Cobblestone Church - Paris



Weekly teaching from Cobblestone Church in Paris, Ontario.


  • Rekindle Your Christmas Spirit - Peace

    17/12/2017 Duration: 30min

    If you could wish for one thing what would it be? Let me guess, world "Peace"? There is something sentimental about wishing for something like world peace, but the reality is simply quelling all the conflict in the world wouldn't be enough. Abscence of strife is not enough to give us a full life. The Bible understands peace a little differently, absolute blessing and prosperity, to be reconciled to the Giver and Sustainer of Life. Jesus comes as the Prince of Peace, the representation of God's peace, the one who would establish it through his life, death, and resurection, a peace that brings all of God's blessing to the world.

  • Rekindle Your Christmas Spirit - LOVE

    10/12/2017 Duration: 35min

    Christmas is a "Trigger" season for many people as they are reminded of the relationships, the "love", that they don't have. Which makes the Christmas Season a difficult one for many people. The relaity is that the Spirit of Christmas is not dependent on our love for one another but on God's love for us. A love that compels Him to pursue us, a love that invites us into His Family, and a love that is secure. 

  • Rekindle Your Christmas Spirit - JOY

    03/12/2017 Duration: 25min

    When joy is based on the internal or external realities around you, the changing things of your life, joy becomes something impossible to hold onto. However if your joy was based on something solid and unchanging regardless of the forces around you than your joy will last. The Spirit of Christmas gives us a joy that is unchanging and secure, a joy based on the foundation of God's grace.

  • Mark 13 - The Compassionate King

    26/11/2017 Duration: 32min

    What if God showed up this week? What if in some miraculous, unmistakable way God broke into your world and did something amazing? Would that be enough to change things? Would you put your faith in Him? If he showed you his measureless compassion would it cause you to believe?

  • Mark 12 - Sent Ones

    19/11/2017 Duration: 43min

    Mark 6 gives us a clear Theological framework for the calling, sending, and equipping nature of God. An unassuming text that really is a hidden gem, the ministry of Jesus becomes a movement as he calls his 12 Apostles, sends them out on a Gospel Mission of Word and Deed, and equips them for it. God calls us, sends us out, and equips us for the Gospel Mission because He desires that none should perish! 

  • Dr. Dave Barker: Wrong Place Wrong time Wrong Choice - Psalm 51

    12/11/2017 Duration: 47min

    Dr Dave Barker, Professor of Pastoral Studies at Heritage Seminary in Cambridge Ontario, will be joining us for the next 4 weeks and leading us through the Psalms.

  • Dr. Dave Barker: Hidden But Hopeful - Psalm 13

    05/11/2017 Duration: 38min

    Dr Dave Barker, Professor of Pastoral Studies at Heritage Seminary in Cambridge Ontario, will be joining us for the next 4 weeks and leading us through the Psalms.

  • Dr. Dave Barker: Struggling With the Struggle - Psalm 73

    29/10/2017 Duration: 45min

    Dr Dave Barker, Professor of Pastoral Studies at Heritage Seminary in Cambridge Ontario, will be joining us for the next 4 weeks and leading us through the Psalms.

  • Dr. Dave Barker: Nothing to Fear in God Being Near - Psalm 139

    22/10/2017 Duration: 34min

    Dr Dave Barker, Professor of Pastoral Studies at Heritage Seminary in Cambridge Ontario, will be joining us for the next 4 weeks and leading us through the Psalms.

  • Mark 11 - Prejudice

    08/10/2017 Duration: 30min

    Prejudice often results in misfortune. In reality when we act on prejudice we miss out on all that the object of our prejudice might have to offer. The same is true when it comes to an experience and understanding of God, our prejudice often holds us back from experiencing all that God has to offer, or even worse it holds us back from trusting in him at all. What is your prejudice holding you back from today?

  • Mark 10 - Fear or Faith

    01/10/2017 Duration: 26min

    Mark groups a number of stories together to show us the greatness of Jesus, he displays for us the power and absolute authority of Jesus over the natural, spiritual, and physical world all for one purpose that we would not fear, only believe.

  • Mark 9 - The Secret Kingdom

    24/09/2017 Duration: 35min

    When Jesus began using parables to teach about God's kingdom most people were left confused, in fact Jesus was making it more difficult to learn and understand the truth of God's kingdom. There was a certain secrecy around the whole thing, such that it would leave you wondering if God really cared and really wanted us to know Him and the truths of his kingdom. But Mark makes it clear that the answers are available to anyone who would humble themselves enough to seek the answers to their questions. If we are willing to press into the things we don't understand we will find the answers and the secrets of God's kingdom will be given to us. God's desire is that you would know Him and that you would be a part of his kingdom.

  • Mark 8 - Fake News

    17/09/2017 Duration: 30min

    Fake News is pretty rampant these days, its hard to know what one should believe. I remember a time when you would only believe something if you saw it but even that can be suspect these days. One of the most important pieces of news is the Good News abotu Jesus, unfortunately many people dont know how to respond or what to believe about Jesus. The truth is God wants us to know who he is and he sent Jesus to make himself known, do you know Him?

  • We Are Servants

    10/09/2017 Duration: 32min

    Though our culture encourages us to look out for number 1, as followers of Jesus we are made to be Servants. Jesus was the greatest example of what it means to be a servant and as he has served us his desire is for us to serve others. The best part is, when we serve others we are in fact serving Jesus. He is our King and we are his servants, serving him by serving others.

  • Mark 7 - Sent

    26/06/2017 Duration: 43min

    Mark lays out what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus, he calls us into a relationship with him, to be WITH him, but he also SENDS us out to preach the good news of God's kingdom - the Gospel - in both word and deed. Hs Jesus called you to be His disciple? If so how are you being WITH him and how/where/to whom is he SENDING you?

  • Mark 6 - Sabbath

    18/06/2017 Duration: 38min

    How well have you rested this week? Ironically that is a very good sign of how well you have trusted in God this week. The Sabbath was a day set apart, uncommon from all the others, to rest. God created for us an opportunity to rest, a gift really, that He then commanded us to enjoy. The question is are we actually resting? Do we fully trust in the finished work of Jesus that we can in fact rest? Mark 2:23-3:6

  • Mark 5 - Freedom

    11/06/2017 Duration: 39min

    The Gospel is the good news that Jesus has accomplished something new, he truly sets us free to live the life that God intends in the community of God's Kingdom! It was never meant to be added on to your life or to mesh with the systems and structures you have grown accustomed to, it was meant to set you free! The good news is that you can be set free daily from the shackles of your own religion. - Mark 2:18-22

  • Mark 4 - Jesus Restores

    04/06/2017 Duration: 35min

    Mark 1:40-2:17: Each of us has been designed to be in a community, community with God and with each other. But so often we are restricted from that community because of our sin and/or shame, we feel like we can not experience those things. The good news of the kingdom is that Jesus came like a physician to heal the sick, to restore us to community with each other and communion with God. What holds you back from experiencing the fullness of community today?

  • Called To Be Commissioned - Nathan Fullerton

    28/05/2017 Duration: 42min

    Nathan is currently working with Morningstar Christian Fellowship in Scarbourough to see their vision of new churches being planted across the city. In this message from Isaiah 6 he encourages us to accept our commissioning, that is the mission God has for us, based on the gravity of God's holiness and to be motivated by the sheer magnitude of his grace.

  • Mark 3 - Expert Advice

    14/05/2017 Duration: 33min

    Mark established Jesus and his Authority on all things Kingdom. Who better to hear from then the one who has the most intimate knowledge of the subject and who knows the kingdom better than the King? So when it comes to life who do you listen to?

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