Amber Leitz



Amber is a Sensuality & Sacred Sexuality Coach who focuses on helping women to awaken their sensuality, pleasure and sexual energy through various rituals, practices and private coaching. She helps women remember that they are sensual and erotic by nature and to connect back to their pleasure potential and the ecstasy of their orgasm. She also sells the jade egg in her online shop on Etsy, The Erotic Woman Shop. She is the creator of Jade Egg Sexual Mastery, an online course for women who desire to begin (or deepen) a jade egg practice and fully awaken their sensuality, pleasure and erotic power.


  • Love Rituals & Sex Magic for More Passion, Hot Sex & Deep Love (even if you're single!)

    14/02/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    This was originally part of my Sex Magic Playshop Series in my Reclaiming Your Eroticism Facebook group. Join my LIVE sex magic ritual (for womxn only) on Saturday February 15th at 7 pm EST. You can sign up for the ritual here AND you'll get added to the waitlist for my Solo Sex Magic Course which opens on Valentine's'll receive a $100 off coupon from being on the waitlist: Connect with me on Instagram here: Join my private Facebook group for womxn only:

  • Why You Need to Excavate, Fuck & Make Love to Your Shadows to Receive Your Desires

    13/02/2020 Duration: 38min

    This was originally part of my Sex Magic Playshop Series in my Reclaiming Your Eroticism Facebook group. Join my LIVE sex magic ritual (for womxn only) on Saturday February 15th at 7 pm EST. You can sign up for the ritual here AND you'll get added to the waitlist for my Solo Sex Magic Course which opens on Valentine's'll receive a $100 off coupon from being on the waitlist: Connect with me on Instagram here: Join my private Facebook group for womxn only:

  • How to Use Your Erotic Energy for Sex Magic

    13/02/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    This was originally part of my Sex Magic Playshop Series in my Reclaiming Your Eroticism Facebook group. Join my LIVE sex magic ritual (for womxn only) on Saturday February 15th at 7 pm EST. You can sign up for the ritual here AND you'll get added to the waitlist for my Solo Sex Magic Course which opens on Valentine's'll receive a $100 off coupon from being on the waitlist: Connect with me on Instagram here: Join my private Facebook group for womxn only:

  • What’s Next in Your Eroticism After Sexual Healing?

    12/02/2020 Duration: 23min

    This was originally part of my Sex Magic Playshop Series in my Reclaiming Your Eroticism Facebook group. Join my LIVE sex magic ritual (for womxn only) on Saturday February 15th at 7 pm EST. You can sign up for the ritual here AND you'll get added to the waitlist for my Solo Sex Magic Course which opens on Valentine's'll receive a $100 off coupon from being on the waitlist: Connect with me on Instagram here: Join my private Facebook group for womxn only:

  • How to Open Yourself to Deep Fucking & Get Off During Penetration

    20/01/2020 Duration: 01h17min

    LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: As you’ll hear in this week’s episode of the Reclaiming Your Eroticism podcast, I’ve had quite an interesting journey with vaginal sex over the years. It was only about five years ago now that penetration for me was my least favorite sexual activity, because it was either numb, painful or unfulfilling. I would often think to myself things like… I wish he’d hurry up and finish When will it be over so I can roll over and go to sleep or finish watching that episode on Netflix? Is this really all there is? Is this how sex is going to be for the rest of my life? Is THIS it? What’s wrong with me? Why am I so broken? Sex doesn’t feel that good and I can’t orgasm with him… If you’re feeling any of this, know that you’re not alone AND it’s not permanent. Penetration is literally my favorite thing now…it feels so orgasmic…(never thought I’d be saying that!) and I can’t wait to s

  • Expanding Your Erotic Capacity, Getting Off On Your Shame & Finding Pleasure Through Contraction

