Love Maine Radio With Dr. Lisa Belisle

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Love Maine Radio with Dr. Lisa Belisle is a weekly, hour-long program that connects listeners with stories that help them get the most out of living in Maine. Each show introduces the audience to a community of passionate Mainers who share their interesting, poignant, joyful, and inspiring perspectives on living.


  • Laughter #29


    Director, writer and comedian Tim Farrell of the Comedy Workshop, depth psychologist and spiritual counselor John McLaughlin, and Celine Kuhn & Heather Davis of the Telling Room's Glitterati event help us explore the wellness benefits of laughter on this April Fools Day show. We hope you'll join us for a healthy bit of fun.

  • East Meets West #28


    Master Nan Lu, founder of the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation and endovascular neurosurgeon, Dr. Robert Ecker, join us to discuss the ways in which ancient traditions and the most up-to-date technologies are co-existing in the health and wellness world.

  • Equinox #27


    Tosha Silver, author of Outrageous Openness and Jane Burdick, Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and meditation teacher, help us "ring in the spring," and offer ways to regain--and maintain--balance.

  • Fresh Ideas #26


    Maine is home to many forward-thinking individuals, who keep our state interesting in their pursuit of "fresh" ideas, in areas as diverse as adaptive skiing services, medicine and youth leadership. Where do these individuals get their ideas, and what impact have they had? Our guests include: Les Otten, one of Maine's most widely recognized entrepreneurs, founder of Maine Adaptive Sports and Recreation & currently of Maine Energy Systems. Dr. Craig Schneider, Director of Integrative Medicine at MMC and Linda Varrell & Frankee Chapa of Maine Youth Leadership.

  • Oceans and Islands #25


    We in Maine understand the power of the ocean, and appreciate the mystery of the myriad islands which dot our coast. We know our ocean and island as sources of beauty and solace; we know them as places to visit and work. Our proximity to this special landscape has a profound impact on our well-being. Our guests include: Peter Ralston of the Ralston Gallery, David Turin of David's Restaurant and David's 388, and Kelsy Hartley of Hartley Marine Services and MS Society Harborfest.

  • Creature Comfort #24


    We are all merely creatures of the two-footed sort, which may be why we so relate to our furry friends. Is there a connection between our health and well-being, and that of our beloved pets? Listen in and find out... Our guests include: Dr. Doug Andrews of Falmouth Vet Clinic, Kristen Smith of Planet Dog and John Locke, Therapy Dog Owner.

  • Gaining Ease #23


    From an aching back to an aching life. How do we combat the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' that bring discomfort to our bodies? Our guests include: Dr. Mike Totta of the Spine Center at Orthopedic Associates, Dr. Bob Lynch of Lynch Chiropractic Arts Center and Chris Bicknell Coordinator of the Teen Center and Lighthouse at Preble Street Resource Center.

  • Happy Heart #22


    A healthy heart and a good set of "vessels," not to mention a supply of life-giving blood, keep the body going. But is that all it takes? Turns out heart happiness is that, and more. This week's happy, "hearty" guests include: Dr. Mylan Cohen of Maine Medical Partners MaineHealth Cardiology, Dr. Chris Rogers of the Vein Center at Portland Surgical at Mercy and Jen Goldman of the American Red Cross.

  • Health / Wealth #21


    Our physical "good fortune" is often inextricably linked to our financial well-being - and both can impact our relationship with others. This week's "good fortune" guests include: Tom Shepard of Shepard Financial and Susan Conley, author of The Foremost Good Fortune.

  • Girl Power #20


    Wise women come from great girls! This week we explored how girls become great, with the help of a bevy of very wise women. Our guests include:  Robin Hodgskin of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and Margaret O'Keefe of Pierce Atwood; Joanne Arnold, Body, Mind & Sport Strength Trainer and Consultant  and Tara Treichel of Coastal Studies for Girls.

