Remnant Call



Calling God's remnant to a deeper walk with Jesus. Time is short and God's people need to prepare for the days ahead. The Remnant Call seeks to strengthen the body of believers/


  • The Alarm of War with Benjamin Baruch

    27/10/2017 Duration: 01h31min

    WARNING...THIS IS A HARD MESSAGE BUT LISTEN TO THE END THERE IS HOPE!!! Jeremiah saw the times we are living in. He had a special message for the remnant in this hour. Join us as Brother Benjamin Baruch looks at current news in light of the words from Jeremiah. It’s time to put away childish things folks!!!

  • The Devil Doesn't Want You to Know the Truth with Joe Kovacs

    20/10/2017 Duration: 56min

    Urgent message!!! God is calling us to not only go deeper in our prayer life, but to go deeper in the word.  What if you have been lied to from the pulpit your whole life.  To many Pastors only preach to fill the offering plate. Have you actually studied the Bible yourself?  You might be surprised by what is actually says.  Join us as Joe Kovacs shares his new book Shocked by the Bible 2.  We must be like the Bereans and study the word for ourselves!!!

  • Fighting Through the Darkness also a warning from Marty Breeden!

    13/10/2017 Duration: 55min

    We will also discuss a dream Pastor Marty Breeden just had!!! The enemy is waging war on the believer at this hour in unprecedented spiritual attacks.  Believers are struggling to break through living in a constant realm of defeat.  It’s time to learn about the one who promised to fight for us.  God is waging war on our behalf.  It’s time to fight!!!

  • Nachash and The Fallen Angels with Carl Gallups

    06/10/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Who or What is the Nachash? What really happened in the Garden of Eden?  Are we living in the Days of Noah? Is the book of Enoch important to understanding the book of Genesis and the End Times? Deception is coming and we need to understand the past to prepare for the future.  Don't miss as we look at Pastor Gallups new book GODS & THRONES.

  • The Day of Atonement with Benjamin Baruch

    29/09/2017 Duration: 58min

    This Program was Powerful!!! Why is the Day of Atonement so important?  Should Christians care about it?  Join us a brother Benjamin digs into The Day of Atonement and shares some exciting insights and Powerful words!.

  • Take Heed Everyone! with Benjamin Baruch

    22/09/2017 Duration: 01h29min

    The Prophet Jeremiah warns us of deception even from those who we call brother.  With so much deception in the news, Facebook, family and Churches.  How do we know what is right and what is wrong.  Tonight Brother Benjamin brings an important word for THIS HOUR!!!

  • "End Times Harvest" with Cal Gallups and Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat

    15/09/2017 Duration: 55min

    Everyone is looking at the signs in the world and in the Heavens, but there is another sign that is even more profound. Find out How Messianic Zev Porat is winning Jews to the Lord by the Spirit of the Lord using Pastor Carl Gallups book The Rabbi who found Messiah. Revival is happening in Israel.  The question is what are you doing for the Lord? Also we will hear a brief overview of Pastor Gallups new boo "Gods and Thrones"

  • Unholy Days Part II "Rise of the False Prophets"

    08/09/2017 Duration: 01h00s

    In a day and age when everyone is supposedly hearing from God do you know what voice is truly His?  There are so many false prophets out there how do we distinguish the true ones?  Did the Bible give us a test to know a true Prophet?  Folks you CAN NOT afford to get this wrong!  This show is critical

  • The Time is Full with Benjamin Baruch

    01/09/2017 Duration: 01h00s

    This is the time we have all known would come.  A day when decisions will have to be made.  Whom will you serve?  If you are living in compromise STOP IT!!! Got needs a remnant in these last days.  Are you ready?  We have moved into a different hour of Earth’s History!  Judgement is at the door and is already knocking.  Will you wait for someone else to warn your neighbors, save your family, reach out to a loved one?  It is time to put away the childish things and get SERIOUS.  There is hope, but it is only in Yeshua!!!  

  • Unholy Days "The Most Overlooked Sign in the Bible"

    25/08/2017 Duration: 57min

    Could you imagine going to Church everyweek and your pastor never told you of a sign in the Bible that would prove Jesus is coming back very soon? We are living in dark times, but God gave us a sign to know just season just before Jesus was going to return.  This sign is ignored and not talked about because people are afraid of the truth in it. Are we wittnessing the last days of America's history? Join us as we look at the todays headlines in conjunction with God's word and you will know just how close we are to the second coming.  The days are dark but God has not called us to fear.  We need to understand this signs and how to deal with them. God has a protection plan for us in these last days.

