Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast



We have reduced the Principles of Wellness to this:Cleanse stop ingesting toxins, and get rid of the ones you already have.Nourish make sure your body receives all necessary nutrients.Exercise stretch and strengthen under load we are meant to be active.Balance sleep is required, and so is spiritual practice.Each week we discuss how you can improve your health and vitality. Join us.


  • Sacred Science | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #282

    08/02/2013 Duration: 57min

    Martin Pytela and Scott Paton talk with NICK POLIZZI PRODUCER of Sacred Science. The mythology behind Amazonian Shamanism is a rich and fascinating study and the filmmakers behind “The Sacred Science” have sought to take the documentary experience to the next level by seeking real, tangible results. The indigenous plant medicines and spiritual rituals of the South American rain forest have been time-tested for thousands of years, and audiences will be treated to one of the most astounding accounts ever caught on camera in this groundbreaking new documentary film. “The Sacred Science” follows eight people from all different walks of life, with varying physical and psychological ailments, as they embark on a one-month healing journey into the heart of the Amazon jungle.  Working with a handful of local Shamanic healers and using a combination of plant medicine and intense spiritual exercises, the barriers between physical health and mental well-being are blurred and eventually

  • David Wolfe sits down with Martin | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #281

    12/01/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    We are excited to share a special one hour talk with David Wolfe. David agreed to a 20 minute interview and once he got going we couldn't stop him (and who would want to??) He shares his thoughts on Manna, Superfoods, why certain diets work for some people and not others, and two special live events you won't want to miss! The rock star of the superfoods and longevity world, America’s TOP CEOs, Global Ambassadors, Hollywood celebrities, busy professionals, and even the most powerful buying influence in the nation—Moms—all look to David for expert advice in health, beauty, herbalism, nutrition and chocolate! David is the celebrity spokesperson for the brand new NUTRiBULLET™ Superfood Nutrition Extractor, co-founder of online health magazine and is President of The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit trees on planet Earth. With over 16 years of dedicated experience and understanding of the inner workings

  • Toxins and Mental Health | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #280

    18/12/2012 Duration: 41min

    Insights into tragedy. The Emperor has no clothes. Why do we medicate everything and get sicker mentally emotionally, physically and spiritually? "Three days before 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full of Connecticut kindergartners, my 13-year-old son Michael (name changed) missed his bus because he was wearing the wrong color pants." Read more: When you look below the surface at the specialty of psychiatry what you uncover is so ludicrous it is difficult to believe that it is really true. Prominent psychiatrists from all over the world gather annually for a meeting at which new diseases are invented. There are no objective findings that establish the diagnosis of these diseases. From the book "Surviving the Toxic Crisis" by William R. Kellas Accumulation of Mercury in the brain leads to mental and nervous system effects such as b

  • Are cell phones making you sick? | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #279

    22/11/2012 Duration: 30min

    Martin and Scott discuss the impact of radio waves in the air on your health. Behind the profit-fuelled rise of smartphones and tablets, microwave pollution is a serious assault on health. Known for their beauty, aspens have been in decline across North America, with some dramatic losses in recent years. Aware of the rapid growth of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, particularly from mobile-phone ‘towers’, Colorado researcher Katie Haggerty had an inspiration: she planted three test plots of aspen seedlings. Carefully matched in all other respects, one plot was shielded from a nearby town’s RF radiation, one was ‘mock’ shielded, and the other was left unprotected. The difference, recorded in the International Journal of Forestry Research, was startling: the fully shielded saplings were vigorous and healthy, but both the ‘mock’ shielded and the exposed plants were small, lacked pigments, and had sickly leaves.

  • What's in the Beef? | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #278

    13/10/2012 Duration: 34min

    A massive recall of beef products has consumers questioning the safety of their hamburgers and looking for alternatives. “We’ve sold all the grass-fed beef we can produce right through to January,” said Richmond farmer Harold Steves. “My emails and phone have been going non-stop since this started.” “People are getting a real education about where their beef comes from since this recall started,” said Steves, who is also a Richmond city councillor. “They were fed up with feedlot beef before and now they just don’t want it.” Read more: Martin talks about why you should think twice before arbitrarily dropping meat from your diet. Learn more about Metabolic Typing here:

  • Genetic Roulette | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #277

    18/09/2012 Duration: 28min

    When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an infant technology. After two decades, physicians and scientists have uncovered a grave trend. The same serious health problems found in lab animals, livestock, and pets that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the US population. And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their health improves. This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of Americans, especially among children, and offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future.

