Lake Highlands Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 74:39:54
  • More information



The Lake Highlands Church is an interdenominational familyof imperfect believers, trusting only Christ as Savior and Lord.Rooted in the ancient, authoritative scriptures, we are savedby Gods surprising grace, alive in the power of the Spiritand expectant of a coming Christ. Everything we do is in response to being saved by grace. Dr. Jim Reynolds, LHC Senior Pastor


  • The Story - “The Story Starts Here”

    10/02/2021 Duration: 01h40s

    Too often we look to the scriptures to learn the “hows”; how to do this, how to do that, how this or that came about.  But the beginning of THE STORY is about the who and the why not the how.  God is the who and WE are the why.   Scripture reading: Genesis 1:1-25

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - Love and the Slurpee Principle

    09/03/2020 Duration: 51min

    We don’t like to forgive because we think it’s weak; Jesus says that it is divine.  We don’t like to forgive because we think that there will be no justice and evil will prevail; Jesus says that vengeance is God’s responsibility.  We don’t like to forgive because we think that if we do it will diminish us; Jesus says, not only will you not be diminished, but you will be refilled to overflowing.  At the end of the day, you can never know the surpassing greatness of the grace of God until you are empty. Scripture reading: Luke 6:27-38

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - The Great Reversal

    02/03/2020 Duration: 51min

    The things that Jesus proclaimed in the “Sermon on the Plain” sound like impossible ideals given by some out-of-touch mystic, but they are actually pragmatic truths proclaimed by a down-to-earth realist.  Jesus knew how life works, both in the Kingdom of Heaven and in the kingdom of this world.  Jesus himself embodied these truths and showed us that living them is the way to full, abundant life. Scripture reading: Luke 6:17-26

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - Courage

    24/02/2020 Duration: 40min

    It is one thing to believe something, it is another thing to quote scripture about what you believe, but when push comes to shove and when your life is on the line and the powers that be are against you, will you back up your words with your life?   Scripture reading: Luke 6:1-11

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - Follow

    17/02/2020 Duration: 41min

    If we are going to be followers of Jesus, not just supporters; if we are going to be apprentices, and step into this amazing life that Jesus has called us to, we are going to have leave some things behind.  So we have to choose.  Will we stay with the comfort of what we know…fishing at night, cleaning our nets, doing the same things in the same ways that we’ve always done them…or will we step into the adventure of following Jesus, leaving our boats and nets behind, so that we can experience the love and joy of life with him?  See, the question is, if you don’t follow Jesus, where else are you going to go? Scripture reading: Luke 5:1-11

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - There’s No Place Like Home

    12/02/2020 Duration: 44min

    In this scene we have a perfect representation of the whole ministry of Jesus—the prophecy of who he is, Jesus’ statement of fulfillment, wonder at the beauty of his life, disappoint with the fact that he doesn’t deliver the desired signs, unbelief and rejection, a call to repentance, the sending of the good news to the non-Jew, the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary, and the divine escape in the resurrection.  The “so what” is that we have to deal with the question we began this series asking: who is this man?  And who is he to me? Scripture reading: Luke 4:14-30

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - What If?

    04/02/2020 Duration: 46min

    The testing of Jesus came right on the heels of the baptism, that amazing declaration of God that this was his son.  And isn’t that often the case?  Right after an exhilarating experience with God we find ourselves being tested.  The keys for us in overcoming our temptations are found in how Jesus responded to his.  But the big picture question is, what if?  What if Jesus had given in?  If Jesus had given in it would mean that he had given up on us…and that he simply would not do!   Scripture reading: Luke 4:1-12

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - Your Father and I Have Been Worried Sick

    28/01/2020 Duration: 40min

    Far too often we want God to behave like a good deity should—to be there when we want him, to amaze us with his provision, to bail us out of tough spots, to show us his supernatural power when we can’t make things happen the way we want them to happen.  Quite simply, we want him to fit into our box. But when we do that we are acting as the supreme being…which we are not!  He is!  And he will always be about his Father’s business, which is to bring fullness of life to his children.   Scripture Reading: Luke 2:41-52

  • (The Baptism)

    22/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    Jesus has come to fulfill and complete what God started with Israel, to bring salvation to the world. His baptism is the beginning of the new exodus. Just as God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, God was now bringing a new people out of an even older and darker slavery, slavery to sin. The new exodus is wider than just Israel, it is for the whole of creation. Scripture reading: Luke 3:21-22