  • Green Streets #19


    Take to the streets with us this week as we speak of matters "green" with Maine's former governor, sustainable energy champion and recent itinerant RV traveler, Angus King, Michael Stoddard of Efficiency Maine and Doug Welch of the Maine Island Trail Association.

  • Body Beautiful #18


    What does it mean to have a beautiful body?  Mainstream media sources might have us believe that a beautiful body is one that is simultaneously voluptuous and meagre; buff, toned and taut. Ultimately, however, beautiful bodies are ones whose owner inhabit their own skin comfortably. This week's show includes interviews with: Dr. Ed Jaccoma, Medical Director of Akari Beauty Salon,  Deb Soule of Avena Botanicals and Anne Belden of Hardy Girls, Healthy Women.

  • Wisdom #17


    If wisdom is wealth, then your body is a vault of untold proportions. Join us for an extended interview with women's health pioneer, Dr. Christiane Northrup as we celebrate the publication of the new edition of her landmark bestseller.

  • Intentions #16


    Welcome to 2012! What are your intentions this year? We believe that creating intentions for our lives can have a significant impact on the way we approach our existence. It can also positively impact those around us. This week's show includes an interview with Dr. Lisa Belisle, discussing her unique current medical practice and vision for the future of medicine,  Leanne Ouimet and Courtney Ogden, who will discuss the charitable undertakings of Maine Magazine with a special "Intentions" audio montage created by our audio producer, John McCain.

  • Celebration #15


    Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, we know you will want to join us for a festive hour of wise words, music and love.  Consider this our gift to you on this blessed day. Guests include bestselling author and Maine State Warden Service chaplain Kate Braestrup, musical group Mister Moon and Kurt Holmgren of  The Root Cellar.

  • Joy #14


    Joy is more than just happiness for happiness' sake. It is about facing challenges and feeling gratitude. It is about reveling in the uncertainty that is living. It is also about laughing, and sharing the laughter of children.   This very special show will put a smile on your face and bring joy to your heart! Guests include Mike LePage of ReMax Heritage,  Katie West of the Levity Institute and Lucy Bangor of the Children's Museum and Theater of Maine.

  • Sacred Space #13


    We all have the potential for creating "sacred spaces" in our lives: whether these are the spaces in which we dwell, or spaces within our souls. Creating these spaces not only leads to bountiful living but also to better health! We also have the chance to help create sacred spaces for others who might not have the same opportunities we do.  Listen to our "Sacred Space" show this week and be inspired! Guests include Angie Arndt of the Chaplaincy Institute of Maine (ChIME), Cyrus Hagge, innovator and change-maker and Dave Holman of Safe Passage.

  • Weavings #12


    Our lives are not handed to us fully formed. Instead, we have the opportunity to weave them into existence: to merge our passions with the world's needs. This week's Dr. Lisa Radio Hour & Podcast guests have done just that. Listen in to show #12, "Weavings," and be inspired! Guests include: Jill McGowan, Clothing Designer, of Jill McGowan, Inc., Alex Rheault of the Quimby Colony and Maine College of Art (MECA) and Sarah Armentrout of Carlisle Riding Academy and EQuest.

  • Vision #11


    How is your vision? Sometimes in order to see things that are right in front of us, we have to observe them from different angles. We also have to be prepared to look forward and be open to possibilities, whether they are related to our health or our personal space.  And, if we are especially observant, we will notice those who may need our help along the way. Guests this week include: Dr. John Herzog Orthopedic Specialists, Will Winkelman of Winkelman Architecture, and Dr. Steven Goldstein of Casco Bay Eye Care.

  • Abundance #10


    What does it mean to feed ourselves--and others? How do we transform the abundance that is around us into sources of nourishment, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual? This week we discuss ways to nurture ourselves, and those around us, through food, photography, film and community connections. Guests this week include:  Nutrition and holistic wellness coach Kirsten Scarcelli,  Ben Fowlie of the Camden International Film Festival, Jonathan Laurence of The REEL project, and Dr. Rick Small from the Good Shepherd Food Bank.

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