    23/12/2019 Duration: 58min

    LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: I woke up on Sunday morning feeling my inner erotic muse yearning for me to share, speak out loud and express the erotic experience I had the night before during a partnered Erotic Play Date with Andy (aka a sex date). I was snuggled up next to Scarlet that morning trying to sleepily shake off the urge to get up and record a podcast, hoping to ignore it for a "better time." My inner erotic muse is quite the seductress and I realized it was pointless trying to fight or subdue her for a more convenient time. She wanted to express herself NOW.  The words for this podcast episode started to move through me, calling me to take action. So I did. I was staying at Andy's parent's house so I had to sit out in my car (in about devotion) for some privacy and quietude. I intended for this to be only about 15 minutes long, but it just kept pouring o

  • The Art of Subtle Pleasure & Why it Actually Brings You Even More Erotic Pleasure

    08/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: Yesterday I was doing my erotic morning ritual–which involved a sensual grape eating, self seduction experience and some erotic breathwork–when this podcast episode started to flow through me. Normally I try to record podcasts when I’m alone, but Scarlet was home with me and this couldn’t wait…because the erotic energy and creative inspiration for this episode was flowing through me…so you’ll get to hear her playing in the background occasionally. What’s so special about what I want to share with you in this week’s podcast episode? I was practicing something yesterday morning that I teach in my Orgasmic Pleasure course for womxn (which opens soon), which is the art of enjoying subtle pleasure. Subtle pleasure is incredibly understated. I get it. We’re all seeking the big forms of pleasure…especially climax and multiple, toe-curling, screaming orgasms. I love all o

  • How to Create an Erotic Partnership Featuring My Lover Andy

    25/11/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: In today's episode of the RECLAIMING YOUR EROTICISM PODCAST, I'm featuring a very special guest -- my lover and partner Andy! We have an open, honest and sexy conversation about our relationship, our sex life, how we create an erotic partnership and we also answer some of your questions that were submitted for us. I'm so excited to share him with you in this episode and we had so much fun recording this intimate conversation.  We explore things in this juicy podcast episode like... What I expected my relationship with Andy to be like in the beginning vs what actually happened How to communicate to your partner that you want to go on an erotic journey together or improve your sex life together How we handle our emotions coming up in our relationship and during sex The sexy practice I do that helps me communicate with Andy or let go of anger towards him (he was surprised that I do this

  • Are You Hiding Who You Are in the Bedroom?

    16/11/2019 Duration: 51min

    LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: In today’s episode of the RECLAIMING YOUR EROTICISM PODCAST, we’re exploring all of the ways that you might be hiding who you truly are in the bedroom… This could be the literal ways that you hide like only having sex if the lights are off or not letting your partner see you naked…or avoiding your own naked body in the mirror. I did that one for years so you’re not alone if that’s you. It could also be the metaphorical ways you hide by not telling your partner what you really desire in the bedroom, hiding your sexual fantasies and sexual shadows from them or stuffing your emotions down if they come up during sexual play. Let me just say, I used to be an expert at hiding. I’m still pretty adept at it…to the point where sometimes I don’t even realizing I’m hiding. I might be hiding a certain archetype or energy that comes up (like the slut or seductress — those are big ones for me), hiding a desire or f

  • Sex Magic Secrets of a Real Life Sex Witch & How to Embody Your Inner Sex Witch Through Sex Magic

    13/10/2019 Duration: 59min

    Sex Magic Secrets of a Real Life Sex Witch & How to Embody Your Inner Sex Witch Through Sex Magic LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: In today’s episode of the RECLAIMING YOUR EROTICISM PODCAST, I’m diving deep into all things sex magic… I really just wanted to hit record and talk openly about my experience with sex magic, because it’s one of my favorite topics and rituals. It’s a lifestyle and a path for me, which I share more about in the episode. This episode is all about my personal sex magic secrets as a real life sex witch (I have the best job ever!) and how you, too, can embody your own inner sex witch through the ritual of sex magic. We dive into… What a sex witch means to me & why I consider myself one The physical signs of remembering or recognizing your ancient sex witch power Revealing my biggest sex magic secret to you that will help you remember your power Some

