Simply Joyful Podcast With Kristi Clover | Encouragement For Your Faith And Family



The podcast that encourages and inspires you to find simple ways to bring more joy into your day. Whether you are looking for a little encouragement in your faith, family, home, homeschooling (if you do) -- or just life -- then this is the podcast for you! Let's get real and talk about the challenges that we face as women in our day-to-day lives. My guests and I will discuss practical tips and "hacks" about how to find harmony in relationships, order in your home, and how to add a little good ol' fun to your week. My prayer is that this podcast will bless you and add a smile to your face (even if it causes a few new wrinkles) -- and to hopefully help you "Live Simply" and "Be Joyful.


  • SJP #019: Pam Farrel: Making Marriage Fun! Crazy, Awesome Advice to Make Your Marriage Last

    10/07/2017 Duration: 49min

    Episode #019 with Pam FarrelMaking Marriage Fun! Crazy, Awesome Advice to Make Your Marriage Last!   Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!     Ma-widge! Any Princess Bride fans out there? Ha! We love that movie. One of our favorite iconic moments is when the priest says “marriage” with a weird accent. Well, today, that's what we are talking about! Marriage! & boy, oh boy, have I got a fun episode for you. Pam and I get laughing so hard on this episode. Pam shares some crazy, awesome advice about building a marriage that will last. You are going to love it.  We also talk about hard things like divorce and the effect it has had on our lives as kids.   Be prepared for a really fun episode! The tips that Pam shares are going to bless your marriage!   ON A SIMPLY JOYFUL NOTE…   Pam says to make romantic rituals. Place some things in your life that are just habits that keep you in love. Look for time during the day that you can be alone with your

  • SJP #018: Mary Demuth: Defining Your Worth - Debunking Lies with God's Truth

    03/07/2017 Duration: 42min

    Episode #018 with Mary DeMuth Defining Your Worth: Debunking the Lies We Tell Ourselves with God's Truth   Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!   This world is constantly bombarding us with lies. You aren't good enough, strong enough, smart enough, pretty enough — you are not enough. These lies come from the enemy…but also from ourselves. Defining our worth is difficult. It's our nature to want to fill our minds with lies like these, that we are not worthy. In her new book, Living Worthy, Mary Demuth debunks the lies that we so often tell ourselves and replaces it with God's truth. She answers the question, “Am I enough?” There are so many standards we place on ourselves to live up to, yet, as her book reminds us, we are really only supposed to be living for God. God loves us. Just as we are. It really is that simple. I can't wait for you to listen to this interview with Mary. This episode is going to be another fan favorite.   ON A “SIMPLY J

  • SJP #017: Heather Haupt: A Return to Chivalry: Making Character Training Fun

    26/06/2017 Duration: 45min

    Episode #017 with Heather Haupt A Return to Chivalry: Making Character Training Fun   * Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!     “Chivalry is dead.” That's a phrase I hear from time to time. The thing is that chivalry doesn't have to be dead. It needs to be trained. It does feel like many kids these days don't seem to have an understanding of basic manners. My mom actually used to teach customer service to corporate employees. So, I grew up with a very strong sense of the importance of good etiquette. Every woman appreciates having a door held open for her or having a gentleman offer her his seat in a crowded waiting area. Good manners and etiquette seem to be missing from many in younger generation, but if we are intentional about how we are raising our kids we can bring it back. Long live chivalry!   In her book, Knights in Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous, and Compassionate Boys, Heather Haupt lays out a fun and pra

  • SJP #016: Lisa Whittle: How to Deal with Mommy Fear

    19/06/2017 Duration: 53min

    How to Deal with Mommy Fear: Episode #016 with Lisa Whittle   * Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!   Mommy fear is a real thing. I have struggled for years with fear and anxiety. I've learned how to combat it with God's Word and lots of prayer. In fact the timing of this podcast interview with Lisa was so amazing, since I had just written a guest post about mommy fear for The Better Mom. I had Lisa's book sitting on my desk waiting it's turn to be read for the podcast interview…and I had no idea it was about putting “your warrior boots on” to fight fear. See, amazing.   So, I just know this episode is for you if you have ever struggled with fear, anxiety, or worry. I hope you are so encouraged…and I hope you will learn to put your warrior boots on, too.   THE SIMPLY JOYFUL PODCAST GIVEAWAY! Don't Miss This! June 12th - 20th Yay! It's officially here! To celebrate the start of "Season Two" of the podcast, we are having an AWESOME giveaway! AL

