Resistance Rising

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 389:23:00
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The Truth will set you FREE.


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  • Cirucci Team Brief 10 NOV 2017: Jesuits Behind #SutherlandSprings #FalseFlag?

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  • Cirucci Team Brief, 08 NOV 17: Christians Betrayed & Sacrificed on #GuyFawkesDay

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    This is the audio from this stream. SUPPORT JOHNNY!

  • Resistance Rising 184: Kissing the Ring on the Hidden Hand

    14/11/2018 Duration: 01h09min


  • Resistance Rising 183: Paul McCartney, Sandy Hook, and the Moon with Jim Fetzer

    27/08/2018 Duration: 01h58min


  • Resistance Rising 182: There’s No Such Thing As A “Classic”, Just Romans

    23/08/2018 Duration: 03h02min

    FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * What happened to The Wachowskis? * Ben Swann on “#PizzaGate” * Priest (some label “Jesuit”) attacks baby at Catholic baptism. * From Charles Baudelaire to Clive Staples Lewis: there’s no such thing as a “classic”, just Romans in disguise with a modicum of talent. * What do Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicholas and Star Trek’s George Takei have in common? (there may be more than one answer) * Does actor and Twitter-mover James Woods know he is distracting the Right? * “Protestant” Chuck Missler on the ROMAN CATHOLIC relic of the “Shroud of Turin”. * Chuck Missler’s “Easter Surprise” * Isabel Piczek: devout Roman Catholic DAME of St. Gregory * Jesuits brag on how Catholic Salvador Dalí was. * A funny thing happened on the way to Bart Sibrel’s notoriety. * What got Billy Corgan repeat appearances on Alex Jones? * Recap of Rome’s deadly, perverse control over Seattle. * Sandra Bullock’s “penis facial”’s even worse

  • Resistance Rising 181: Lawless Criminals In Plain Sight

    07/08/2018 Duration: 02h18min

    FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE!‎ * Star Trek / Star Wars: the Jews, Jesuits and sexual deviants behind our “outer-space reality”. * Pope Francis asks his “friends” to adore Saint Junipero Serra in the “Capitol”. * WE GOT ANOTHER ONE: Jeanette Epps—black, female and Jesuit-trained CIA analyst who almost became an astro-not. * Epps is yet another NASA twin!  And her sister is ALSO Jesuit-trained. * Astro-nots give Francis his space-cape. * Who is...or, rather, WAS, Roberto Calvi? * Slain ex-KGB Spy Accused Putin of Pedophilia 4 Months Before Poisoning * Murdered Spy Claimed Putin Was Caught on Film Having Sex With Boys * Why is “waterboarding” so well-known as a torture technique? * Are modern wars just extensions of the Crusades? * Edmond Safra: dead Lebanese Jewish Brazilian bankers tell no tails. * How to tell a false flag: they never do any harm to the supposed target! * How the Roman Pedocracy gets you to stick your neck out in case they ever want t

  • Resistance Rising 180: A Jesuit, An Atheist and an Astronomer Walk Into a Bar...

    27/07/2018 Duration: 02h39min

    FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * Why are all the Pedocracy “whistleblowers” ignoring Johnny? * Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer; dead or disappeared? * Butcher Harris Loosed the Flames of the Inquisition Upon Luther’s Homeland * From Butcher Harris to Eisenhower’s Death Camp. * The D.C. Snipers Were Vatican Assassins * Parkland had a cop at the school who didn’t intervene in the “shooting” and then mis-directed fellow first-responders! * Is “Conservative” internet news controlled?  —ask World Net Daily’s Joseph Francis Farah. * Is it a coincidence that Jesuit General Peter Hans Kolvenbach was based in Farah’s home of Lebanon just as the “War on Terror” began? * How many times has the FBI “lost track” of a situation that caused harm to American citizens? * Daryl Issa to Eric Holder: “You OWN ‘Fast and Furious’!”  Yup.  He’s “owning it” alright; all the way to his candidacy for President. * From John Allen Muhammad to Robert Philip Hanssen; Rome spins them up

  • Resistance Rising 179: Baby-Killing Deviants Are Your Secret Roman Masters

    21/07/2018 Duration: 02h31min

    FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * From Costco and Starbucks in Seattle through racial outrage in Philadelphia to Rome. * Yellow Journalism: why “mainstream” news boldly enflames racial hatred and tension. * Do the Jesuits revere Ellen G. White? * Former Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera on Adventism and the Sabbath. * How successful has the Jesuit assault on the Bible been?  —Judge by what “Christians” believe. * How many of America’s mayors are far-Left, homosexual and Catholic? * Mocked even further by Pope Francis’ “World Meeting of Families” occurring in Dublin! * Éamon de Valera: Ireland’s mystery insurgent Prime Minister at a critical time with England. * “NOT BORN HERE”—How Rome uses insurgents with no attachment to the citizens they betray. * Seventh Day Adventism: FRIEND, FOE OR BLUE PILL SLAVES? * Can We Finally Call Hillary A Roman? * Who owns Utah, Mormons or Jesuits?  Jesuits Have Had a Strong Presence in Northern Utah * From big business to so

  • Resistance Rising 178: From False Flags to TV “Programming”, You Are A Slave!

