Episode 74 - Sometimes, meditation feels like a struggle, but the points where we feel challenged are typically the best opportunities for growth in our practice. I know, if I’m feeling restless, bored, upset, frustrated… there’s something I need to learn to accept, something to which I need to apply non-judgemental awareness.

  • M15 Ep073: Busy mind? Try some reflection

    13/02/2019 Duration: 14min

    Episode 73 - When you notice a thought arising during meditation, you are coached to let go of that thought and return your attention to the breath. But, this is easier said than done, especially on days when your mind is very active. I have an alternative to struggling with your busy mind.

  • M15 Ep072: Get back to basics: Meditation's three key steps

    06/02/2019 Duration: 13min

    Episode 72 - I have a feeling that some will look at today’s episode title and scoff. They’ll think, “I already know how to meditate.” I hope you’ll give this episode just a little time, though. I believe it’s worthwhile to review basics now and again, because over time, it’s easy to become rigid about how to practice correctly, and this rigidity can get in the way or practicing successfully.

  • M15 Ep070: What, may I ask, is your intention?

    23/01/2019 Duration: 15min

    Episode 70 - At the end of some of my guided meditations, I coax you to set an intention to take your mindful state of mind with you as you move from the meditation into the rest of your day. But, why bother? Because setting an intention helps to lead you where you want to go.

  • M15 Ep069: Reach your goal by focusing on the little things

    16/01/2019 Duration: 14min

    Episode 69 - When we set goals, we often look ahead to the finish line. We determine what we want to achieve and give ourselves a deadline by which we should achieve it. For example, your goal might be, “I want to establish a meditation habit by the end of this month.” Sometimes, we don’t even give ourselves a deadline in the future. We just expect ourselves to enact the behaviour immediately, e.g., “I am going to meditate every day.” When we fail to achieve our goal by the deadline, chances are good we’ll give up.

  • M15 Ep068: Visualization improves chances of success

    09/01/2019 Duration: 07min

    Episode 68 - We’ve talked about how to improve willpower, how to create a habit and apply flexibility when troubleshooting your habit-building plan. But, we’re not done yet. I firmly believe, if you’re meditation goal matters, you should use every success-promoting tool you can find. Today, I’m sharing another of my favourites: visualization for overcoming obstacles. This technique can help you anticipate obstacles, plan strategies to deal with them, and mentally practice those strategies to boost your chances at success.

  • M15 Ep067: Flexibility keeps you on track with your meditation goals

    02/01/2019 Duration: 13min

    Episode 67 - Last week, I showed you how to structure a habit in a way that will lead to success. It’s possible, however, that your habit plan doesn’t work as well as it should, or that your circumstances change, rendering the plan ineffective. When these things come up, it’s crucial to review and revise your plan, and your biggest ally is flexibility.

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