  • SJP #015: Dr. Meg Meeker: Help Your Husband Be a Hero in the Home

    12/06/2017 Duration: 59min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful PodcastEpisode #015 with Dr. Meg Meeker Helping Your Husband Be a Hero in the Home   * Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!   WELCOME BACK! We are officially kicking off Season Two of the podcast with a whopper of a show for you! –& A BIG GIVEAWAY! We have Dr. Meg Meeker, this country's leading authority on parenting, teens, and children's health, on today for a Father's Day special. Meg is a writer, speaker, and a mom of four. She is also a pediatrician who does counseling with her own patients and shares a medical practice with her husband, who is also a physician. I can't wait for you to listen in and be encouraged!   THE SIMPLY JOYFUL PODCAST GIVEAWAY!Don't Miss This! June 12th - 20th Yay! It's officially here! To celebrate the start of "Season Two" of the podcast, we are having an AWESOME giveaway! ALL of my guests from "Season One" have contributed either a book or a course to the giveaway. I'm so excited!

  • SJP #014: Rhonda Stoppe: Raising Kids with No Regrets

    08/05/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    SJP #014: Rhonda Stoppe: Raising Kids with No Regrets * Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!   We all need mentor moms in our life! This episode with Rhonda is cram-packed with awesome-ness. If you are a mom, YOU NEED to hear the wisdom & perspective that Rhonda shares! Seriously, I could not have picked a better way to end Season One of the podcast than with this amazing episode.   Rhonda rocked my world in this conversation. She is the ultimate Titus 2 mentor mom. She not only brings perspective to motherhood, but shares practical advice that I know will help me in my parenting...especially my parenting of my boys. To top it all off, Rhonda is so inspiring with her knowledge and memorization of the Word. She was quoting Scripture all throughout. Man, I was convicted that I need to do a better job making memorization a bigger priority. Incredible.   You will laugh and cry in this episode (good tears). I hope you love this conversation with

  • SJP #013: Sarah Jakes Roberts: Don’t Settle for Safe!

    17/04/2017 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, Sarah and I talk about how to not settle for safe (and why). Sarah's story and testimony are amazing. I just know you are going to be blown away by this episode with Sarah!    Welcome to the Simply Joyful PodcastEpisode #013 with Sarah Jakes Roberts   Don’t Settle for SafeShow Notes:   Sarah Jakes Roberts is one of those people who has “been there and done that.” She has learned how to break destructive cycles to discover the best that life can offer someone who refuses to settle. Pregnant at 13, married at 19, divorced at 23, as well as being the daughter of T. D. Jakes, Sarah has amazing testimonials that are found in her two books, Lost and Found and Don’t Settle for Safe. In these books, she shares real stories about where life has taken her and the journey she’s gone through. In this podcast, Sarah and I will be discussing how God allows our past to create an amazing and abundant future for us.    **Also know that everything we talk about can be found at KristiClover

  • SJP #012: Mystie Winkler : Practical Tips for Being More Productive!

    10/04/2017 Duration: 41min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful PodcastEpisode #012 with Mystie Winkler Practical Tips for Being More Productive Show Notes:   I am a complete oxymoron! I know it! I admit it! I own it! I am one of the laziest perfectionists you’ll ever meet. I’m the messiest organized person, too! I’m also highly creative and highly analytical. My right brain and left brain are in constant competition.  I actually look at organization as a puzzle. It’s a fun challenge for me to solve. Just how simply can I make things to get it totally efficient? I tweak and tweak and tweak again until I can get it to work just right.  Yes, I love organizing things! I love figuring out new systems and new ways to simplify…which is why I’m so excited about having none other than Mystie Winkler on the podcast today! Mystie speaks my love language — organization! Now, if you are unfamiliar with Mystie, we’ll then you are in for a treat! Mystie runs a blog called Simplified Organization. I mean, how much more of a perfect fit f

  • SJP #011: Lisa-Jo Baker : The Power of Friendship

    03/04/2017 Duration: 47min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful PodcastEpisode #011 with Lisa-Jo Baker The Power of FriendshipShow Notes:   Have you ever felt FOMO? That’s the Fear Of Missing Out. And in this day and age of social media, it not only makes friendships between women can make them feel downright impossible. Even if you’re not on social media you can experience FOMO when you hear about friends getting together for playdates or coffee without you. That fear of being left can easily set in. FOMO is real!  Friendships can be difficult for a variety of reasons. We as women compare ourselves to each other and feel like we fall short. Many of us carry baggage and hurts from friendships that went wrong. I share in this episode about a little “friendship PTSD” I experienced when I was hurt deeply by a friend. It made me want to pull back from friendships entirely, rather than put myself at risk of experiencing that pain again. I still second guess myself constantly years after this happened. I’m always