  • Energy for Living Life | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #276

    15/08/2012 Duration: 37min

    Acid-Base or pH balance of your fluids is still the bottom line in all the following determinations. It is not known why yet, in physiological terms, but some people just don't do well on alkalinizing diets. Metabolic typing provides a good answer to this question and many others. The term biochemical individuality was coined by the biochemist Dr. Roger Williams. George Watson's book Nutrition and Your Mind: The Psychochemical Response, developed a protocol for assessing the health of individuals suffering from 'mental imbalances', based on the acidity or alkalinity of their venous blood. William L. Wolcott in 1983 showed that either the Oxidative or Autonomic control system determined a person's response to acid or alkaline foods. Francis M. Pottenger, M.D. in the 1930s and 1940s developed the relationship of nutrition to the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system which are delineated in his book,

  • How to Deal with Anxiety with Your Food | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #275

    01/08/2012 Duration: 37min

    Martin shares Metabolic Typing and how food immediately affects your mindset. Discover your Metabolic Type: Some foods, such as meat or sweet and acid foods, are good for certain people - and for these are not "problem" foods. On others, their effects are adverse. In order to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon and a deeper insight into the food-related causes of diseases, it is helpful to take a closer look at our metabolism. Problems arise when the tension-relaxation cycle is not centered but remains one-sided. During work there may be too much tension, while the following rest period does not result in complete relaxation. If this condition becomes chronic, also other tension-related symptoms may develop, such as high blood pressure or restlessness. To bring the body back into balance, remedies with a PNS influence may be applied, such as relaxation exercises, a vegetarian diet or magnesium supplements. On the other h

  • Obamacare | Podcast #274

    06/07/2012 Duration: 41min

    Obamacare makes much needed improvements to America’s health insurance system. But it’s only a bandaid on a dam set to burst. Have you heard enough rhetoric, pundit posturing, and political scaremongering about the future of America’s health insurance? I hope you can indulge me a bit: I want to offer a different perspective. Most of the debate I have heard is about the ideological merits of health insurance (should people have it?) and who should be paying for it (is there such a thing as a free lunch?). The biggest issue I see is the lack of big-picture strategic thinking and evaluation. Who really cares if you are healthy or not?

  • Healthy Hormones? | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #272

    15/06/2012 Duration: 30min

    Do HCG Ultra Drops to Help Your Weight Drop? "Dietary options today can cost a health-conscious American thousands of dollars each year, and the results may be short-lived. And like you have probably already seen, they are all over the internet in blogs and success stories of people who have apparently used diet aids and lost a ton of weight. But we here at Fox News are a little skeptical and aren't sure that we've seen any real proof that these diet aids work for weight loss." From a Fox News site that isn't a Fox news site.  Martin Pytela exposes the latest health scam. Disease is big business. We used to do research funded by the government, but that has nearly disappeared. There is no public domain research done because the funding has been pulled or diverted to such useful things as price support for corn for ethanol and other hare-brained government schemes. Logically, the private corporations that are funding the research need to get a return on their investment. Present regulatio

  • The China Paradox | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #273

    30/05/2012 Duration: 26min

    "In 2010, the prevalence of diabetes in China was nearly 10%," said Guo Xiaohui, MD, from Peking University First Hospital, during a press briefing. "More striking is that 64% of those with diabetes are undiagnosed." According to the World Health Organization, the overall percentage of obesity among the Chinese is nearly 6%, but can be as high as 20% in some cities, Xiaohui said. When asked if the Western diet is partly responsible for the increase in diabetes and obesity, he said, "More specifically, the American diet." The China Study The research project culminated in a 20-year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, a survey of diseases and lifestyle factors in rural China and Taiwan. More commonly known as the China Study, "this p

  • Price vs Value | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #271

    25/05/2012 Duration: 29min

    Happy times in the sun. Price vs Value. Most mainstream supplements are petro-based products. They pretend to be living but aren't.  Your health is your choice.Our mission is to help you choose health, quite simply by... 1. Cleansing & Detoxifying Your Body 2. Proper Nourishment 3. Balancing Your Body's pH 4. Enhancing Your Mind/Body Connection That may be more easily said than done, but we are here with educational tools, enabling you to live your life consciously, fully and abundantly.

  • Metabolic Typing and Herbs | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #270

    24/04/2012 Duration: 29min

    Are you a fast oxidizer or a slow oxidizer? Metabolic Typing is the scientific methodology for customized nutrition and is based on the fact that there is no universally healthy diet that is right for all people. Anyone can use Metabolic Typing to find out exactly which foods are good for their health, and those that are not. Metabolic Typing also identifies nutritional supplements that will make you as healthy as you can be and will keep you from wasting your money on those that would make you tired and sick. Testimonial: "Martin, Your counsel has been more comprehensive than my 7-year journey with varied health professionals, including MDs with a holistic approach and world-renown holistic healers. May God Bless you!" Sabrina Use Metabolic Type to restore full health by reversing all chronic problems. Acid-Base or pH balance of your fluids is still the

  • 4-20 Day | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #269

    20/04/2012 Duration: 37min

    Martin and Scott talk about 4-20 Day, prohibition, cannabis, lifestyle induced health issues, and a 30 year old woman who died from drinking massive amounts of Coca-Cola. Legal and illegal drugs and their impact on the health of people. Martin talks about metabolic typing and how that can help with addictions. Reset the emotional part of mind that causes the addiction. Use The Gift.

