The Wade Alters Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 36:46:45
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Listen in to The Wade Alters Show for cutting edge self development, business, and networking techniques...


  • The Truth About YouTube Success with Julien Blanc

    26/11/2018 Duration: 35min

    Mannnn oh man. This is probably the BEST Podcast I've ever done. I've been trying for MONTHS to get Julien to come onto the show and share what he's been up to since he's left the Dating world. For those of you who don't know, Julien has evolved into doing Self-Help & Spirituality, something he's become more authentically aligned with. It was pretty similar for me when I left the pickup industry, and transitioned into lifestyle development & business consulting. The amount of HATE we both got after leaving the dating world was nuts. I couldn't believe guys (who I didn't even know) we're reaching out to my parents on Facebook and telling them I should go back to teaching Dating advice (and sending them threats)! It made it even more difficult to move on to the new chapter of my life... But hey, it's part of the game and it comes with the territory. Because when we re-invent ourselves, we have to let go of the past and evolve into what we’re truly authentic with. And usually haters are going to be right

  • Consistently Get 6 Figure Sales With This Skill (Copywriting)

    19/11/2018 Duration: 23min

    Copywriting is one of the MOST misunderstood business skills one could create massive wealth with. It gave me the confidence to leave my old job and set sail with my own business, knowing I could still create a 6-Figure income. But most people don’t understand what copywriting is (not to be confused with legal ‘copywriting’ language)... Copywriting is about sales & persuasion. And if you’re running any kind of business, you’re leaving money on the table if you don’t understand who your customers are, how they think, and what their biggest pains & desires are. Your landing pages, design, descriptions, emails, phone calls, websites … might not be optimized to your prospects, especially those meeting you for the first time. Does your offer speak to them, their worries and concerns, and where they want to go in life? 95% of businesses miss the target with deeply understanding how to frame their offer and position their business. In this week’s podcast, I breakdown the most important skill that’s helped me

  • Going from 0 Youtube Subscribers to 1,000 per DAY w/ Max Hertan

    12/11/2018 Duration: 39min

    When's the last time you quit on your dream or ambition because you thought it would be too hard to accomplish? Or too much work to do? Listen up! My friend Max wanted to build a YouTube Personal Brand from scratch, with no knowledge of the platform (or the algorithm). After 6 months he only had 1,000 subscribers. ... and he was working on it everyday. New content... Recording... Editing... Getting less than 100 views per new video. He kept wondering why he was still doing this... Because Max was already a super-successful entrepreneur. He started multiple successful businesses, earning 7-figure revenues, and 19 employees to delegate daily operations too. He had “more important things” to do, like putting out fires & running the businesses that we’re making money & revenue. And he was pouring all his time, effort and energy into something that wasn’t working... There are no secrets to success. It's the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure. It reminds me of 98% of guys who tried s

  • Dealing w/ Haters & Turning Them Into Your Biggest Fans

    05/11/2018 Duration: 19min

    What would you say if I told you that the world needed you? That we're waiting for you to show up and shed the light on the unique experiences and obstacles you’ve overcome… People all over the world who need the lessons you’ve learned. If only you knew how to share it properly… And find the people that would listen! Because one of the most important things I’ve done is helping people realize they're not alone. But for all the people whose lives have changed...  There is a directly equal amount of people who hate me with all their guts.  But I love it. If I don’t have haters, I know my content isn’t good enough. Anytime you try to do something great with your life, there are always going to be others who try to bring you down.  We need to push past that and go back to the basics of Self-Development: Pushing our comfort zone. Too many of us are not living our dreams because we’re living in our fears. Which is the topics for this week’s podcast! Check out let me know whatcha think.  

  • The Sneaky Way I Meet Multi-Millionaires w/ Chris Reynolds

    29/10/2018 Duration: 51min

    I never thought I would say this, but I love living the podcast lifestyle. I’ve literally just been catching up with old friends and seeing  I'm learning from the best entrepreneurs in the world, while a warm ocean breeze drifts through my office… It doesn’t any better than that! Soon I’ll begin reaching out to bigger influencers, entrepreneurs and investors. Learning how they accumulated their wealth, their mindsets, and how they were able to escape the rat-race. Because most people are wasting their energy staying in the 9-5 grind... Just another cog in the machine. Drudging through the workday and waiting for Friday. Rather than connecting with something they love, structuring their life how they want, and reaching the top of their game and abilities. So I’m going to show you how to level up your network (and your net-worth!) I brought on Chris Reynolds (from The Business Method Podcast), and he shares how he built his audience from zero followers and turned it into a massive coaching program for entrepren

  • This Is The Perfect Business Idea...

