Milt Rosenberg



A daily show featuring intelligent, enlivening and thought provoking discussions centered on the world of ideas. Guests from the world of literature, journalism, academia, public policy, science, religions, and foreign policy join Milt to discuss the big questions of the day–an all star list of people who shape our world.


  • A Brief History of American Musical Theater


    Sometimes we have to leave behind the world of politics, history and science and remember that entertainment holds an important place as part of the well-rounded life. A brief and welcome departure from news of presidential races and nuclear armament deals came to us in a study of theater and, specifically, American Musical Theater. We…

  • The Iranian Nuclear Deal; the Politics and the Science


    So most of the week the media has been focusing on the political implications of the Iranian nuclear agreement and, while we will discuss that pertinent aspect of the deal, we thought we should look into the science behind their capabilities. What do we know? What is speculative? We brought in Rachel Bronson of the…

  • The Sacred Texts of the Abrahamic Traditions


    Father Abraham had many sons, and from those sons were born three of the world’s greatest faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While much is made of the differences between and the conflicts that have emerged amidst these groups, the fact that remains that we share common ancestry. So, what are the commonalities of those faiths?…

  • Iran Nuclear Agreement Reached


    Interpretations of the long-term consequences of the nuclear agreement between the U.S., Iran and a host of other nations at the negotiating table are a disparate as American and Iranian ideas of freedom. Many herald it, but seemingly more are wondering how we could have given an inch to a nation so preoccupied with chanting…

  • The New Spymasters: Inside the Modern World of Espionage with Stephen Grey


    Rosenberg. Milt Rosenberg. He always aims to bring you compelling talk. That was the goal with bringing journalist Stephen Grey to the program. Grey has just penned a new book in which he tackles the history and changing nature of spying as we have emerged from the Cold War and are now right in the…

  • Genghis Khan: His Conquests, His Empire, His Legacy with Frank McLynn


    The largest empire the world has ever known. A genius general of a Mongol horde that raped, pillaged, and burned its way across China, Central Asia, and all the way to the Atlantic. But most people know precious little about Genghis Khan other than the face that he was a successful warrior, a brutal subjugator…

  • The SAG-AFTRA Radio Players


    Radio a’int what it used to be. From its beginning as a vehicle to broadcast weather and farm reports to an agricultural America to broadcasting the sounds of big bands from New York or Chicago to Orson Welles’s War of the Worlds broadcast, radio was king. That is, of course, until it was dethroned by…

  • The Fabulous Future with Gary Saul Morson and Morton Schapiro


    In 1956, an influential group of leaders published The Fabulous Future: America in 1980, in which they attempted to project how various aspects of life might look in 25 years or so. Some of it they got right, some of it wrong. It’s a noble task and an interesting concept for which editors might gather…

  • The Cosmos and Dark Matter


    Space. The Origins of the Universe. Black Holes. Dark Matter. It’s seemingly impossible to tire of discussing the timeless question of how we got here. Sometimes we tackle this topic from a spiritual viewpoint, or we entertain a metaphysical talk. But more likely we turn to our friends in academia, specifically those who study cosmology.…

  • By the People with Charles Murray


    Charles Murray is no stranger to controversy and, piggybacking on a similar theme from a recent episode of this program, was castigated in the media for his findings in his hugely influential book, The Bell Curve, published back in 1994. His newest work, By the People, is no less important and incredibly timely in its…

  • End of Discussion with Guy Benson and Mary Katharine Ham


    Watch what you say. Don’t offend anyone.Be sensitive to the feelings of others. Censor yourself. These are probably suitable pieces of advice if you’re going to Sunday school, but if you’re trying to engage in political talk they are impossible to attain. Yet, somehow, our nation finds itself at a crossroads at which free speech…

  • Combating the Killer Diseases


    The title of this program describes a noble fight. On the front lines of this battle are America’s physicians and support staff in the various studies of medicine. We’ve enlisted the participation of three leading doctors from The University of Chicago Medicine, namely Drs. Douglas Dirschl, Jason Luke, and Nir Uriel, a surgeon, an oncologist…

  • The Skeptic’s Case Against Anthropogenic Global Warming


    Man is causing the Earth to warm. Industry and man’s poor stewardship of the planet will lead to our ruin. This is not an uncommon opinion held by many. Indeed, labeling it “opinion” is heretical in some circles. But as there are many instances of the Earth shedding one climate pattern for another throughout geological…

  • What Every American Needs to Know with E. D. Hirsch


    A collective cry resounds from coast to coast: “We’ve got to fix our broken education system!” Yet what do we do? Young Americans are caught between schools’ requirements to maintain certain levels of testing and garnering a valuable, useful education that can manufacture valuable, able-minded citizens. E. D. Hirsch is a pioneer in the field…

  • Space Exploration: a History, Current Affairs, and a Look Toward the Future


    In anyone’s top ten list of great events of American history would be man’s walking on the moon. This nation was the world leader in space exploration and, while we’ve scaled back our manned missions into the final frontier, there are still many exciting projects underway. Just this week there was debate about the mysterious…

  • John Kass on the State of Radio, Newspapers, and Free Speech


    John Kass should be appointed as the new head of FIFA. To be sure, it’s an appointment that would suit him. But as he may not have the necessary backing, he will have to rely on his current position as the hugely popular columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Mr. Kass sat in with Milt to…

  • Gay Marriage Wins 5-4 SCOTUS Decision


    We delve deep into issues political, scientific, academic and beyond on this program. This compels us to address news items of grave importance as they develop. So when the report from the Supreme Court came today of its historic ruling making gay marriage legal in all fifty states, we immediately assembled a panel to analyze…

  • Building the H Bomb: A Personal History


    Kenneth W. Ford is one smart cookie. He went to work at Los Alamos at the ripe old age of 24, working alongside such physicist luminaries as Oppenheimer, Fermi, Wheeler, Neumann, and Teller. If these names don’t ring a bell to you, then you have found this interview at the right time, because you’d do…

  • Senator George J. Mitchell – The Negotiator: A Memoir


    Senator George Mitchell was the Majority Leader until he did something we could only wish that other politicians would emulate: He retired from political life. He has just penned a memoir which is deeply readable. It is not merely a collection of self-congratulating tales from a political life, but there are some amusing and interesting…

  • News from the Religious World


    There’s a lot happening on the religious front. Pope Francis has weighed in on climate change. ISIS continues its mayhem in the Middle East. Church attendance in America is going the way of church attendance in Europe–many empty pews in houses of worship of nearly all denominations. To discuss these and many others of spiritual…

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