  • Why We Fear Our Sexuality and 3 Erotic Rituals For Reclaiming Your Eroticism

    26/09/2019 Duration: 52min

    Why We Fear Our Sexuality and 3 Erotic Rituals For Reclaiming Your Eroticism LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: This is an exciting day…a day I’ve been waiting for for about two years now. It’s the RE-RELEASE of my podcast! If you’ve been around my erotic community for the past few years (if you’re new — welcome…come in and sit for an erotic spell), then you know that my original podcast was called the Sensually Embodied Woman. That honestly no longer resonates with me and with the core of my work, especially as I deepen my focus on guiding womxn and femmes on a journey to remembering, reclaiming and fully unleashing their erotic nature, power and pleasure. This includes diving deep into shedding sexual shame, overcoming trauma, integrating sexual shadows and erotically taboo desires and using the liberated erotic energy that exists beneath the shame, trauma and hidden sexual shadows to CREATE what yo

  • The Power & Pleasure of Sex After Trauma With Rachael Maddox

    05/12/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    Watch/read on the blog for full resources: Support Rachael's 'Sex After Trauma' book Kickstarter: Download my free resources here: Follow my erotic adventures on Instagram: Join my 1900+ private Facebook group for women only: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you've ever found yourself hating, fearing or dreading sex, then I have a very juicy treat for you - an erotic conversation with Rachael Maddox that may very well begin to change the trajectory of your whole life, especially your sexual life. This conversation may only change your life a little bit, but it will definitely be powerful. It changed something for me and I was the one interviewing her.  This is something every single woman needs to know and was by far one of my favorite conversations ever. I had

  • Loving Your Secret Bad Girl, Healing Sexual Trauma & Becoming a Grown Goddess with Rachael Maddox

    02/06/2017 Duration: 01h13s

    Watch on the blog for full resources: Download the Jade Egg Sexual Mastery ebook: Join my private Facebook group for women: Connect with me on Instagram Last year I stumbled upon an amazing woman and her book, Secret Bad Girl, which helped me heal a part of myself that I hadn't expected to face. My own inner archetype of the secret bad girl. This woman who initiated me into looking at my secret bad girl is Rachael Maddox. My secret bad girl had unknowingly been longing to be seen, heard and accepted fully so this book came into my life at the perfect time. She was begging for my attention, but I wasn't listening. Until I gave her a voice. Until I listened to her, saw her, witnessed her. Until I was willing to play with her, dance with her, hold her, soothe her, give her my love and attention. If you've been struggling with a part of you that feels like she's bad, dirty, naughty

  • Hour-Long Orgasms, Deep Sexual Healing & Surrendering to the Masculine with Eyal Matsliah

    30/03/2017 Duration: 01h16min

    For full resources, including Eyal's information, watch or listen on the blog: Have you been curious about what a conscious, sexually empowered man has to say around female sexuality and orgasm? If so, you won’t want to miss today’s podcast conversation…it’s super juicy and full of practices and insights that will help you begin unleashing your own orgasm and activating yourself deeper as a sexual woman.  Today I have someone special on the podcast. The first man invited onto the podcast for a conversation around sexuality is Eyal Matsliah. I’ve been following his work for a couple of years now and recently I’ve seen him on several other podcasts and just knew I had to invite him on to share his sacred sexual wisdom with you.  I’ve also been religiously reading his book ‘Orgasm Unleashed – Your guide to pleasure, healing and power’ and his view of female sexuality and orgasm really needs to be spread far and wide.  Here’s what Eyal and I talk about in this episode: Eya

  • Open to Love & Pleasure in the Face of Closure (Guided Meditation)

    17/03/2017 Duration: 14min

    Access the full article here: Download my Jade Egg Sexual Mastery ebook here:

  • Shedding Shame, Finding Self Love Through Masturbation & Owning Your Sexual Shadows - Vanessa Cuccia

