Kids Atoz With Dr. T



Kids AtoZ strives to endow parents with knowledge and skills to empower children to thrive. We share information professionals wish parents knew about child development.Dr. Teresa and guests address the five areas of human development including physical, intellectual, social-emotional, emotional, and moral in children birth to five years. Dr. Teresa is a child development specialist and speech-language pathologist. She is the Director of the Smadbeck Communication & Learning Center and the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at Marymount Manhattan College in New York. She is a passionate nonprofit volunteer whose mission is to help people reach great potentials.Disclaimer: The ideas and opinions expressed on the show are those of Dr. Teresa and her guests. They are intended for educational purposes. Audience members should always seek the advice of relevant professionals if they have questions about their child's development. Participating as an audience member implies that you agree to and understand these terms. Thank you for your interest and cooperation.


  • Children, Noise Dangers, Hearing Hygiene, and Learning Impact

    04/07/2014 Duration: 14min

    Welcome everyone. I’m excited for you to hear this episode about hearing hygiene and how noise is dangerous to more than just hearing. I’ll talk to you about the physical effects that it has on our bodies and the effects of noise on the learning environment. I’ll give you some examples of different sounds levels for various types of noise sources and signs that tell you when an environment is too loud. I’ll give you some tips on how to protect you and your children from noise, including some examples of what a healthy hearing environment looks (or sounds) like, and some handy resources for more information like the American Speech-Language & Hearing Association ( I hope you find it helpful. Best wishes, Dr. Teresa

  • Dancing with Babies Builds Great Social Skills Later in Life

    03/07/2014 Duration: 07min

    In this "Kids News Extra" segment of KidsAtoZ, Dr. T has a brief review a study regarding how dancing relates to developing interpersonal relationships.  This is a great example of how the different areas of development influence one another.  Here we see dancing, a physical activity, and it's impact on social-emotional, intellectual development, and one might argue, even moral development.  We discovered the study in an article called "Moving in Sync To Music Helps Your Baby Build Interpersonal Bonds" through a blog called NeuroNet Learning. NeuroNet Learning sends summaries of scientific articles about child development. Their summaries are family friendly and I really like the topics they cover.  Most importantly, the articles the NeuroNet Blog shares are from peer reviewed journals. That means experts on the subject, uninvolved in the study, determine its worthiness for publication.  Thanks for tuning in.

  • KidsAtoZ Program Overview: Endowing Parents to Empower Children

    19/06/2014 Duration: 07min

    Kids A to Z strives to empower parents and set children up for success. The show addresses the areas of development (i.e., physical, intellectual, social-emotional, emotional, and moral), how they influence each other, and how to best foster them. Topics such as the effects of TV on the brain, how physical activity benefits cognition, and the benefits of bilingualism are just a few themes. Early childhood experiences are critical. They set the foundation for skills across the lifespan. Specialists find parents often lack fundamental knowledge or receive misinformation. There are also alarming trends of decreased science and math scores and increased numbers of obese and special needs children in the US. Kids A to Z provides parents with information and ideas to enable all children to thrive. The developmental range for the show is birth to five years. Parents, grandparents, and related professionals in childcare are all part of the target audience.   "Brains in Toyland" are what children are. In this segmen

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