Punky Tolson



Punky Leonard Tolson's deepest desire is to help others know God through a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, to love Gods Word, and daily live out His powerful Truth in their lives.Punky is the founder of Women at the Well, an interdenominational Bible Study in Dallas, Texas and online blog community (www.punkytolson.org). Women at the Wells mission is to lead women in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by investing in their lives through the sound biblical teaching, worship, and fellowship that results in the raising up of maturing, reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ who disciple others (2 Timothy 2:2).


  • Using The Four Priorities Planner

    31/12/2021 Duration: 16min

    How are you going to make the most of 2022? What’s your plan for living the most effective life that God has purposed for you? Go to the link in my bio to download The Four Priorities Planner, and then come back to watch or listen as I walk you through how to use it. It’s a very practical and doable tool that will set you up to live out Ephesians 5:14-17 and take aim at what matters most in 2022. Tune in!

  • Making the Most of 2022

    03/12/2021 Duration: 23min

    Let’s make the most of 2022! In today’s bonus episode, we’ll look at some really practical ways that we can plan and aim to live with more intentional purpose, especially when it comes to the ways of following Jesus and growing in our faith. All the resources mentioned today can be found at punkytolson.com/podcast. Tune in!

  • Brainwash Your Fear Away

    16/11/2021 Duration: 26min

    We live in the direction of our thoughts - positive or negative. In today’s episode, I’m sharing helpful, practical suggestions for how to use God's Word and prayer as tools in the battlefield of our minds so that you can overcome the negative, lying thoughts that the enemy intentionally hurls at you to keep you stuck. Tune in! Resources mentioned in today’s episode: 1. Go to PunkyTolson.com and subscribe to emails! When you do, you’ll receive a FREE gift on “How to Study Your Bible.” The sign-up is on the main page, but you may have to scroll down a little to see it. 2. Biblegateway.com or your Bible’s concordance: Look in the concordance (in the back of your Bible) to dig deeper in the scriptures with words that resonate with you. Maybe you’re struggling with fear, or doubt, or hope - whatever it is, identify that word and then look it up in the concordance and you’ll find more scriptures that also mention that word. That’s one way to dig into the scriptures to see what God has to say about it. You can also

  • Don’t Believe Everything You Think

    09/11/2021 Duration: 28min

    Fear is not a mind game. It’s an all-out battle and your mind is Satan's target. That's what he's after! Satan will try to captivate our minds and capture them with destructive, lying thoughts that produce paralyzing fears. These fears not only stay stuck, but they cause our minds to bend away slowly and surely from God and His truth. Satan wants his lies looming larger in our minds than God's truth, speaking louder to us than God's voice. So, how do we fight back? Tune in!

  • Dealing with Fear

    02/11/2021 Duration: 22min

    Fear has a voice. It’s that chattering that goes on in your head 24/7 that lies to you, confuses you, and fills you with doubt. We’ve got to learn to deal with it! Not just ignore it, or push it to the side, or wish it away­– no, we've got to acknowledge the fear and call it out. How? Tune in!

  • Don’t Fear Your Calling

    26/10/2021 Duration: 21min

    God has chosen each one of us to carry out his plan on this earth through our individual lives– right here, right now– precisely where he has put you in this generation. In this episode, I specifically address the kind of fear that keeps us spiritually stuck as it relates to doing what God has called you and me to do with our lives, for the fulfilling of his plan and for his glory on this earth. Tune in!

  • Fear Less

    19/10/2021 Duration: 16min

    Fear is a part of life. There are legit reasons to be afraid (like snakes!) and we shouldn’t be fearless to do things that are unwise and ungodly. But, as people empowered by Christ, we play it too safe. Let’s look at how we can take the risks God is calling us to take for him… even when we’re scared. Tune in!

  • Practical Hope

    12/10/2021 Duration: 31min

    How do you keep on hoping when your situation seems hopeless? When there's trouble all around you, when you feel like all hope is gone, when life seems like one big impossible situation… how do you continue to build your hope in the Lord? In this episode, I’ll show you how to “put on shoes and walk this out” as we build more hope into our lives and practically apply it to our circumstances. Tune in!

  • Hope That Knows So

    05/10/2021 Duration: 23min

    People search every day for hope. When we are hopeless, what we want is certainty. We want something that is going to sustain us. But at best, the world can only give us a hollow hope with no substance whatsoever. God never intended for you and me to live without hope! As believers we have hope in Jesus Christ. But I wonder… do we really understand what that means? In today’s episode you’ll take away greater hope and greater assurance in the certainty of the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

  • When God's Yes is a No

    28/09/2021 Duration: 27min

    What do you do when God answers your prayer with a “no”? Do you believe that God still cares about your situation? Do you still believe that he loves you? Or do you think that perhaps he just doesn't love you the way you thought? Well, that's absolutely not true at all, but we can easily kind of slide into thinking that way when we fail to trust God and to trust that his “no” to us is actually a “yes” in some ways. Tune in for encouragement with what to do when God says no.

