Just Between Us Dr. Jackie Black



If youd like to stop the chaos and seriously build the happy relationships youve always wanted then you are in the right place. Join Dr. Jackie Black, an internationally recognized relationship expert, for real conversations about dating, mating and relating. You will hear the simple truths about your most personal and important relationships and while you are here listen up for tips and tools to build and maintain those relationships every day.


  • Just Between Us – Dating is More About YOU Than About Him: It still starts and Ends with You


    If it is true that 50% of marriages end in divorce then it is also true that at any given moment in time 50% of adults in North America are single and dating. I think sometimes it can be helpful for women to get the opinions and points of view of men when it coms […] The post Just Between Us – Dating is More About YOU Than About Him: It still starts and Ends with You appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Your #1 Job is to Love Your Kid -No Matter What


    There is a lot of discussion in contemporary society about being gay, gay marriage, being gay in the military, and so forth. But there is very little said or written about what’s it like to be the parent or close family member of someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. The reality for most […] The post Just Between Us – Your #1 Job is to Love Your Kid -No Matter What appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Where Have All the Good Men Gone


    I don’t know if you have noticed this, but there seems to be a lot of bad press against men these days. Men don’t do this or that; men do this or that and why can’t they do it differently, or not do it at all? It can not be that there is something wrong […] The post Just Between Us – Where Have All the Good Men Gone appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Stop Complaining and Start Spelling It Out For Your Man (And Yourself)


    Have you noticed how dissatisfied many men and women are with their partners and their marriages? And how much complaining they do about each other? It is always so curious to me that people don’t understand that if you are dissatisfied with events or people in your outside existential life it is because you are […] The post Just Between Us – Stop Complaining and Start Spelling It Out For Your Man (And Yourself) appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – How to Make Dating Less Like Russian Roulette and More Like You Have Insider Information


    Dating can be daunting, time-consuming and emotionally and financially expensive… OR it can be a rich, enjoyable experience. Like with everything in your life, you get to choose. “Life is what you make it!” And so is dating! There is great info out there and there are wonderful resources –some free; some not! In this […] The post Just Between Us – How to Make Dating Less Like Russian Roulette and More Like You Have Insider Information appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Must-Know Strategies to Being GREAT Parents During a Not-So-Great Divorce


    Divorce is a legitimate choice. We’re not going to ever debate that on Just Between Us! For many men and women in a wide variety of situations divorce is a legitimate and appropriate choice. And now hear this! Divorce is for adults! Divorce is NOT for children. And the people who are responsible for keeping […] The post Just Between Us – Must-Know Strategies to Being GREAT Parents During a Not-So-Great Divorce appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – What Every Woman Should Know About HER Own Sexual Energy and Sexual Psychology


    When you think about love and intimacy and sex … • What do you know about your own sexual energy? • What do you believe about sexual desire and sexually desiring another? • Who is responsible to turn you on? • How do you express yourself sexually and how comfortable are you? This episode of […] The post Just Between Us – What Every Woman Should Know About HER Own Sexual Energy and Sexual Psychology appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – The Key to Saying NO! to Other People’s Bad Behavior


    Most of the time men and women alike look outside themselves and are oh so busy making excuses for themselves believing that they are OK and blaming others for their relationship failures: If only he would …then I; If she stopped …then I; If he or she wouldn’t …then I. When the very thing that […] The post Just Between Us – The Key to Saying NO! to Other People’s Bad Behavior appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Is it time to Change But You Don’t Know Quite What to Change? The Secrets For Your Archeological Dig


    When you think about personal growth and becoming more and more of who you already are, what areas would you like support in? • Health? • Family and Friends? • Career? • Money? • Fun & Leisure? • Another area, perhaps? Imagine for a moment that your compass is pointing True North: • What are […] The post Just Between Us – Is it time to Change But You Don’t Know Quite What to Change? The Secrets For Your Archeological Dig appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – I Don’t Need a Matchmaker: I Can Do It myself


    I used to think that people who hired Matchmakers couldn’t get a date on their own. Boy was I mis-taken! The truth is that some of the most eligible single men and women hire matchmakers, just like hugely successful executives hire executive search firms when they want to leave one company and go to another. […] The post Just Between Us – I Don’t Need a Matchmaker: I Can Do It myself appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Want to Be Married? Then Have Marriage on Your Mind


    How motivated to marry are you? • Are you serious about meeting that special someone, marrying and having a family; or do you just pay lip-service to the whole idea because you think you should? • Do you meet lots of people to date but never seem to find the right person who wants what […] The post Just Between Us – Want to Be Married? Then Have Marriage on Your Mind appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Why Can’t Relationships Just Be Easy?