    23/02/2017 Duration: 56min

    For full resources, visit my website: A couple of years ago when I was getting deeper into my own sexual healing journey I somehow stumbled upon a beautiful company called Chakrubs — the original crystal sex toy company. I don’t quite remember how I found this website, but I’m so fucking glad I did. I had been craving to go deeper into my vagina through self pleasure as opposed to be addicted to clitoral orgasms and I chose to gift myself with the slim version The Heart, crafted from beautiful rose quartz crystal. Rose quartz is perfect for self-love, compassion and healing the heart. The vagina and heart are beautifully connected by a sexual reflexology point and meridian near the vaginal opening and cervix. Ever since I recreated my first time and connected back to my erotic innocence using my Chakrub, I’ve been deeply in love with this company and Vanessa’s mission for it. Especially her newest line — The Shadow Line. If you’ve been around in my world for any amoun

  • The Jade Egg -- Yoga For Your Pussy (FREE Practice)

    02/02/2017 Duration: 11min

    For full resources: Today I'm sharing a free audio practice with you combining the smooth flow of yoga, the jade egg practice and sensual movement to activate your sexual energy and help you connect back to your erotic self. Here's what you'll need to do this jade egg practice: A medium, drilled Nephrite jade egg String inserted through your jade egg Sacred, private space -- light candles or incense, arrange flowers, turn on sensual music, etc. A yoga mat, blanket or space near your bed and floor Make sure to warm your body up first. I teach several rituals in my free Jade Egg Sexual Mastery ebook. Download that here ( You can do sensual breast massage with warm oil, erotic dance, breathing exercises or something that turns you on enough to insert your jade egg with ease. By the way, I'm sharing an exclusive sneak peek of my Jade Egg Sexual Mastery course (doors officially open NOW!) with the women in my email tribe. If you downl

  • 6 Reasons Why Using a Jade Egg is Better Than Kegels

    26/01/2017 Duration: 19min

    Listen on the blog for full resources: Raise your hand if anyone has ever suggested to you to do kegels. *Raises hand* Maybe they told you (and by they -- maybe it was your doctor, a magazine, your best girlfriend or your gynecologist) to do kegels to strengthen your pelvic floor -- or give you a "tight pussy". Maybe you'd just given birth and you were googling like a mad woman to find out what would "fix" your pussy and make it good as new again. Or maybe you just heard about this vagina fad and you decided to hop on board and see what would happen. Nothing is right or wrong -- but I want to offer you an alternative to kegels and share with you my sensual insights on why I think using the jade egg is a million times better than doing kegels. In this podcast episode I dive into: What kegels are & why they're not actually helping you get the pussy and pelvic floor you want 6 reasons why using a jade egg is better than doing kegels The sexual, phys

  • Why You Don’t Want a Tight Pussy (& What You Want Instead)

    19/01/2017 Duration: 16min

    Listen on the blog for full resources: As a culture, we are obsessed with women having super tight vaginas. Media portrays the tight pussy as the “healthy” and “normal” ideal. You also hear about things like kegels and other devices and exercises that can sometimes be advertised as tightening the pussy to be “as good as new again.” This is especially targeted at women who are a certain age or who’ve given birth. I’m really interested in women learning how to cultivate a vagina and pelvic floor in a healthy and loving manner. So what does that mean? Why don’t we want tight vaginas? What do we really want? That’s what we’re discussing in today’s podcast episode. Here’s what I dish on in this episode: Why you actually DON’T want a tight pussy How it might be harming your overall well-being by chasing this “tight vagina” misconception What kind of vagina you want to cultivate instead I’ll share 3 juicy tips with you on how to cultivate a healthy vagina Down

  • 10 Reasons Why You Should Have Sex With Yourself Regularly

    01/12/2016 Duration: 16min

    Listen on the blog for full resources: Click play to listen. Here’s what you’ll hear: 10 reasons why you should have sex with yourself regularly (they're juicy!) How one of these reasons continues to effect me every single time I self pleasure Why you should self pleasure in THIS specific scenario...when it's usually the last thing you want to do Download my free orgasm guide here: Sign up for my Manifest Through Orgasm video series here:

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