  • SJP #010: Amber Lia : Biblical Solutions for Mommy Anger

    20/03/2017 Duration: 37min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful PodcastEpisode #010 with Amber   Biblical Solutions for Mommy AngerShow Notes:   Let’s be honest. Mommy anger is a real struggle for so many of us. I didn’t know I was capable of being so frustrated and angry until I had kids. My buttons get pushed, I’m sleep deprived, and exhausted…and the angry comes.    There have been times when I can feel it coming and try to fight it, but I end up snapping at my kids anyway. Other times it sneaks up on me and comes out when I’m not expecting it.    I’m a firm believer in the fact that God uses our kids to refine us. I may not have known that I’d struggle with anger, but God did. He’s not surprised by my sin…not one bit. I will be a work-in-progress until the day He calls me home. He just keeps offering me His grace, forgiveness, and His self control.    I actually wrote about my struggle with anger in my post called Finding Joy When You’re Angry. I hope you’ll check it out. I think you’ll really like the five tips I have

  • SJP #009: Lea Ann Garfias : Being Real & “Rocking” Your Ordinary Life!

    13/03/2017 Duration: 42min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #009 with Lea Ann Garfias   Being Real & “Rocking” Your Ordinary Life! Show Notes:     You have to love it when God lines things up just perfectly! Last week we talked with Wendy Speake about finding ways to use our creative gifts to bless our family — and the world. As women and moms we can easily allow the busyness of life to consume us and snuff out those passions and dreams that we once had. I hope you were encouraged to realize that God gave you your gifts and talents — and you can and should still use them — it might just look a little differently than you originally thought. However, we also talked about how it starts at home. Well, today God worked it out that this new interview with Lea Ann comes on the heels of Wendy's podcast. That wasn't what I had planned. I had these two ladies scheduled weeks apart. However, due to several different factors, they are back-to-back. And get this…today we a going to look at how to “rock your or

  • SJP #008: Wendy Speake : Life Creative Starts at Home

    06/03/2017 Duration: 50min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #008 with Wendy Speake   Life Creative Starts at Home!   Show Notes:   When we become moms it often feels like we lose part of our creative selves. The things we used to enjoy doing become memories. It's easy to start viewing motherhood as a choice that voids all the other things we thought we'd do in life. However, God can use motherhood to refine our gifts and talents and use them right where we are -- at home. Now, by "at home" I'm not just talking to stay-at-home moms. I'm talking to all moms.   God did not make a mistake when He gave you all your incredible creativity and unique gifting. You can still use them. Sometimes it just looks a bit different than we first thought it would look.   On a “Simply” & “Joyful” side note… This whole podcast talks about how to find joy using the creativity that God gives us. Our conversation was so rich and filled with goodness, tips for finding more joy, and how to simplify our big dreams and use our

  • SJP #007 : Heidi St. John -Part 2 : Counter-Cultural Parenting

    27/02/2017 Duration: 37min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #007 with Heidi St. John   Show Notes: Counter-Cultural Parenting   We live in a hurting and broken world. The influences of our culture try to seep their way into our homes any way they can. The hearts and minds of our children are under attack daily. However, often this battle begins with us -- parents. Often we are the ones who are battling the pressures of this culture and allowing ourselves to get stuck in the "ditches" that the enemy seems determined to put us in. Heidi and I  discussed these "ditches" in the first episode of this interview. These are the places we get stuck and off-track from the path that the Lord wants us walking on. In this episode we jump back in where we left off and discuss how parenting and womanhood are under attack today. We need to strive to live counter-culturally for our family's sake.   Now, if you are unfamiliar with Heidi St. John, she is a dynamic speaker and has a very popular blog called The Busy Mom. E

  • SJP #006 : Heidi St. John {Part 1} : Biblical Encouragement for Busy Moms

    20/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #006 with Heidi St. John Show Notes:   Biblical Encouragement for Busy Moms   Motherhood is not easy. We all can use encouragement along the way. Well, Heidi St. John is a master encourager! What I love about Heidi is that she’s not afraid to be very real and vulnerable about her “busy” life as a wife, mom of seven, and ministry leader. Heidi’s passion is sharing biblical encouragement — and boy, does she share a lot with us today.    Heidi is a dynamic speaker and has a very popular blog called The Busy Mom. Equally as popular is her podcast, The Busy Mom. You’ll hear more about how Heidi inspired me when I first heard her speak over seven years ago.   On a “Simply” & “Joyful” Note… Heidi has some great advice on how she simplifies…she shares it right after she laughs at me for asking the “busy mom” how she lives more “simply.” Ha! Hey, even busy moms can find ways to simplify their lives…and she has some great advice.   (Warning: This in

  • SJP #005 : Jill Savage : No More Perfect Marriages! A Candid Conversation on Marriage!