    14/07/2018 Duration: 02h42min

    FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * North Korea: puppets of China, puppets of ROME * Kim Jong Il’s Russian Roots * The Dear Leader’s Secret Stay in Malta * From “Anglicans” to “Baptists”; there are no true Protestants left. * The truth behind King James ONLY fanaticism. * Who was John Wesley? * In every cell of three terrorists, two get a paycheck from the FBI. * MORE FALSE FLAG TALL TALES: Las Vegas Shooter’s Home Broken Into Despite Intense FBI, Police Interest * TURNS OUT STEPHEN PADDOCK WAS A CONSPIRACY THEORIST! (just like YOU) * “Las Vegas Shooter’s Brother Facing Child Charges”  Is the squeeze being put on this crisis actor or are they just trying to say, “Paddock (and his brother) are both ‘conspiracy theorists’ and child predators—JUST LIKE YOU!”  Which is hilarious because that’s what THEY are. * Son of an FBI agent, Parkland shooting “witness” David Hogg can’t get his story straight. * From Trayvon Martin to David Hogg; each news media picture

  • Resistance Rising 177: The Message Behind The Message in Transformers

    09/07/2018 Duration: 02h47min

    FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * Transformers: Romans Saving The Matrix * Rome-flix backfire? Did the Netflix documentary “The Keepers” connect John Podesta to Cathy Cesnik’s brutal rape and death? * John Podesta (AKA Skippy) Link to Sister Cathy Cesnik’s Murder? (Updated) * “SKIPPY” ADMITTED TO BE PODESTA’S EVIL ALTER EGO * What is the “greatest trick the devil ever pulled”?  —It’s not what you think. * What questions is the “flat Earth” community not addressing (wanna guess why?)? * JOHNNY DISCLOSES A FLAT EARTH EXCLUSIVE! * Are the Jesuits interested in Asia?  China?  Japan?  —You have no idea how much they are! * The price of Johnny telling the truth (a price he’s willing to pay). * Chris Rock: from nobody to anti-Christian asshole—which is why the Catholic ___s at Romeflix blow him up. * Johnny on race: some common sense advice. * JEW OR JESUIT: THE RELATIONSHIP EXPLAINED * STAR WARS: The Last Testicle. * The convoluted inversion of reality for Transformers: The Last Knight.  Johnny will sort

  • Resistance Rising 176: You Live In A Roman Gala of Perversion, Lies and Slavery

    30/06/2018 Duration: 02h23min

    FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * Steven Paddock the “bump-stock killer” was one of YOU: he supposedly raved about chemtrails and FEMA camps just before his “murderous spree” in Vegas * The great YouTube crack-down on Truth; but who was allowed to stay up and why? * Good luck finding anything on the Catholic Intelligence Agency’s first torture harpy Director, Gina Haspel. * John McCain: a lifetime of fraud and corruption—which is why his closest friend is Leftist Democrat and deviant Roman Catholic, Joe Biden. * Eric Holder for President!  How the Right gets played and repeatedly accepts nothing of substance. * “Art of the Deal!” Trump says “Merry Christmas”, caves on absolutely everything else he promised! * SURPRISE! The ceaseless Kardashian pop culture propaganda comes from Rome. * The OJ circus trial. * Orthodoxy: the infiltrated and owned second leg of Rome.  Exempli gratia: “Brother Nathanael”. * Proof that Rome controls America and the world by ma

  • Resistance Rising 175: Cui Bono? Who Benefits From False Flags?

    22/06/2018 Duration: 02h13min

    FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * Puerto Rican National Guard C-130 takes a “mysterious” nose-dive into a George highway. * The National Guard does NOT serve the interests of the States and their citizens (that’s why they spend so much time on crazy deployments from Libya to Lithuania). * War is business and business is good; especially human trafficking and sex slavery. * Names mean things: why does the military, NASA, the government always name things after Greek or Roman mythology? * The names of the C-130 crew that supposedly die seem suspicious; perhaps are phony names meant to convey secret meaning. * Bible teacher Chuck Missler: Jesuit coadjutor. * What REAL “journalists” report on: racism in “black fashion”! * Did people really get Saved at Billy Graham “Crusades”? * Robert Schuller and his Satanic “Crystal Cathedral”: owned by Rome covertly then, overtly today! * Do Jews in “journalism” and Hollywood know what they’re doing (groveling before the

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