  • "Return of the Prodigal Son" Shocking True Story of Deliverance and Salvation

    18/08/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    Shocking powerful story of Deliverance and Salvation What you are about to hear is the True story of Brother Frank’s life of Drug addiction, Adultery, deception, lies and more.  This is the true story of a man who was a total slave to the enemy and loved every minute of it until the day he realized he was trapped and couldn’t get out.  If you need Hope, if you need courage in this hour DO NOT MISS THIS PROGRAM!!!  God is still doing miracles, and after this episode, you will know he is able to help NO MATTER WHAT YOUR SUFFERING!

  • "Prepare War" Joel 3:9 Benjamin Baruch

    11/08/2017 Duration: 01h22min

    The Day of the Lord is at Hand! No flesh can stand in this hour.  We must be surrendered to God. As the nations are preparing for War so also is the Kingdom of Heaven preparing for the birth of The Man Child.  Warning PREPARE WAR Joel 3:9  

  • "Warning to the Church" Hope for the Remnant

    04/08/2017 Duration: 59min

    I am going to discuss what happened at the end of last weeks program with the lady that called in with the word of warning.  It shook me to the core. "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." God is warning us that you can think you are on the right path and be completely lost.  This message is serious.  You cannot afford to be wrong.  God wants us to know we are on the right path.

  • "Signs in the Heavens" with Benjamin Baruch

    28/07/2017 Duration: 02h01min

    The Heavens declare the Glory of God. Folks God set the Sun, Moon and the Stars for first and foremost for signs. Does the upcoming Solar eclipse have anything to do with prophecy? Is there true Biblical Astronomy and not the Devil's counterfeit Astrology?  We are on the edge of this world changing so rapidly we need to wake up.  Are you ready to meet the Lord? We will be taking calls later in the Show (619) 924-9867

  • "Has Jesus Washed Your Feet?" Healing for the Remnant

    21/07/2017 Duration: 44min

    Are you awake to the End Times, but feel like your walk with God is failing miserably? This message is for those in need of a touch from God. Has Jesus washed your feet, or are you telling God what he needs to do in your life?  We see believers are waking up, but to many are feeling like they are so far from God.  Tonight’s message seeks to repair this.  Time is too short to waste time on knowing the End Times if your walk with God is in shambles

  • "Breaking the Technology Addiction" (Restoring Your Intimacy with God)

    14/07/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Technology is overtaking believers and destroying there walks with God.  Listen as brad explains the dangers in reading the Bible only from Bible Apps.  Please do not be afraid to listen to this message.  Many are suffering from addiction to technology and don’t even know it.  THIS IS A MUST LISTEN! Technology is overtaking believers and destroying there intimacy with God.  Join us as Brad shares and absolutely EYE OPENING message on Technology addiction.  Brad also shows how to get delivered and reset the brain and ultimately restore your Intimacy with God.  This message is too important to ignore.

  • "A Time Appointed" with Benjamin Baruch "Wake up Call to The Remnant"

    07/07/2017 Duration: 01h32min

    Benjamin Baruch warns the people about the urgency of the hour!!! Daniel warned in Chapter 11 that “they that understand among the people shall instruct many” but, where are they?  Pastors are telling us how to be more relevant while the world is on Fire all around.  The truth is there are those who understand and are warning but they are mocked, and ignored, and viewed as extremists.  Benjamin shares a word rooted from the book of Daniel for THIS HOUR!!! 

  • A Storm is Coming but, The Church Doesn't Care

    30/06/2017 Duration: 49min

    Warning!!! I will share the latest vision from Marty Breeden The Prophets are screaming wake up! The Church is not only asleep so called believers don't even care anymore.  Truth no longer matters.  Those who give warnings are considered fear mongers.  Church it's time to wake up.  Tonight’s message will be sobering and to the point.  What are you waiting for.  Get on your knees and draw close to Jesus.

  • "Preparing for the Times of Trouble" with Carl Gallups

    23/06/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    God is warning his people. I will share a vision a good friend of mine just had just the other day of an urgent warning. Every week our world is growing more and more out of control. We are closer to war with Russia, North Korea, Iran and more than we could even imagine. In one day our lives could be changed forever. Are you ready? Is you walk with God where it should be? Join us as Pastor Gallups joins us to talk about his book Be Thou Prepared. We will look into end-times preparation from a biblical perspective and help you to know you can have peace even in the worst of times.

  • Fires of Revival

    16/06/2017 Duration: 58min

    People are desperate for Revival. Revival is happening around the world in the midst of persecution. This is a time for Revival here in America amongst the Remnant. God is waking up a people for these last hours of Church History.  Tonight we will find out how to have Revival in our lives, and in our Churches.  Everything being thrown at us from the media and from many church pulpits is riddled with lies and self-desire.  We need revival to keep us focused on the Truth so we will not be deceived.  Join us as we explore the Fires of Revival!!!

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