    22/10/2018 Duration: 17min

    I remember when I left the dating company I used to work for. I was wide-eyed, pumped and excited to start “my own thing”. No more having to listen to bosses on how to make my content. But one thing I didn’t prepare for was that I had to start over from scratch. No email list, no prospects, and not that much money… But, I had one thing going for me… I’ve done product launches that sold millions in revenue. Through all my years as a dating coach, I knew how to take action (since I was teaching guys all the time to overcome their own fears and insecurities). I knew the negativity, worries in my head, and fear of failure were always going to be there. And I did it anyway. I haven’t looked back since! It’s funny how success with women is actually very similar to business & entrepreneurial success. As a dating coach, guys would wait for the “perfect time” to approach a woman they were attracted to. And all the excuses in the world would surface up… Then, as they’ve been brainstorming the “perfect line” to say

  • Be Your Own Boss! with Rohan Sheth

    15/10/2018 Duration: 46min

    So I've been talking a lot about “Side-Hustles” lately, but I know there’s some of you who are stuck on the first step of trying to start a business.   But you're probably wondering: "How do I know if my idea will actually work and make money?“ Well, I have your answer! I interviewed my good friend, Rohan Sheth, a digital marketing expert & business-scaling guru. He’s managed over $15M in digital ad spend and spoken on stage with influencers like Gary Vaynerchuk. Even if you have NO experience in getting results or building a business, you're going to love this podcast. From $0 - $25,000 per MONTH in 90 days...! Rohan shares how he started from nothing to build his online business. Now he manages over 15M in digital ad spend, is an industry-leading Consultant to helping online businesses scale, and is a real leader within his Vancouver community doing a bunch of charity work. And as always, Enjoy!

  • Give Up… It Doesn’t Matter Anyway

    08/10/2018 Duration: 16min

    It’s time to throw in the towel man. We’re doomed. Quit your job. Spend your savings and hide-out in Mexico for as long as you can. What you’re doing isn’t going to matter in the next 10 years. I just watched Elon Musk’s interview on Joe Rogans podcast, and it got me thinking about how half the population might be jobless soon… If you don’t already know, Elon Musk is one of the most bad ass entrepreneurs to have ever lived. He’s the Founder of Tesla (electric car company), co-founder of PayPal, and he built a spaceship company to start life on Mars (SpaceX). He's worth 20 BILLION…! Elon wants launch his Spaceship to Mars in 2022. The smartest entrepreneur on Earth 100% believes that Artificial Intelligence is going to doom us and take over the world. It’s literally the only reason he would build a Spaceship to start life on Mars. Woooohieee!! Man the next 10 years is going to be interesting. It might end up in some Terminator scenario (like Elon predicts), orrrrr… it might actually make our lives 500% easier.

  • Day-Job Escape: Exclusive Interview w/ Chosen 20 Client

    01/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to coach with me? Because this week, I’m giving you a sneak peak into my Chosen 20 coaching. I’ve been coaching Adam for a while now, and it’s been amazing to see his rise from being an IT Security person to starting his own business and growing it to $5M. So, I brought him on to see what he’s learned along the way to creating a lifestyle he’s always dreamed of. In this week’s podcast, Adam shares a really important key that changed his business. His business went from being unsuccessful to solving MASSIVE pain points for his clients by implementing this ONE thing. And it’s a strategy that anyone can incorporate into their business. I typically don’t like to share my Chosen 20 Client’s breakthroughs (it’s usually exclusive to my private coaching sessions)… But in this case, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about Side-Hustles, so this was one I had to share. As always,  Enjoy!

  • My Facebook Ad Hack That Gets Me Engaged Fans (… for pennies!)

    24/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    Woooohieee! Man, if you’ve ever thought of using social media to drive traffic for your business, I have a gift for you. When you’re new at building a business and have no presence, it can one of the biggest things to hold you back. How do you know if people like your content / product / service when you can’t find your biggest fans online?! This was actually a major struggle for me also, when I separated from the dating company I used to work for. I had to relinquish the platform I had spent years building with them. On top of that, my email software got hacked (as well as a bunch of other people on the same platform), and it completely destroyed my open-rates from 30% to 7%. I struggled to keep the business alive and I had to come up with a new strategy to drive traffic to my website… But, I had an ace up my sleeve! I had connections with Social Media Experts through my coaching business, and I used their insights to gain leverage over social media platforms. The strategy they helped create grew my Instagra

  • How To Make $750K per Year with Less Than 1000 YouTube Views w/ Aleks Vitkan

    17/09/2018 Duration: 41min

    Ever thought about starting your own online business? Because this week, I dialled back the clock and re-connected with my old friend, Aleks Vitkan. He’s an entrepreneur who was able to do the thing that most people dream about: quit the corporate rat race, start an online business and travel the world! No more listening to horrible bosses, excruciating commutes with traffic, and having to sit in an office for 8 hours a day! Wooooh! But… I don’t think you’ve REALLY considered how different the lifestyle is… Simple things like eating healthy and going to the gym often goes out the window, because you’re tropical paradise usually doesn’t accommodate those needs (especially if you’re travelling to a poor country - good luck finding a Whole Foods!) You can lose a lot of momentum because of travelling. So anyways, Alek’s began sharing the best ways to not lose any productivity during his travelling, and they resonated with other digital entrepreneurs… a LOT! He created content about it and shared them on YouTube &

