Central Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia



Sermon messages from Central Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Virginia


  • Jingle Jam Devotional


    Check out our Facebook page for the full live video of Jingle Jam!

  • Tell it to the Distant


    We hear every year at this time about the busyness of the season. We try to remind ourselves to slow down and not miss anything - to make sure that the reason for the season is celebrated. We aren't the only ones who have needed such a reminder. Join us as we see how the distant take the time to make a journey to worship, but those close, well, they're busy with other plans. Recapture a little of the wonder of the season!

  • Tell it to the Dirty


    Have you ever sent out a birth announcement? God did. Most people tend to invite close friends and family. God sent the birth announcement of his son to some of the most unlikely of characters. Join us this Christmas Season as we are reminded all are welcome to behold the Christ Child. Good news has come; the Savior has been given for all people. Now, go tell it... everywhere.

  • A Song of Praise


    As you sat around the Thanksgiving table this week, I hope it was filled with laughter and love. I hope the phrase that we've all heard countless times rung true, we have so much to be thankful for. Come join us with family and friends as we discover just how true that phrase is. We will look at a thanksgiving song that leads us to reflect on the very nature and character of God. It is a powerful call to remember God's graciousness towards his people. God never forsakes or forgets us. You will be sure to leave with a thankful heart.

  • A Song of Restoration


    There are seasons of life. One season we all encounter is a season for restoration. If you have lost the joy in your relationship, if you carry the weight of a silent sin, or if you need help counseling someone else navigating some of life's stormy seas, then join us at Central this week. We will be celebrating our restoration by studying Psalm 51. Many in the early church referred to it as "The Psalm of Psalms." Let this song lift your soul this season.

  • A Song for Wisdom


    The Psalms have a way of encouraging people through every season of life. As we continue our theme for the year of being a transformational church, we will focus on three important Psalms. These songs teach a transformed people how to relate to God in the ups and downs of life. We've all been through seasons where we need wisdom, restoration, and hope - the greatest poetry ever written is sure to challenge and encourage you this season. So come, bring a friend, and enjoy these songs that will stir your soul.

  • Strengthened


    The gospel in the early church impacted the lives of people in unexpected ways everywhere it went. In this sermon, we see the gospel's unbelievable impact on the most unlikely of people.

  • Scattered


    Have you ever been taken out of your comfort zone? We've reached a turning point in our study of Acts. The church is moving from where she was established in Jerusalem and is now being scattered throughout all Judea and Samaria. The catalyst that pushed Christianity beyond Jerusalem's borders was persecution. What does it take to get us to step outside our comfort zone?

  • Persecuted


    The church in every generation has experienced persecution. That persecution has led to the martyrdom of millions of men, women, and children who were killed simply because they believed in Jesus. In fact, there were more Christians murdered in the 20th century than any other century in history and the 21st century may be even bloodier. This week we will look at the very first martyr in the church. Stephen's story is sure to encourage you.

  • Tested


    Think about the most difficult challenges you've ever had to face. Chances are those challenges came from within your own family. The church has already faced persecution from the world, but now a new challenge will emerge - a challenge from within. We will see how a healthy church responds to challenges.

  • Together


    Have you ever thought about what you are really devoted to? Maybe your spouse, your kids? Maybe an exercise routine, or a diet? Maybe your craft? I can't wait for Sunday, as we see what God designed the church to be devoted to. This message will help you cut through the fog of life to focus on that which is truly important.

  • Born


    Last week we started our Blueprints of a Healthy Church series by looking at Acts 1. This week we'll see some more marks of a healthy church. You may hear a couple of old preacher jokes to help illustrate the importance of living lives empowered by the Holy Spirit. You may laugh, you may cringe, but you'll surely be challenged.

  • Prepared


    God has given the church the most transformational, impactful mission on the planet. This message is sure to be thought provoking, encouraging, and challenging.

  • When God Seems Silent in a Loud World


    When storms like Hurricane Florence hit or even when we encounter the storms of life, people often have questions about the nature of God. We will open up to the book of Job and join many who have gone before us in asking the same questions. This is such an important message for the church as we encounter our own issues and counsel others who experience times when God seems silent in a loud world.

  • Happily Ever After


    We've watched this beautiful story of love and redemption as we've made our way through the book of Ruth. There was brokenness, heartache, hunger, and then joy, excitement, and satisfaction. This week as we wrap up our series on "What Happens When A Fairy Tale Comes True," the focus of the story takes another unexpected turn. At the end of any good fairy tale you anticipate the words "and they lived happily every after, the end," but when this fairy tale comes true the final words change a bit. This heart-warming story has quite the dramatic conclusion. It can be your story too.

  • The Slipper Fits


    We watched Boaz and Ruth whisper their love for one another on the threshing floor at midnight. The plot thickened and we discovered there was another prince who had the legal right to this damsel in distress. This week we'll watch as Boaz wins his bride. The shoe fits in this real life fairy tale and we'll consider the lessons of joy!

  • The Clock Struck Midnight


    Do you remember how you got engaged? Or do you have any dreams of what that day will be like? We left Ruth and Boaz hoping that love is in the air, but unsure of their future. As the clock strikes midnight, they will meet again and maybe wedding bells will be in their future after all.

  • Love is in the Air


    We've followed Ruth from Moab to Bethlehem. This week we will watch as she continues to glean in the fields of grace. We will ask the question - how does grace work? What Ruth receives from Boaz is just a fraction of what we receive from our God.

  • Boy Meets Girl


    We are to that part in the story where your heart races because Prince Charming is introduced. Do you have a favorite Disney prince or a song from one of those movies? Listen up and you may hear it crafted into the sermon. You'll be sure to smile as we discover together how the true love expressed in this story is greater than anything our fairy tales can offer.

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