  • Don’t Take the Hate Bait

    21/09/2021 Duration: 24min

    Today’s culture is full of hateful and hurtful words … just waiting for us to take the bait and fight back. In today’s episode I’ll give you Biblical, practical steps for practicing self-control, exercising wisdom and discernment, and speaking truth in love– not hate.

  • Keep Doing the Good Work

    14/09/2021 Duration: 26min

    Many of us are feeling tired and weary from being squeezed into a different way of life over the past 18 months. We're fatigued from the daily grind of work, everyday chores, raising kids and all the pain and suffering in the world. But, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are supposed to persevere in our faith, even when it's hard, and keep at the good work of loving God and loving others. Even when we don't have it in us, we're supposed to keep going and doing the work God has given us to do. Why do we do this? And, how? Tune in to find out!

  • Stand as a Woman of Conviction

    18/05/2021 Duration: 22min

    SHOW NOTES: To deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Jesus day after day requires a conviction that is soul deep. It takes conviction to follow Jesus and to stand firm in your faith. That’s what we've been talking about this whole podcast season. That's not just what a disciple does… that's *who* a disciple is– she is a woman of conviction who stands firm and her faith!  

  • Prepare Your Mind for Action

    13/05/2021 Duration: 20min

    SHOW NOTES:  We are distracted people living in a world full of distractions designed by the devil to disable Christians– to captivate our minds and pull us in a direction away from the Most Important Thing and get us fixated on something less important. If you and I want to stand firm in our faith, we've got to get our minds focused and free of distractions. Why? So that we can maintain that spiritual fervor and focus that God intended for us to live with. How? We've got to get our head in the game!

  • Stand Strong in The Truth of God’s Word

    04/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    SHOW NOTES: When we exercise, we work out our muscles so they’ll get strong and firm. In the same way, God is calling you and me to train up our spiritual muscle strength as we learn to stand firm in our faith. That training happens through becoming strong in the truth of God's word: Knowing it, believing it, and living it. That's what makes you (and me) strong in faith and therefore, firm in faith. Are you ready? Listen in!

  • Be Prepared and Stand Ready

    20/04/2021 Duration: 21min

    SHOW NOTES: God has given us the Holy Spirit in order that we can live the Christian life NOW in 2021. You were born to be alive in this time for a God-given purpose. It’s not a random accident that you are alive right now– you are part of God’s well thought out Kingdom plan. You and I are His appointed players with a particular and profound purpose to be lived. Are you ready? Listen in!

  • Pray with Authority as a Child of God

    13/04/2021 Duration: 19min

    SHOW NOTES: One of the most supernatural hallmarks of the Christian life is that you and I get to talk to our Lord and our God through prayer. He not only hears us– he also listens and responds to us, just like you would in a family relationship on this side of Heaven. And that's what God wants with us– a relationship. He wants this because you are his child, and you are his own. But most of us aren't thinking of it in those terms so we don’t even engage in this kind of conversation with God. And if we don’t, we are missing so much! Tune in and let’s dive in together to learn more about talking with God

  • Walk by Faith in the Power of the Holy Spirit

    06/04/2021 Duration: 25min

    SHOW NOTES:  What does it mean to “walk” or “live” by faith? Walking by faith is simply taking one step after another, one day after another, obeying God's word in our everyday lives– even when it's difficult, even when it contradicts the popular opinions and ideas of the world. Even if that it means being shut down or shut out or canceled, it means to trust God with your whole life, to surrender every aspect, all areas, every detail of your life to his loving and caring authority. Walking by faith means living your life with a heavenward mission in mind, at the forefront of your thoughts with eternity set in your heart. Want to know more? Tune in! LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: punkytolson.com/podcast Instagram: @punkytolson Facebook: facebook.com/lifeonlifepodcast

  • Call Sin for What It Is

    30/03/2021 Duration: 31min

    SHOW NOTES:  The anti-Christ world is moving, acting, and working to fulfill Satan’s mission to steal, kill, and destroy. So, when we believe what Satan wants us to believe, we end up looking at the things that God says are right and we call them wrong. Satan also lies to us and deceives us into looking at the things that God says are wrong and calling them right. Either way, if we fall for his trap, we begin to normalize sin. How do we recognize sin for what it is? Tune in and find out! LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: punkytolson.com/podcast Instagram: @punkytolson Facebook: facebook.com/lifeonlifepodcast

  • Stop Believing the Lies of the Enemy

    23/03/2021 Duration: 16min

    SHOW NOTES: There are only two ways to go in this world… the right way or the wrong way, the way of truth or the way of lies. You and I will never stand firm in our faith if we are intoxicated by the worldly ways around us – the same world that is corrupted by Satan’s lies. Friends, these lies that go against God and are not good for you. So how does a believer get caught up in lies? Tune in and find out! LOOKING FOR MORE? Website: punkytolson.com/podcast Instagram: @punkytolson Facebook: facebook.com/lifeonlifepodcast

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