  • From 6 to 7 Figures With This 1 Skill with Tripp Kramer

    10/09/2018 Duration: 45min

    I’m sure you know how messy trying to grow a business is. And how easy it is to get lost in the chaos of trying to put everything together. Should you call some prospects? … Write another blog? … Figure out SEO? Which is why this week, I brought on one of my most trusted friends, Tripp Kramer. He’s a 7-figure entrepreneur, a YouTube influencer, and has over 650K subscribers. He works less than 10 hours a week, travels around the world shooting amazing content for his YouTube audience, and yeah - makes 7 figures doing what he loves. If you’re an entrepreneur (or aspiring to be one), this interview will give you some insight into knowing how to grow your business and make money QUICKLY. It’s the secret that got him from 6 to 7 figures in under a year, and one that he wishes he realized a lot sooner.

  • Join My Inner Circle: Mastermind In My Living Room

    03/09/2018 Duration: 14min

    As you may have heard, I'm hosting a FREE Mastermind at my new place in Santa Monica! The beach, an amazing downtown scenery, hills and trails to explore... The best part is, we'll be coaching the attendees on their biggest struggles in business, lifestyle and whatever pain points they may be going through. I'm flying in some multi-million dollar businesses owners (who are also my friends) and they'll be there to guest speak and directly coach too. The only catch is... You have to be one of my Chosen 20 clients to be able to join. We actually have a few spots left and a 20% alumni discount ON right now. If you're interested in joining, the application link is at the bottom. Hope to see you there! And as always, Enjoy! Application link:  

  • Patience Vs. Self Trust: The Ticking Time-Bomb

    27/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    Patience vs. Impatience... Which one is better? I'm seeing a LOT of impatience with new clients on coaching calls. People wanting to accelerate their growth as soon as possible. And listen, I get it. We all want to get to where we want to be ASAP. But good things take time. And the root of their impatience... I see a major flaw... They don't trust themselves to follow through with their goals - in the long term. And that's where having self-trust comes in. Why you need it... How to cultivate it... The mindset you need to stick to your goals for the long term. So if you have something that you're working on, that will take some time, this episode for you.

  • Freedom First: From Side-Huslte to Full Time Business

    20/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    It can be so easy for us to get stuck in a rut of our 9 to 5, and why wouldn’t it? They provide you with solid health insurance, a 401(K), income growth. But while this is all happening for you, you look at your side-hustle and just think to yourself, “All I need is 6 more months and then I can be free…” It doesn't have to take that long. In this episode, I share how you can do it faster and with some secret forecasting tactics. If you want to be free from your office job, check out this episode.

  • Is This The CURE For Imposter's Syndrome?

    15/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    Struggling to feel worthy for the lifestyle, the income, the relationships that you desire? Or do you have those things - and still ponder… “… how am I doing this…?” Worry not! I have many clients who I’ve helped through this inner-resistance. In this podcast, we slap Imposter's Syndrome right across the face like it deserves. And as always, Enjoy.

  • Ready, Fire, Aim: The Key To Getting Out Of Your Head and Into Action!

    06/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    Human beings are always looking for growth and expansion. We always do this in a very strategic manner and because of this aspect, our plans begin to get bogged down and what seemed like a promotion in a few months become a few years. In this episode, Wade gives you what you need to move on and just go for it. Wade gives real-time examples of clients he’s working with who are going through this same struggle as well.

  • Congruence: The Key To Attraction, Persuasion, Sales Success, and Living A Fulfilling, Happy Lifestyle

    30/07/2018 Duration: 13min

    To be successful at any form of persuasion and living the lifestyle you have always wanted, first you must master congruency. What is congruency and how does someone become congruent? Wade walks you through what this all means, what it looks like and how it can applicable for you as you strive to living the life you want to live.

  • Lessons Learned from Going $100k in Debt (3 Times!)

    17/07/2018 Duration: 22min

    Whether it’s your car payment, student loan, or paying back a friend, debt is not fun. Sometimes debt makes sense — your car was totaled and you need to commute to and from work. But the line starts to blur when you're an entrepreneur, doesn’t it? Wade brings you some awesome tips and tricks in this episode that will help you think through the options. Learn to not just get out of debt, but how to rationalize debt to your benefit in the bigger picture and scale your income and impact faster.

  • The Power of Habit: The Key To Effortless Success In Business, Women, and Happiness

    16/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    It’s natural to assume your habits are justifiable saying, "Well... That's just the way I am." It makes sense! You have performed a specific action or held a certain routine for so long that it is ingrained into your personality. Although this may be true, Wade thinks there is more beneath the surface. In this episode, Wade breaks down what habits are, how habits are formed, and how you can create and manipulate them to your advantage for a more successful future.

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