  • Soya Dangers Ahead | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #268

    22/03/2012 Duration: 23min

    Illinois convicts have gone to court, claiming that too much soy in their diets has left them with severe health problems, including heart issues and thyroid damage, along with allergic reactions and gastrointestinal distress. A 7000 man 30 year epidemiological study done in Hawaii shows soy is connected with a higher rate of Vascular Dementia (Alzheimer's disease). Soy has natural toxins or anti-nutrients. Soybeans contain potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. These inhibitors are not completely deactivated during ordinary cooking. They can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and create chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptakes. In test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors also caused enlargement and pathological conditions of the pancreas, including cancer.&

  • State of the World | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #267

    27/02/2012 Duration: 30min

    Martin shares his Metabolic Types course information.  Some foods, such as meat or sweet and acid foods, are good for certain people - and for these are not "problem" foods. On others, their effects are adverse. In order to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon and a deeper insight into the food-related causes of diseases, it is helpful to take a closer look at our metabolism.

  • Poison in the Womb: the Secret to Healthy Babies | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #266

    27/12/2011 Duration: 27min

    How do you grow the bacterial protection for new born babies? For every cell in our stomach, there are 10 cells of bacteria. Our digestive system can be seriously compromised by 'clear-cutting' the 'forests of our stomach and colon by drinking chlorinated water, antibiotics, and processed foods. To rid your body of viruses, parasites, fungi, and mold for good you need to establish the symbiotic bacterial teamwork in your intestinal tract. Now your immune system can unleash itself upon the invaders arriving daily in your food, drink or air. When you use the powerful Body Biotics formula, you are helping your body regulate the balance between friendly and unfriendly bacteria. That's how you achieve optimal immune responses. One hundred obese mums-to-be will be given Metformin as part of a three-year study to tackle obesity rates and reduce the number of difficult births. Patients at Liverpool

  • Avoid the Christmas Coronary | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #265

    20/12/2011 Duration: 24min

    Doctors nationwide have observed a glaring increase in incidence of heart attack and stroke during the holidays. Dr. Dante Morales, Society of Hypertension president, said incidence of heart attack and stroke commonly surges during December and January and peaks on Christmas and New Year’s Day. Many of those patients die even before reaching the hospitals or just days after suffering stroke and heart attack,” he said. Morales said recent studies done abroad have indicated a sharp increase in cases of heart attack and stroke during the holiday season. In this episode, Kelli Desante of Body Biotics shares how SBO's and Probiotics can positively impact your health by focusing on the most negative factor in your health. The Body Biotic SBO's along with Fulvic Acid chelates or pulls the heavy metal toxins our of your body. Informed observers know that severe immune dysfunction is caused by compromised digestion and elimination. And this is from the lack of probiotic type, beneficial gut bacteria. At th

  • Ironing your Blood | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #264

    08/12/2011 Duration: 20min

    750 MIllion people worldwide are iron deficient. Many do not have bio-available iron. In one way or another, iron is essential to most forms of life. It is the most abundant transition-metal in living organisms and is endowed with unique properties that enable it to both initiate and participate in certain paramount chemical reactions. Though iron is very important in the metabolism of many life forms, in humans its chief usefulness is addressed to redox mechanisms, of which the most important is breathing. For our ancestors, SBO Probiotics were naturally provided in their diet from the rich soil that coated their harvested vegetables. These microscopic probiotics are still present in soils that have not been commercially over-used and tainted with pesticides. Since most of us eat commercially grown food, our diets are deficient in SBO Probiotics. To rid your body of viruses, parasites, fungi, and mold for good you need to establish the symbiotic b

  • Healthy Bacteria | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #263

    17/11/2011 Duration: 26min

    The soil-based organisms have been useful for the healing of some really serious illnesses. In an average of ninety days following their ingestion, specific morbid states for which the soil-based organisms have been taken by sick patients strictly as adjunctive healing agents, positive therapeutic results have been observed and reported anecdotally by both patients and doctors. BODY BIOTICS is and always will be the pioneering formula that led to the current Probiotics revolution. BODY BIOTICS virtually paved the way to natural health solutions through the use of Advanced Consortia of SBO Probiotic Superstrains. To rid your body of viruses, parasites, fungi, and mold for good you need to establish the symbiotic bacterial teamwork in your intestinal tract. Now your immune system can unleash itself upon the invaders arriving daily in your food, drink or air. When you use the powerful Body Biotics formula, you are helping your body regulate the bala

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