    13/02/2017 Duration: 45min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #005 with Jill Savage   Show Notes:   Marriage! We’re talking about marriage today! It’s perfect timing with Valentine’s Day here. I know this episode is going to be such an incredible blessing to you! My lovely guest Jill Savage is sharing from her new book, No More Perfect Marriages. She gets very vulnerable and talks about her husband’s infidelity and how that impacted their family. I know you will be encouraged as she shares very practical advice about how you can work to affair proof your own marriage by being more aware of the “slow fades” that you may have.   I can’t wait for you to listen in...and if you are listening on our release day….   Special Valentine’s Day “Eve” Giveaway!…   Mark and Jill have a very special giveaway that is ends TONIGHT at midnight! If you buy there new book, No More Perfect Marriages, today, you can enter to win a Marriage Enrichment Weekend with Mark & Jill — including dinner at their home! How fun is tha

  • SJP #004 : Pam Barnhill : Taking Back Your Mornings! Tips for a Better Start to Your Day!

    06/02/2017 Duration: 42min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #004 with Pam Barnhill   Show Notes:   This is an exciting episode for me. I have no idea how I missed the whole podcasting revolution when it was starting. Somehow I did. Yet, when my friend was talking about all the encouragement she received from listening to Pam Barnhill’s podcast, my eyes were officially opened to the world of podcasting. I’m so thrilled to have Pam on the show today. I’m a big believer in gleaning from others and tweaking what they do to work in your own family. Well, that is not only the advice that Pam is going to give today, but she’s just the person to glean from.   I’ve pretty much decided that I need to move next door to Pam, so I can check books out from her library. I hate to say it but I was ignorant to so many of the books that she mentioned. Upon looking them up, they all look so adorable. I think my younger kids would love them. Don’t get me wrong. We do a ton of reading…and have read several of the Hank the C

  • SJP #003 : Chrystal Hurst : Encouragement for the Weary Mom! A podcast you don't want to miss!

    30/01/2017 Duration: 35min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #003 with Chrystal Hurst Show Notes: Have you ever met someone and thought, "Wow! Did she get hit with the talent stick!" Ha! That is pretty much what ran through my head as I sat in the audience listening to Chrystal for the first time last year at a Sally Clarkson event. I hadn't heard of Chrystal or her podcast before that weekend. We ended up connecting over conversations of podcasting and Periscope. Funny how when you find someone who speaks your same crazy "tech" language you become instant friends. Well, I'm all too familiar with Chrystal and her ministry now! I have listened to numerous podcasts, watched videos of her speaking, and read her articles on her blog. She is an incredibly talented and gifted orator just like her dad...well, like everyone in her family. That saying the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" is very true for her! When I listen to Chrystal's podcast I'm completely drawn in. You feel like you are practically sitt

  • SJP #002 : Tricia Goyer : When God Uses Your Pain & Your Past for Good in Your Life!

    30/01/2017 Duration: 42min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #002 with Tricia Goyer Show Notes:   I could not be more excited to have my amazing friend Tricia Goyer be my first official guest on my new podcast. Tricia is one of the most inspiring people I know. I find myself sharing parts of her story (anonymously) with others all the time. You know those conversations like, "I have this friend who..." People are always so blown away by her story and how she and her husband have said, "Yes!" to God in some ways that not many would be up for. I can't wait for you to hear it! We all have "baggage." You know, those things in our past that we wish hadn’t happened. Past pain and hurt that left a scar on our heart or a wedge in a relationship. There we are all the same. However, how we deal with that pain is often dramatically different. Some ignore it and try to stuff it down deep inside where they hope it won't bother them again. Some hide it and pray that no one will ever find out about it. Some choose to f

  • SJP #001 : Kristi Clover : Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast!

    30/01/2017 Duration: 33min

    Welcome to the Simply Joyful Podcast Episode #001 with Kristi Clover Show Notes:   The purpose of the Simply Joyful Podcast is to encourage and inspire you to find simple ways to bring more joy into your day. Whether you are looking for a little encouragement in your faith, family, home, homeschooling (if you do) -- or just in life -- then this is the podcast for you! Let's get real and talk about the challenges that we face as women in our day-to-day lives. My guests and I will discuss practical tips and "hacks" about how to find harmony in relationships, order in your home, and how to add a little good ol' fun to your week. My prayer is that this podcast will bless you and add a smile to your face (even if it causes a few new wrinkles) -- and to hopefully help you "Live Simply" and "Be Joyful.” This podcast has been a long time in the making. I've spent so much time researching and praying about this podcast. The last couple of months I've been busy recording interviews with some extrao

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