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - Making Perfect

    14/01/2020 Duration: 41min

    The purpose of Luke’s gospel, as he put it, is to lay out an orderly account so that we might know with certainty the truth about Jesus. In this text, Luke is going to show us that even in the days immediately following his birth, Jesus’ life was perfection in making; that he is not some maverick Jew who began his own movement which was a defection from Judaism, rather his life is one of complete adherence to the Law of God, even in his infancy.  Why is this important?  It helps us to see that Jesus was both everything we are and everything we are not, so that he might be our faithful and merciful high priest, redeeming us and bestowing upon us the full rights of being children of God. Scripture reading: Luke 2:21-24

  • Full. Life. Jesus. - The Jesus We Thought We Knew

    14/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    An intro to the study, we need to be asking just as the disciples asked, “Who is the man?”  Have we bought into a conservative establishmentarian view of Jesus or do we see him for who he really is?  Our culture, Christians included, has become much too comfortable with the idea of Jesus and has become ambivalent about him. But Jesus does not give us ambivalence as an option. We will either declare, “my Lord and my God,” or we will side with the Pharisees who said, “he leads the multitudes astray. Scripture reading: Mark 4:35-31

  • Don’t Be Afraid… Because We Have Good News

    02/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    There is a feeling among many sincere Christians that Christmas is a religious holiday for kids, but Easter is the critical event for the mature Christian.  Truth is, without Christmas there is no cross and there is no resurrection.  Christmas is God’s ALL IN moment.  When Hope is battling fear, God’s ALL IN moment tips the scales in our favor, and the world is forever changed. Scripture: Luke 2:8-18

  • Don’t Be Afraid…When Your Life is Turned Upside Down

    17/12/2019 Duration: 37min

    Often there are events in our lives that turn our world upside down.  When that happens it can cause us to become unraveled and fearful.  But if we will have faith like Mary and trust in our God, God can use those events to use us to bring him into the world. Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

  • Don’t Be Afraid… When Waiting

    10/12/2019 Duration: 36min

    Waiting can be frustrating; most of us don’t like to wait.  But waiting can also remind us that there is something going on that is bigger than ourselves. The Christmas season is a reminder that every moment that we wait on God is an opportunity to connect with Him in anticipation of the future that he has for us; a future of hope and of good news. Scripture: Luke 2:21-38

  • Don't Be Afraid... Of Uncertainty

    03/12/2019 Duration: 43min

    There is something about the unknown that unsettles us, that makes us anxious, that causes us to move away from uncertainty and toward things that are more certain. The invitation of God is to not be afraid, to step into the uncertainty of life and trust him.  And when we do that we open ourselves up to the miraculous. Scripture: Luke 1:1-25

  • Self-interest v. Generosity

    04/11/2019 Duration: 44min

    When we move outside of ourselves and give ourselves away for the benefit of others we find real freedom.   Scripture: Philippians 2:1-5  

  • Walls v. Boundaries

    01/11/2019 Duration: 49min

    There is a huge difference between simply shutting people out and setting appropriate boundaries with people. The former isolates us and keeps us in relational bondage, while the latter enables us to live free.   Scripture: Psalm 74:13-17

  • Judgment v. Grace

    22/10/2019 Duration: 35min

    Forgiveness is the core of the gospel because at the cross Jesus forgave us and reconciled us to the Father.  But what do we do when someone sins against us? Do we extend the same grace we received or do we stand in judgment of them?  The Grace Pathway shows us how to move from judgment to forgiveness, and trade our torment for freedom. Scripture: Matthew 18:33  

  • Lies v. Truth

    16/10/2019 Duration: 57min

    When we believe the lies the evil speaks to us—either about God, ourselves or others—then our expectations and behaviors line up with the kingdom of darkness and we live in bondage.  But when we live in the truth of who God is and who he has created us to be, we live in the kingdom of God and experience his freedom.   Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2: 10-12

  • Flight v. Fight

    08/10/2019 Duration: 57min

    Our tendency is to avoid conflict in order to keep the peace, but more often we need to move toward the conflict and address it in order to experience the freedom God has for us.  Scripture: Galatians 2:11-14 

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