    I hear men and women complaining all the time about how hard or how complicated love and family relationships are. Women and men seemed confused about what the other is saying; or why they are reacting or responding they way they do; and what the heck they are doing in general. It doesn’t seem to […] The post Just Between Us – Why Can’t Relationships Just Be Easy? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – What Do Women Want Men To have More Of and Men Wish Women Had Less Of?


    One of the myths in our culture is that women are more feeling than men. That’s ridiculous, of course; and that’s what makes it a myth! What is closer to the truth is that men have been socialized to lead with their left brains; and that means to focus on that which is more concrete […] The post Just Between Us – What Do Women Want Men To have More Of and Men Wish Women Had Less Of? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Can You Really Find or Be THE Perfect Mate?


    If it was possible to have information about yourself and your partner or a potential partner that could help you be highly compatible, would that be of any interest to you? Everyone is looking for the magic bullet so we can find the love of our life and live happily ever after; or change “Mr. […] The post Just Between Us – Can You Really Find or Be THE Perfect Mate? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Get Ready for Better Marriages: Must-have Resources for Vibrant, Lifelong Relationships


    When was the last time you received solid, reliable information about creating a happy marriage? If you haven’t already learned skills, tools and strategies that are supporting you to be in a healthy marriage with your spouse, how do you know how you want to be treated by your spouse? Or how do you know […] The post Just Between Us – Get Ready for Better Marriages: Must-have Resources for Vibrant, Lifelong Relationships appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – STOP Avoiding Those Tough Conversations: Step-up and Say What You Mean


    We all get it. We understand that we should “say what we mean and mean what we say” and “do what we say and say what we do.” BUT, what if we don’t know quite what to say? Or, what if we are afraid to say something that isn’t nice or that might be hurtful? […] The post Just Between Us – STOP Avoiding Those Tough Conversations: Step-up and Say What You Mean appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Being Successful in Love Has Everything to Do With Being Smart


    When was the last time you received really solid information about dating, love and marriage? How much have you depended on the (old) beliefs and (outdated) ideas about love and marriage that came from your parents and grandparents? If you are like the vast majority of people in North America the answers are probably (1) […] The post Just Between Us – Being Successful in Love Has Everything to Do With Being Smart appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Reignite The Spark After Baby is Born: Redefining Romance


    Do you believe that you get pregnant, have a baby and return to life as it was before you brought baby home? Many couples have a hard time keeping the romance alive in their marriage during pregnancy and nothing changes very much after the baby comes home. And if it does change, it usually deteriorates […] The post Just Between Us – Reignite The Spark After Baby is Born: Redefining Romance appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – What You Don’t Know and Need to Know About Your Totally Amazing Brain and Recovering From Mild Traumatic Brain Injury


    Your body is totally amazing and, believe it or not, so is your brain! You have tremendous healing abilities inside your body and your brain, and you can heal from and recover from some of the most horrendous injuries and illnesses – including Mild Traumatic Bain Injuries! . More people than you might imagine have […] The post Just Between Us – What You Don’t Know and Need to Know About Your Totally Amazing Brain and Recovering From Mild Traumatic Brain Injury appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – There IS An Alternative to Medicating Kids With Learning, Behavior and Mood Challenges That Works!


    Would you be shocked to hear that in the US today we have – and these numbers are v-e-r-y conservative — 6 million children who are taking prescription medications for ADHD? And here is a super shocker: In the US today we have a total number of 9 million children who have been diagnosed with […] The post Just Between Us – There IS An Alternative to Medicating Kids With Learning, Behavior and Mood Challenges That Works! appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

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